A Longbourn Entanglement: Now available for pre-order!

Cover of Longbourn Entanglement, A Pride and Prejudice variationFinally it’s here: my short and sweet Pride and Prejudice comic variation!!!

I’ve been wanting to release this novella for some time now. I started writing it before I began Dangerous Magic, but then I got side-tracked with the magic and put this one on the backburner.  I’ve been working on it in-between writing Book 2 of Mr. Darcy’s Magic. I originally thought it would be very short, but it ended it up being 150 pages. Still, it’s just the right length for a fast 2-3 hour read.

Despite the rollicking pace of the novella itself,  it was written very slowly, over a long period of time. In a way, it was a sort of therapy for me in these troubled times — a calm retreat where I could go when the world became too demanding. It’s been through several draft versions, and there was something reassuring about that snail-like process of writing and rewriting.  A short novella is more difficult to write than a longer novel, I discovered. You have to cut out a lot to keep it compact.  But I found the process satisfying. There were times when I was chuckling  while I was typing, which has to be a a good sign.  At any rate, the book made me smile.

So how would I describe A Longbourn Entanglement? It’s a bit absurd. Throw in quirky and sweet romance, and there you have it: an Austenesque romantic comedy. I should warn you, there will be moments when you are going to laugh out loud, so make sure not to read it in a work setting, a library or a place where people will look at you strangely.  It also has some angsty scenes, I won’t deny it, but overall it’s pretty light.

Well, it’s all done now, and the good news is: it’s available for you to pre-order on Amazon. I really can’t wait to hear your reactions!

So without much ado, I present you with my latest: A LONGBOURN ENTANGLEMENT.

Elizabeth Bennet has a secret. If Fitzwilliam Darcy discovers it, will it spell the end of their fledgling romance?

When Mrs. Bennet falls ill after the Netherfield Ball, Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley postpone their trip to London to offer their assistance.

But things are never what they seem. Before long, Darcy is entangled in a chaotic situation at Longbourn, and Elizabeth is faced with a thorny dilemma that could drive Darcy away from her forever.

Will Elizabeth and Darcy muddle their way through the mayhem, or is everything just too tangled for them to discover their feelings?

If you are looking for a warm, sweet and short Jane Austen variation, this romantic comedy is just what you need. 


Here is a short excerpt from Chapter 3

Darcy did not like Mrs. Bennet, and he had the feeling it was mutual. Nevertheless, he could not forget that Mrs. Bennet was Elizabeth’s mother. Having himself lost a mother at a tender age, he knew the pain and sorrow that accompanied such a situation. He did not hold out much hope that Mrs. Bennet would recover. Apoplexy was almost always fatal, and if it was not, the consequences were severe. Some victims lost their physical functions, others their speech. He had even heard of family members who were placed in asylums because their relatives believed they had gone mad.

It was difficult to imagine Mrs. Bennet stripped of her ability to speak, considering how loud her voice usually was. The possibility that her speech might be affected saddened him, somehow, even if he had disliked her shrill way of talking.

The housekeeper had asked them to sit down, but Darcy was too worried to do anything but pace up and down the small parlor. As soon as Elizabeth and Miss Bennet entered the room, he hastened over to them. Once he reached them, however, he realized he did not know quite what to do.

Seeking refuge in civility, he took up Elizabeth’s hand and bowed. Then, because she looked at him with such confusion, he was overcome with a wave of tenderness. His heart ached for her. Unable to hold back, he covered her hand with his and pressed her fingers gently, hoping to reassure her.

“We came as soon as we were able,” he said. “I hope the apothecary has good news.”

She winced and looked distressed. He longed to take her into his arms and hold her close.

“Mama is doing well, sir. The apothecary is inclined to think she will recover soon.”

No doubt the apothecary had tried to spare her the worst.

“Yes,” he said. “Yes. We must always hope for the best.”

Elizabeth turned her face away, avoiding his gaze, hiding her tears. She was always so strong, perhaps she considered them a sign of weakness.

Where was his presence of mind? The least he could do was offer her his handkerchief. He noticed with mortification that he was still holding her hand. He pressed it once again, let go, and reached for his pocket.

“Miss Elizabeth.”

She stared at the handkerchief in bewilderment.

“No, no, sir. I do not need it.” She stepped away from it as if he had just offered her poison.

He put the offending article away, feeling snubbed.

“I understand that these are very difficult circumstances. We are here to offer our—support.”

He flushed at how close he had come to saying the wrong thing. He had been thinking of ‘condolences’.

Elizabeth took a deep breath. “You are mistaken, sir—”

To his surprise, her sister Jane interrupted her. “Thank you, Mr. Darcy. And Mr. Bingley. How kind of you to come to our assistance.”

Her voice was firm – firmer than he had ever heard it. There was a warning there, too.

He looked from one to the other, trying to work out what was happening. Then it occurred to him that Elizabeth was reluctant to accept his help. After all, he was a single young gentleman, and it was only too easy for such assistance to be misconstrued.

Very probably, Elizabeth meant to send him and Mr. Bingley on their way. She thought they were intruding. It was completely understandable, of course. She was distressed, and she needed time to sort herself out.

Nevertheless, it hurt.


I hope you enjoyed reading Mr. Darcy’s perspective here.

A Longbourn Entanglement is currently available for pre-order on Amazon and will be releasing on September 27th.

You can also read an excerpt here from a sneak peak I posted earlier.


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    • Jen D on September 21, 2021 at 3:29 am
    • Reply

    Happiest congratulations to you on this release! I cannot wait for it!

    1. Thank you, Jen! Yes — coming out next Monday!

    • Glynis on September 21, 2021 at 5:13 am
    • Reply

    I was so so lucky in getting a sneak peek at this story! 🥰🥰 absolutely wonderful! Mrs Bennet and Lydia? Unbelievable 😉😂. Luckily they were helped by Mr Collins’ riding skills and his meeting? with Darcy and Bingley 😉🤣. A great read and a lovely cover. 🥰

    1. Glynis, I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!! 😀 Thank you for stopping by to say so.
      You’re right. Mr Collins certainly plays a crucial role on horseback!!!!

    • Sheila L. Majczan on September 21, 2021 at 9:22 am
    • Reply

    I read and enjoyed this story. Good luck with the release.

    1. Thank you, Sheila!!!

    • Marie H on September 23, 2021 at 7:11 am
    • Reply

    Looking forward to reading the rest! Congratulations!

  1. Thank you for stopping by, Marie!

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