Category: General

The Power of a Well-Written Austen Letter

  “Let us never underestimate the power of a well-written letter.” Okay, so this line isn’t strictly a Jane Austen quote… but it certainly could have been. She must have subscribed to this policy (as I do) because she often allowed her characters to explain themselves and express their innermost feelings in letter form. Case in point: …

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The Dragons of Kellynch Take Flight!

Today a new dragon takes flight! The Dragons of Kellynch are launching!  Here’s a final (extra long) sneak peek at Anne’s adventures! The following morning, Anne rose early and donned a comfortable roller-printed morning gown, a dark green and puce striped affair. Elizabeth had stripped it of its fancy trims—they now adorned one of her …

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Excerpt from my Work in Progess: Fortune and Felicity – Episode 4

As many of you guessed, Darcy didn’t turn into a playboy overnight!!! If you haven’t been following the story, you can read the Prologue, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 here.  Meanwhile, for those of you have been with me from the beginning, sit back and enjoy.  Chapter 3   It did not take long for …

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Excerpt from My Work in Progress: Fortune and Felicity – 3

As promised, here is the third episode of the new book I’m working on, Fortune & Felicity. If you haven’t read the first two episodes, you can catch up with the Prologue here, and Chapter 1 here.  Chapter 2 Elizabeth winced with pain as she stepped on a tin soldier left in the hallway by …

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Bonus Leap into Love

I already did one post on this month’s theme, but I just couldn’t let LEAP into LOVE slip by without tying it to my novel LEAP of HOPE. The two were practically made for each other. The colors even match! Besides, February 29th is kind of a bonus day, so I figured it deserved a bonus …

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Leap into Love Interlude by Monica Fairview

Today should be the last day of February, but it isn’t, so I still have a chance to Leap into Love. For today’s romantic moment, I’ve decided to share one of my early Pride & Prejudice sequels, The Darcy Cousins. Of course, I have to put up a *spoiler alert. I do love this scene, …

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Excerpt from my Work In Progress: Fortune and Felicity -2

Here’s the first chapter from my Pride & Prejudice variation Fortune & Felicity. It’s my second post, so if you haven’t read it yet, I would recommend reading the Prologue first. As you can see from the date, the actual story starts seven years after Darcy’s disastrous proposal at Hunsford. I will leave you to …

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Leap into Love

Choosing a romantic scene to share was not an easy choice to make. I have my favorites, of course, but I didn’t want to drop spoilers or confuse people out of context. Ultimately, I decided to share this scene from Green Card. It was one of the first scenes I wrote for this story and …

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Excerpt from my Work In Progress: Fortune and Felicity -1

It’s been a while, but I’m back again, ready to share my current WIP, Fortune and Felicity. For some reason, this novel took longer to write. Every time I thought I knew where it was going, it would take me in a different direction, which involved endless rewrites of earlier chapters. I’m done with the draft, though, so hopefully, there aren’t going to be any more surprises!
Fortune and Felicity is a Pride & Prejudice what-if variation, and it picks up just after Darcy’s disasterous proposal to Elizabeth at Hunsford. I’ll be posting chapters here on Jane Austen Variations while I work on edits. I’m looking to publish sometime towards the end of March, so keep checking the blog for updates.
So here it is. Enjoy! 
Mr. Darcy spent the night battling his demons, urging them to come under his control.

Leap into Love – An Excerpt from Marilyn Brant

What better way to celebrate this month of love (especially one with an added Leap Day!) than to have a chance to post a story excerpt for you all & to give away a little something, too! 😛 In honor of the release of the brand new “Emma” movie (finally coming to theaters this Friday …

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