Release Day and Giveaway: Entwined Magic!!

The Cover of Entwined Magic shows Mr. Darcy swinging Elizabeth over the threshold at Pemberley with threads of magic in the background

The very last book of Mr. Darcy’s Magic is out!! And to celebrate, I’m having a giveaway! The bewitching, much-anticipated conclusion of the award-winning Pride and Prejudice variation!! Elizabeth and Darcy dream of a peaceful life together in idyllic Pemberley, but when rumors start circulating that Napoleon intends to invade the Kingdom by sea, they …

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The Measure of Honor Launch and Giveaway

The last of The Triplets is going live by tomorrow! If you preordered The Measure of Honor, start watching your device, because it’s landing soon! This series has been so much fun for me. That should tell you something about me… Torturing Darcy appears to be my idea of “fun”. You should feel sorry for …

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Entwined Magic is coming! A Sneak Peek from Book 4 of Mr. Darcy’s Magic

As you will have guessed from the title, Book 4 of Mr. Darcy’s Magic is ready to go. Just a few more days and it will be in your hands, gentle readers, and I can’t wait to hear your reactions! In my humble opinion 😉 this is the best book in the series, even better …

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The Spinster is now available! Join me for an excerpt and a giveaway!

The Spinster, Book 2 of the Rags to Richmonds regency romance series is available today! You don’t absolutely have to have read book 1 to enjoy book 2 but it does help! In any case leave a comment for me and you could win books 1 AND 2 and of course the entire series will …

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P&P:TUS Darcy Talks to Mr. Bennet

Darcy Talks to Mr. Bennet October 7, 1812 Darcy paced the Netherfield library. The fool room was far too short and the threadbare carpet muffled what should have been a satisfying thud from his boots. He had faced many intimidating men in his life. Men more educated them himself; men wealthier; men more powerful. None …

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Date correction

You just received an email announcing the release of The Measure of Honor “tomorrow”. Ah…. My mistake. I’m not sure how that date moved on me. Happy thumbs, perhaps, or a bit too much astigmatism as I squinted at the scheduling calendar. That post was supposed to go live NEXT Sunday, October 13, because  The …

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P&P The Untold Stories: Mr. Bennet Hears from Mr. Collins

What entertaining absurdities does Mr. Collins’s letter contain? October 4, 1812 Mr. Bennet reposed in his library after breakfast, his feet propped up on a stool and a highly enjoyable book before his nose. With the most troublesome of his daughters permanently gone from the house and the most angelic one advantageously engaged, he had …

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P&P The Untold Stories: Lady Catherine Leaves Longbourn in a Dudgeon by Diana Birchall

Lady Catherine’s solution to the Elizabeth problem: To tell Darcy that the girl is determined to marry him. October 2, 1812 Lady Catherine de Bourgh sat very straight in her seat in the chaise. Her always formidable mouth was compressed into an angry, thin line, and there were patchy spots of red on her cheeks. …

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P&P The Untold Stories: Lady Catherine Calls on Darcy

Will Lady Catherine get satisfaction from her nephew? October 3, 1812 Darcy was not accustomed to having to make excuses. He had manufactured enough business to keep him in London for over a sen’night, but now he had to make a decision: either return to Netherfield as he had told Bingley he would, or come …

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P&P The Untold Stories: Mr Collins Gossips with Lady Catherine

Mr Collins shares gossip from Meryton with Lady Catherine October 2, 1812 Lady Catherine de Bourgh regarded her parson, feeling fatigued. On the one hand, he was appropriately compliant and deferential; he knew his place and treated her with the admiration she deserved. But on the other hand, he was a bore. How he droned …

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