Lucy Marin

Toronto, Canada

Lucy Marin developed a love for reading at a young age and whiled away many hours imagining how stories might continue or what would happen if there was a change in the circumstances faced by the protagonists. After reading her first Austen novel, a life-long ardent admiration was borne. Lucy was introduced to the world of Austen variations after stumbling across one at a used bookstore while on holiday in London. This led to the discovery of the online world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction, and soon after, she picked up her pen and began to transfer the stories in her head to paper. Her first novel, Being Mrs Darcy, was published in March 2020. It was quickly followed by many other novels and novellas, including most recently the modern A Pinch of Salt and Regency era His Family Objects in the first half of 2024. Her latest book, The Art of Apology, was published in November 2024. There is more in store for 2025!

Most commented posts

  1. His Family Objects: Cover Reveal & Excerpt — 156 comments
  2. The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy Cover Reveal! — 154 comments
  3. The Marriage Bargain Cover Reveal and Excerpt — 137 comments
  4. The Truth About Family Cover Reveal & Bonus Scenes — 115 comments
  5. Her Sisterly Love–Cover Reveal, Excerpt, & Giveaway! — 112 comments

Author's posts

Mrs Bennet Makes a Match: Novella Announcement

It feels like I was just recently telling you about a new release, and yet, here I am again! Today, I am happy to announce that Mrs Bennet Makes a Match will be released on Monday, 2 October. (You may have seen a date later in the month on Amazon; the release has been moved up …

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A Matter of Prudence Release Day!

If you missed my previous posts about A Matter of Prudence, you can find them here and here. At last, release day for A Matter of Prudence has arrived! I don’t know why, but it seems like it has been a long time coming. Maybe it’s because I’ve wanted to write about the Bingleys’ scheming together …

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Travel adventures

Hello! I have a non-story sort of post to share with you on this fine summer day. I am very privileged to be able to travel, and I recently returned from an overseas trip with my spouse and daughter. The main part of our holiday was in Norway, which exceeded our expectations. All three of …

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A Matter of Prudence Cover Reveal & Excerpt

Happy Tuesday! Last month, I told you about, A Matter of Prudence, my soon-to-be released new novel. It has its official launch on 7 August (not quite six weeks away!), and features something new for me—an Elizabeth and Darcy who are attracted to each other right from the beginning. There might be one or two …

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A Matter of Prudence: new book announcement!

Hello everyone! I’m pleased to announce that I have a new book coming out soon in just about ten weeks. Woohoo! It is titled A Matter of Prudence, and it is a Pride and Prejudice variation. Let’s start with the blurb. ∞∞∞ He could hardly stop thinking of Elizabeth, and no longer tried to convince …

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Book birthdays

Hello everyone! In April, I celebrate two book birthdays: The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy (2021) and The Marriage Bargain (2022). Coincidentally, these are the books in which I altered Darcy’s circumstances the most. I find it an interesting exercise to alter the family dynamics of either Elizabeth or Darcy (or, why not, both!) and see …

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How Elizabeth Survived the Playoffs Part 2

(This story is also known as: How Elizabeth Discovered JAFF) Hello everyone! I’m back with the second part of my story about how Elizabeth found JAFF—and survived the hockey playoffs. You can find the first part here. When I originally wrote this story, it was for a specific storyboard; I’ve modified it to be more …

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Plot Fluffles & Part 1 of How Elizabeth Survived the Playoffs

Hello everyone! I thought I’d do something a little different today and talk about plot bunnies. I won’t be giving away any hints about what I’m working on now—but rest assured, I have several things in the work—but rather share some of the fun I have with plot bunnies. So far, my problem isn’t an …

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When They Were Young: The Truth About Family Deleted Scenes

Happy Friday, everyone! In honour of this month’s theme, ‘When They Were Young’, I am sharing some deleted scenes from my latest novel, The Truth About Family. It can be very difficult deciding what to leave in or discard when editing, but ultimately, I focused the story on Elizabeth, Darcy, and their friends and relations …

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Interview with Jack Caldwell

Hello everyone! I’m here today with the second in our author interview series, the first being when Christina and I sat down for a chat via Google Docs (it worked for us!). More recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down via Zoom with Jack Caldwell.   Jack published his twelfth book Brother of the …

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