Advent Calendar – Day 20 – The Darcys and Lord Byron in Venice, Part 7

The two signore di notte were busily occupied placing shackles on Wickham’s ankles and wrists. He did not struggle, but arrogantly remonstrated with them. “Surely you see this is unnecessary. Take your hands off me, you need not bind me like some common thief, I am a gentleman…Darcy, you will not permit this treatment, surely?” …

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Advent Calendar – Day 19 – 1811: Mr Darcy’s Advent Season

Good morning! Hope you’re having a wonderful Advent Season so far. I thought this might be a good time to think of Mr Darcy (isn’t it always? 😉 ) and imagine how he might have fared in the run-up to Christmas, once he had left temptation behind and had been oh-so-successful in persuading both his …

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Advent Calendar Day 18: Yankee Swap Part Two

Welcome back 🙂 The first part of this story is here! …………………………………………………….. Darcy slid into the car after Elizabeth and the driver, the soul of discretion, said nothing, proceeding as if nothing had happened. The silence was awkward between them for a few minutes until she said, “So Bingley didn’t tell me anything about our …

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Happy Birthday to Jane Austen

On this day in 1775 our esteemed authoress was born. What better way to celebrate than to share some of our favorite quotes from her?   In one of Austen’s letters, she wrote: I can just imagine her face, and maybe even the kind of day she was having when she wrote this. These words …

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Advent Calendar – Day 15 – Wrapping Up Charlotte

Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is having a great holiday season so far! I’ve had a few requests for a love story for Charlotte from Unwrapping Mr. Darcy, so I took a break from what I’ve been working on and whipped this little bit up for you. I only have the one post this year, …

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Advent Day 14~A Chance Meeting finis

As a special treat for Austen Variation readers at Advent, I present the final part of what is now published as “A Most Affectionate Mother.” Part 15 The next morning proved clear and bright and all things such a wonderful morning ought to be. Mary sat beside him on the seat of his modest gig. …

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Advent Calendar Day 13: The Darcys and Lord Byron in Venice, Part Six

Last Christmas I began writing my series “The Darcys and Lord Byron in Venice,” in which Darcy and Elizabeth visit La Serenissima, and find that Lord Byron is their neighbor in the palazzo next door.  After five episodes, I was interrupted by my husband’s illness (now thankfully recovered from!), and so now I am happy  …

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Advent Calendar Day 12: Modern Techno Fun Meets Austen

UPDATE: The random drawings have been done!! CONGRATS to the 3 flash drive winners with the PDFs of these books: Meryton Miss – According to Jane Shelley B Hoisington – Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Match Christa Buchan – Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Bet Please email me (MarilynBrant AT Gmail DOT Com) — or, …

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Advent Calendar Day 10: The Cajun Cheesehead Critic Returns!

The Cajun Cheesehead Critic Takes on Christmas Songs Greetings, everyone. Jack Caldwell here. Wait! This isn’t a post about Jane Austen adaptations! You’re right. The next one got moved to December 27. Watch for it. Now, on with the show. Honestly, is there a better season in the United States than the holiday season? Starting …

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Advent Day Nine: A Christmas Tea Guest (Interview with Kirk)

  Merry Christmas! We bring you a very special Christmas interview today. George and Lydia Wickham have invited the elusive Kirk to join them for some mulled wine around the hearth, and they have a great deal to say about Jane Austen today. Pull on your fuzzy socks, snuggle into your stocking cap, and join …

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