Twists of Fate Giveaway & Murphy’s Law: the JAFF Version

Good morning, and thanks for stopping by today as I’m callously preparing to ruin Mr Darcy’s wedding day. If you missed any of the posts on the TWISTS OF FATE blog tour, you can find them here: A ride in the rain; A fiery Mr Darcy; A very un-Hunsford-like proposal; Breaking the wall of silence andAsk Me Anything!

The book trailer gives you the premise in a nutshell, so have a quick peek if you haven’t seen it yet.

The music – English Country Garden, by Aaron Kenny – is pure magic: it’s soulful and romantic and absolutely exquisite!


So, this dreadful misunderstanding that occurs…

I think that by now you’ve guessed what brings Mr Darcy from the seventh heaven to the excerpt posted on the pre-order link on Amazon.

If you haven’t guessed yet and you’d rather not have spoilers, please skip to the comments section to enter the Giveaway.

As this is the last week of the blog tour, I’ve added 2 more Kindle copies, so now there are 5 up for grabs.

The giveaway is international and the winners will be announced in the launch post on 22 July.

But if you do like spoilers, please read on.

This excerpt was initially supposed to go up on 1 July, but then I thought, ‘Hang on a minute, this is a Friday the 13th kind of post ;)’ (or Tuesday the 13th, as the case may be). Why? Because – unlike Mr Darcy who was born almost a century and a half too soon – I’ve heard of Murphy’s Law (‘If anything can go wrong, it will’), and I just can’t help myself when it comes to angst and wicked plot-twists.

So I guess that my idea of Murphy’s Law, the JAFF version would be:


How do you feel about going to Longbourn now, to make merry at Mr and Mrs Darcy’s wedding breakfast? The ceremony went without a hitch, the guests are cheerful, the day was a resounding success for Mrs Bennet, and the newlyweds are preparing to set off. But first, Jane has a thoughtful present for her dearest sister:



Once they had gained the still room and the door was closed behind them, Jane loosened the strings of the small velvet pouch she was carrying and produced a silver cylinder decorated with a delicate pattern of leaves, tendrils and flowers. She pressed a tiny ball, and the lid sprang open to reveal a cut-glass bottle.

“’Tis a scent bottle for your reticule,” Jane explained. “I distilled a fresh batch of your favourite scent too, but in all this excitement I almost let you go without it,” she added with a self-deprecating laugh, and went on to remedy that oversight at once.

She removed the faceted receptacle housed in the cylinder, unstoppered it and carefully filled it from a dark brown bottle retrieved from one of the shelves, while Elizabeth watched her at work, comforted by the familiar scent that filled the air, and no less by the familiar proceedings. The still room had long been their private domain, hers and Jane’s, and they had gladly taken on the task of mixing floral-scented preparations for everyone in the household. Who would assist Jane with those tasks from now on?

That was a maudlin thought, so Elizabeth sought to silence it as she kept her eyes on her sister’s handiwork. Jane sealed the brown bottle, trapping the scent within, then did likewise with the other, returned it to its silver case, and the case to its pouch.

“There, Lizzy,” she said softly. “For good luck.”

“Thank you. I shall carry it with me always,” Elizabeth promised, tears blurring her vision as she placed the exquisite gift into her reticule.

“Oh, you need not do that,” Jane tenderly protested, pressing her arm. “But it might be of use on your journey. And… tonight.”

“I… I expect it might,” Elizabeth faltered, darting her eyes upwards to meet her sister’s glance, and both of them blushed.

Jane stroked her shoulder, and her next words were but a timid whisper:

“Are you nervous?”

“A little,” Elizabeth shrugged, then gave a conscious laugh and answered truthfully. “More than a little, to be honest, but… I believe all will be well.”

“Yes,” Jane said – a quiet declaration, yet uncommonly firm – only to resume in the same breath. “You are leaving with a good man, Lizzy. We must remember that. ‘Tis my only— ‘Tis my greatest comfort,” she amended. “You married a good man, and he will treat you well.”

Elizabeth nodded, a warm smile on her lips.

“I think so, too,” she murmured. “He is a good man, and I am quite fortunate. We all are. ‘Tis a happy conclusion to our troubles – much more so than I could have possibly imagined when I stormed out of the house a se’nnight ago. Goodness,” she chuckled softly, brought up short by the notion. “It was but a se’nnight ago. How extraordinary…”

Yet Jane did not join her in marvelling at the incredibly short time in which such great changes had been wrought. Eyes narrowed into a dark look of resentment that was exceedingly unlike her, she spoke in low, hard tones:

“If there is any justice in the world, that base creature will pay! I hope his revered patroness makes his life a misery if she ever hears of his role in the affair.”

Jane knew everything, of course – she knew every detail of the wretched business. Her dearest sister had always been her confidante, her fount of wisdom and prime source of consolation. Now the sheer vindictiveness of Jane’s harsh whisper was starkly out of character as well, yet Elizabeth knew without being told that nothing but sisterly affection could have prompted Jane to depart from her forgiving ways. And although established patterns were highly reassuring, sometimes there was comfort in deviations, too.

“That would be a gratifying form of poetic justice, would it not? Even so, in your heart of hearts you will be glad to hear that I refuse to be the architect of his misfortune. Not even if I could bring myself to speak of his objectionable conduct – which I cannot. Heavens, Jane, can you imagine the mortification?” Elizabeth exclaimed and shuddered, then gave a flourish of her hand. “Nay, I am prepared to wager that he will reap what he has sown, one way or another. For one thing, he had not bargained for this outcome any more than I, and if he should rue the day, he only has himself to blame. None of this would have happened, were it not for his brazen presumption. A simple ‘No’ should have been enough for any man! He should have taken it with as much grace as he could muster, and left me be…” She flinched, then drew a sharp intake of breath. “But no more of that sickening business! I cannot bear to dwell on it for one moment longer!” she declared with fierce determination, even as her countenance crumpled at the loathsome recollection of Mr Collins’ hands on her, and those terrifying moments when it had seemed that she could not fend him off – until she had been blessed with the strength of desperation and had broken free from his vile, demeaning grip.

‘The first blessing of many,’ Elizabeth told herself as she took another calming breath – a slow and very deep one this time, then another. That was what she must do: count her blessings, each and every one of them. And, in time, the repulsive memories would fade.

Uniformly counted as one of her greatest blessings ever since Elizabeth had gained the capacity to think, Jane put her arms around her and gathered her close.

“Forgive me, Lizzy,” she tearfully whispered. “What a fool I was to bring this up!”

“You did not. I did. I spoke of storming out of the house,” Elizabeth murmured by way of reassurance as she nestled into Jane’s embrace and returned it with equal warmth.

“Even so, I should have known better—”

“Hush, dearest. Hush,” Elizabeth said softly to stem Jane’s needless self-recriminations, and they remained thus for a long, tender moment – bittersweet, yet healing – deriving great comfort from each other, just as they always had.

And both of them found a measure of rueful amusement in the fact that this, their last special moment, was brought to an abrupt end in the same fashion as many before it: the door burst open and their mother cried, “Lizzy, Jane, there you are! I have been looking everywhere for you!”


* * * * * * * * * * And if we skip to the next chapter… * * * * * * * * * *


Darcy’s thoughts and wishes leapt wildly to the night ahead as he rounded the corner and squinted in the wintry sunlight slanting through the bare trees – for the sun was conspicuously low; already lower than the treetops. Not many hours left till nightfall.

Hands clasped behind his back, he drew to a halt beside a bushy evergreen and gave free rein to unruly thoughts, unwise as it might have been to court outright indiscipline. After all, he would still have to make it through some six or seven hours more, until his red-hot imaginings would be fulfilled. Even so, he willingly indulged them – and when the soft murmur of a disembodied voice reached him, he was disposed to think it yet another flight of fancy born from overwrought impatience, for the voice seemed to be Elizabeth’s.

Darcy blinked and looked up, then gave a silent chuckle once he had taken stock of his surroundings. No, he had not lost his grasp on reason. The murmur seemed to come through the small open casement above the overgrown shrub that blocked his path. So Elizabeth must have been in there, somewhere, speaking with goodness knows who. He did not seek to ascertain what it was that she was saying, or to whom. He had no desire to eavesdrop. Yet as he turned on his heel to leave, her voice rose sharply and came loud and clear:

“Heavens, Jane, can you imagine the mortification? Nay, I am prepared to wager that he will reap what he has sown, one way or another. For one thing, he had not bargained for this outcome any more than I, and if he should rue the day, he only has himself to blame. None of this would have happened, were it not for his brazen presumption. A simple ‘No’ should have been enough for any man! He should have taken it with as much grace as he could muster, and left me be… But no more of that sickening business! I cannot bear to dwell on it for one moment longer!”

In the wake of the thunderbolt, silence fell. Heavy, icy silence. Then other murmurs, inaudible. Then the sound of a door thrown open, and a shrill, “Lizzy, Jane, there you are! I have been looking everywhere for you!” – the first salvo in the pandemonium that Mrs Bennet had such a knack for creating.

Yet this time it went unheeded, devoid of all power to vex him. For it was nothing to the pandemonium in his head.

© 2021 Joana Starnes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So… what next? How do you think someone like Mr Darcy would react, once unintentional eavesdropping turned his world upside down? He abhors deceit – and is now under the impression that he had sacrificed his principles and his duty to his lineage for the sake of a woman who had concealed her true sentiments from him, and blames him for the scandal that had thrown them together.

And the worst part is that there is nothing he can do about it! He is bound to her for life. He, who had grown accustomed to having full control over his own destiny, finds himself trapped and powerless.

If left to his own devices, for how long do you think Mr Darcy would brood?


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    • Sarah on July 13, 2021 at 12:14 am
    • Reply

    My! What a mess! I can’t wait to see how they manage to resolve this misunderstanding.

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised 🙂
      Best of luck in the giveaway and thanks for following the blog tour.

    • denise on July 13, 2021 at 12:16 am
    • Reply

    Wow! Quite the misunderstanding which comes from eavesdropping, however unintentional.

    1. Bucket of ice 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by today, Denise!

    • Luisa1111 on July 13, 2021 at 12:45 am
    • Reply

    What a shame that one of their happiest days should be ruined by Darcy overhearing the sisters’ conversation. I have a feeling it will be a long time before he understands the truth.

    1. What a shame indeed, Luisa! (Oh, the cruelty of messing with Mr Darcy’s love life! 😉 )
      ‘I have a feeling it will be a long time before he understands the truth.’
      He definitely needs a nudge or too! Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll like the rest.

    • Anna on July 13, 2021 at 1:26 am
    • Reply

    Left to his own devices, he would brood until he died, poor man.

    1. He’s an expert on brooding, Anna, isn’t he?
      Best of luck in the giveaway and thanks for taking part.

    • Taswmom on July 13, 2021 at 1:38 am
    • Reply

    What a terrible situation! If left to his own device, as you suggested, we’ve seen that he can be very constant. But I believe Elizabeth will figure it out and they’ll be happy fairly soon. Though probably not soon enough.

    1. He needs a wake-up call and a no-nonsense wife 😀
      Have a good week and thanks for stopping by today.

    • Katie Jackson on July 13, 2021 at 2:14 am
    • Reply

    This excerpt is such a tease. I can just imagine the angst that will result from this and can’t wait to wallow in it for a while (knowing the HEA is coming, of course).

    1. The HEA is definitely coming, Katie! That’s what I love about JAFF too: we can take all the stress and the angst because we know that the HEA is a must, and that every twist and turn leads to the swoony moments and the fireworks. Best wishes and thanks for following the blog tour.

    • Valentina on July 13, 2021 at 2:27 am
    • Reply

    Wow, poor Darcy. I do hope he will manage to discuss this with Elizabeth and will not close himself to her.

    1. I did everything I could to keep them both in character, Valentina. Hope you approve 😉
      All the best and thanks for reading.

    • SamH. on July 13, 2021 at 2:45 am
    • Reply

    Oh no! Talk about taking things out of context… what a wretched beginning 😉

    I am looking forward to reading this. Will you use Stevie Zimmerman as narrator if you make an audiobook?

    1. Wretched beginning indeed, Sam (and so cruel of me to imagine Mr Darcy beaten with the stick meant for Mr Collins).
      I’m so glad you’re looking forward to reading the rest. I hope you’ll like it.
      Stevie’s narrations are so dreamy, aren’t they? I’d love to have ‘Twists of Fate’ narrated by her if it comes out in Audible too.

    • Mihaela on July 13, 2021 at 4:34 am
    • Reply

    Good morning! ☕

    So… Was the wedding also on a 13th? Or at least a Tuesday? 🤔
    So Wicked (with a capital W, yes!) Joana!
    Who needs Murphy in JAFF when we have you?!
    There is a saying in Romanian about 3 wickest hours on a Tuesday and I think he had them….
    But I didn’t see this coming. I mean, it was a misunderstanding of the first class as in he really misunderstood !
    And I don’t think you will help a lot (at first) – neither him nor Eilizabeth to understand where the (I imagine?) frost would come from….
    The consolation would be as always that they (do I dare hope you won’t let Darcy be the only tormented?) will suffer beautifully as only you can make them to….

    1. Good morning, Mihaela! Wicked indeed 😉
      I’m so glad you didn’t see it coming! I thought I gave the game away already in my other posts.

      ‘There is a saying in Romanian about 3 wicked hours on a Tuesday and I think he had them….’ I think so too (and then some, poor man…)

      ‘And I don’t think you will help a lot (at first) – neither him nor Eilizabeth to understand where the (I imagine?) frost would come from….’
      You know me well :)) Yep, there’s a cold wind blowing over Derbyshire, and a fair amount of frost. Can’t wait to hear what you think of the whole story. Thanks for the morning giggles and have a lovely day!

    • Alexandra on July 13, 2021 at 5:48 am
    • Reply

    Come on! You can’t ask us how Mr. Darcy would react and then attach a photo with a thunder!

    In Greece Tuesday the 13th is the equivalent of Friday the 13th so this excerpt is posted on the right date!
    Counting to Release Day!!!

    1. LOL Alexandra, that was a bit of a spoiler, wasn’t it?

      Oh, I didn’t know that about Tuesday the 13th in Greece!
      (‘Perfect,’ says she with a wicked grin 😀 )

      Have a great day today and thanks for everything, from Mr Darcy’s adorable new chin to all the cover tips and especially for the moral support & keeping me on the straight and narrow! It made all the difference! Thank you!!

    • DarcyBennett on July 13, 2021 at 5:53 am
    • Reply

    I decided to avoid the spoilers . Congrats on the release and thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    1. Good call, DarcyBennett! Then you’ll get the full impact 😉
      Best of luck in the giveaway and thanks for taking part!

    • Sarah P on July 13, 2021 at 6:51 am
    • Reply

    Congratulations on yet another release. I avoided the spoilers simply because I want to read the new story as a whole without any preconceived ideas, as these would inevitably have been wrong.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the new book.

    1. Thank you, Sarah!

      Best of luck in the giveaway, and I hope you’ll like it.

    • Simone on July 13, 2021 at 7:06 am
    • Reply

    Hello Joana,
    Happy news! Your book release is this week in Germany! I have all your books, most of them as audiobook too. I didn`t read anything about the new one to avert spoilers. I want to read it in my holiday. It feels like taking a very good friend with me. 🙂 The video is very lovely.

    1. Hi, Simone
      Thank you, I’m so happy you enjoyed my other books, and that you’d like to take the new one on holiday with you. Best wishes and I hope you’ll like it.

    • Lily Bernard on July 13, 2021 at 7:33 am
    • Reply

    Joana’s books are always a treat! Looks like this is another one!

    1. Thank you, Lily! I’m so glad you think so. Best wishes and thanks for reading the post.

    • Glynis on July 13, 2021 at 7:45 am
    • Reply

    I imagine you can guess what I will say Joana? Poor, poor Darcy 😢. However in this instance I feel sorry for Elizabeth as well! Especially as she and Jane weren’t even talking about Darcy! If only he knew that! If only he asked her straight away! Hmmm well that doesn’t happen!
    Thank goodness Elizabeth is determined to be the best wife she can be despite her husband’s behaviour! 😉😉
    Such a fabulous book Joana and definitely, definitely my favourite of yours, and with such competition as well! I do hope everyone else loves it as much as I do 🤞🏻🥰🥰🥰

    1. “Especially as she and Jane weren’t even talking about Darcy! If only he knew that!” Indeedy. And if only she had spoken more loudly when she was singing his praises at the start!
      This reminds me of a standup comedy act, someone (can’t remember who) talking about the shortest horror movie ever:
      “Oh, no, we’ve broken down!”
      “Look, there’s a cabin in the woods.’
      “Let’s not go there.”
      The End 😀 😀

      Thank you, Glynis!! I can’t tell you how happy I am that you like it so much, and that the angsty parts weren’t too angsty for you. Huge thanks for your encouragement and support! Take care, and see you soon, fingers crossed.

    • Diana on July 13, 2021 at 7:48 am
    • Reply

    Oh dear. Darcy does have a propensity to leap to the wrong conclusions – an always at his own cost. He will brood and brood and never even consider the possibility that simply asking her about what he overhears would be a good idea. Of course if he did, where would the angst and suffering be? The dear, silly man.

    1. Thanks, Diana! I hope you’ll be glad to hear that he’s gearing up to it. But not while they’re stuck in the carriage on a long journey. Too much of a gentleman for a showdown, least of all in his servants’ hearing or in a country inn. Excuses, excuses… (Mine, not his 😀 . Hope you’ll find them plausible when you get to them).
      Best wishes and thanks for stopping by today.

    • Cyndy on July 13, 2021 at 8:05 am
    • Reply

    Poor Darcy, he does have a great tendency for misunderstanding! It makes for such good books. I’m eagerly waiting for the release day!

    1. Thanks, Cyndy, I’m so glad you like the premise. Hope you’ll like the full story as well. All the best and thanks for reading.

    • Carole in Canada on July 13, 2021 at 8:50 am
    • Reply

    Oh Joana, your readers have no idea what you will put Mr. Darcy through! A brooding Darcy? Imagine a wicked laugh here! Congratulations, ‘Queen of Angst’!

    1. I love a brooding Darcy!! As for the ‘Let’s Torture Mr Darcy Club’… 😀 😀
      Thanks, Carole, I’m so happy you liked it!

    • Marie H on July 13, 2021 at 9:23 am
    • Reply

    You are a tease and a wicked woman, Joana! 😉. Ohhh, the angst, and poor Darcy! However will I bear it? When I started reading, my twisted mind brought me to a place where I thought there would be unimaginable consequences to a wedding night plagued from the contents of a bottle filled with an incorrect substance! 😳

    1. LOL Marie that would be a plot twist and a half! Jane not paying enough attention and… Oh, my! You should write it!
      Thanks for reading, and sorry that I’m sporting with your patience 😉 . Nearly there, I promise!

        • Marie H on July 13, 2021 at 7:47 pm
        • Reply

        No writing for me! I’m the reader, thank you very much. Sport away. I have all the patience in the world. 😉

        1. Thank you, Marie!

    • ForeverHis on July 13, 2021 at 9:32 am
    • Reply

    Oh my! biting my fingernails here. Can Elizabeth and Darcy find their way through the morass of misunderstanding sooner rather than later? Congrats on a new book.

    1. Oh, it’s definitely sooner rather than later 🙂
      Of course, ideally all this mess would be sorted within 10 minutes of them getting in the carriage, but…
      Thanks for reading, and I hope you’ll like the rest.

    • Regina on July 13, 2021 at 9:50 am
    • Reply

    What intrigues me is what Jane has put in the vial–will it have a negative impact on the Darcys’ wedding night?

    1. Good question, Regina 😀
      It’s just homemade floral essence, and it does have a negative impact on Darcy long before the wedding night. Have a peek at the last few lines of the Amazon excerpt (on the preorder page) and you’ll see what I mean :))
      Thanks for stopping by to chat and have a lovely day.

    • Linda A. on July 13, 2021 at 9:57 am
    • Reply

    We all tend to jump to conclusions based on our own experiences. Poor Mr. Darcy.

    1. He’s a gold medallist in jumping to conclusions :))
      Thanks for stopping by to read the post, Linda, and best of luck in the giveaway.

    • Patty Edmisson on July 13, 2021 at 10:02 am
    • Reply

    He would brood far too long for his own good probably taking this into his wedding night and possibly destroying it.

    1. Spoiler alert, Patty:
      As they say, if you don’t wish to know the score, please look away now.

      The short answer is ‘Yep, yep and yep’ :))
      Thanks for stopping by today and best of luck in the giveaway.

    • Sheila L. Majczan on July 13, 2021 at 10:04 am
    • Reply

    Love the trailer and loved the book. I highly recommend this story as I do any of Joana’s stories.

    1. Thanks so much, Sheila, I’m so happy you liked the trailer and the book. Huge thanks for the thumbs-up!

    • Eva Edmonds on July 13, 2021 at 10:17 am
    • Reply

    I hope no one tampered with the liquid that went into the vial. Hasn’t Darcy learned that nothing good comes from eavesdropping! What a mess Darcy and Elizabeth are in.

    1. I love this, Eva! You’re the third person who saw trouble in the vial. I never thought it would worry people. I just needed to get Lizzy and Jane somewhere private and within hearing range from the outside 😉
      Thanks for reading the post and stopping by to chat and best of luck in the giveaway.

    • Jennifer Redlarczyk on July 13, 2021 at 10:21 am
    • Reply

    This is so good! Looking forward to a great read!

    1. I hope you’ll like it. Thank you, Jennifer, and all the best!

    • Mary A Coble on July 13, 2021 at 11:03 am
    • Reply

    My immediate thought was “What is in that vial” as well. Perhaps it is something that will give Darcy courage to speak. I hope this is one of the instances where you indicated the D & E talk things out. How long will it take until Darcy realizes that the statement refers to Collins (at least I hope that is the reference!) I am planning on a thoroughly enjoyable read!

    1. “My immediate thought was “What is in that vial” as well.” Perhaps it is something that will give Darcy courage to speak. ”
      Love this, Mary! I should write a companion novella, where that’s exactly what happens. The JAFF version of the stand-up act I was telling Glynis about earlier. Let me copy that here.
      The shortest horror movie ever:
      “Oh, no, we’ve broken down!”
      “Look, there’s a cabin in the woods.’
      “Let’s not go there.”
      The End 😀 😀

      ODC do talk this out, and I hope you’ll like the ‘when’ and the ‘how.’ OK, maybe just the ‘how’ because the ‘when’ could be sooner 😉
      “How long will it take until Darcy realizes that the statement refers to Collins (at least I hope that is the reference!)” Yes, that’s the reference. And it’s soonish (days rather than weeks).
      Thank you and have a lovely summer.

    • Jennifer on July 13, 2021 at 11:11 am
    • Reply

    Poor Darcy, he does always seem to jump to conclusions. After following along with all delicious posts I can’t wait to read this!
    PS. I always found Friday the 13th as a lucky good day and the number 13 as well, it’s all the other days that can sometimes go downhill!

    1. I’m so glad that Friday the 13th works the other way for you, Jennifer, and that you liked the posts. Just one more left, and I hope you’ll find that delicious too 😉
      Best wishes and thanks for stopping by to read and chat.

    • Joy Friday on July 13, 2021 at 11:59 am
    • Reply

    It’s a shame how the very lovable Darcy can be such a psychological mess at times. Nothing comes easy for the poor man, but at we know he gets his HEA. So looking forward to reading your latest!

    1. LOL Joy, he doesn’t take the nice & easy route, does he? Thank you, and I hope you’ll like my latest.

  1. I also skipped the spoilers. But it’s a fun idea, and I like your Tuesday the 13th meme. I’ve enjoyed a previous book you wrote (which I believe I bought from you at the Alton Regency Week), and I look forward to this one!

    1. I’m so glad we met at the Alton Regency Week, Brenda! So glad you liked my tongue-in-cheek meme too :))
      Best wishes and thanks for stopping by today.

    • Rebecca L McBrayer on July 13, 2021 at 12:38 pm
    • Reply

    Looking forward to reading this!!

    1. Thanks, Rebecca. I’m so glad you like the premise!

    • Valentina on July 13, 2021 at 1:59 pm
    • Reply

    Hi again Joana,
    I just thought of what will happen when Darcy finds out about Mr.Collins? Will he act on it somehow?

    1. Hi, Valentina!
      Oh, I think he’d want to! But he can’t call a vicar out, nor send a few well-chosen men to pay a call on Mr Collins. Still, I have great hopes that Lady Catherine would use every opportunity to make Mr Collins’ life an utter misery if she ever finds out that he was the one who kick-started the trouble that led to Darcy’s rushed marriage.
      Thanks for following the blog tour, and I hope you’ll like the book.

    • abqnmfox on July 13, 2021 at 3:54 pm
    • Reply

    I’ve enjoyed your other books, so am excited to read this one!

    1. Thank you! I hope you’ll enjoy this one too.

    • Chris on July 13, 2021 at 5:08 pm
    • Reply

    Ghaaaa! Cliffie and angst! Oh another delicious tale DA. When and how soon will this be on audio? Stevie perhaps? I’m one of your followers that buys your books then buys on audio ESPECIALLY if Stevie is narrating. This way I can reread as often as I like 😊.

    Please include me on the giveaway list for the ebook. So excited! Another lovely book by Joanna! Congratulations!!!

    1. Thank you, Chris! Stevie’s characterisations and narration style are superb. Absolutely magical! Her ‘Elizabeth’ voice is so bubbly, and her Darcy – oh my 🙂 . I haven’t made any plans for an Audible release yet, but if I do, I would love to have ‘Twists of Fate’ narrated by her. Thanks for stopping by to chat today, and best of luck in the giveaway.

    • Betty Campbell Madden on July 13, 2021 at 5:32 pm
    • Reply

    Up for grabs? I am ready for it!

    1. Thanks, Betty! I can’t wait to hear what you think of it. All the best and thanks for following the blog tour.

    • Robin G. on July 13, 2021 at 6:30 pm
    • Reply

    Oh, poor Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth! Eavesdropping doesn’t work well for these two. Congrats on the new release!

    1. Thank you, Robin!
      “Eavesdropping doesn’t work well for these two.” No, never 🙂
      Best wishes and thanks for stopping by to chat.

    • tgruy on July 13, 2021 at 11:07 pm
    • Reply

    Yikes! Talk about misunderstandings and proving the saying right.

    1. Yikes indeed 🙂
      Thanks for reading and best of luck in the giveaway.

    • Lois on July 14, 2021 at 2:21 am
    • Reply

    OOh please, random selection device, pick me for one of the ebooks! Loved the excerpts!

    1. I’m so glad you loved them, Lois. Thank you!

    • Audny on July 14, 2021 at 5:30 am
    • Reply

    I am really wondering how long it takes before they solve this misunderstanding!

    1. Hi Audny
      It would have been nice for them if it was resolved straight away, but then the slow-burn courtship would have gone right out of the window 😉 . Still, we’re talking days, not weeks. Hope that works for you. Best of luck in the giveaway and thanks for following the blog tour.

  2. Ahhh! Mr. Darcy! You heard the wrong part of that conversation! (Or not enough of it. If only he had been there a little earlier! Maybe there should be an addendum to Murphy’s Law, which goes something like, If you accidentally overhear a snippet of conversation about yourself, you’re bound to take it out of context!)

    I’ve preordered my copy…yay! Good luck to all those entering the giveaway, and congrats on what will no doubt be another captivating book, Joana! (Oh, and I love the book trailer too!)

    1. Thanks, Christina! Oh, I love the addendum 😀 . So true!
      Wishing you LOTS of inspiration! The scene you shared was so moving. I can’t wait for ‘Disappearing Act’ and the full story of Anne and Captain Wentworth’s courtship.

    • Abi on July 14, 2021 at 10:09 am
    • Reply

    Aww, poor Darcy! I just want to hug him.

    1. I think he really really needs a hug :))
      Thanks for reading this, Abi! Best wishes and have a lovely summer!

    • Satu on July 14, 2021 at 1:24 pm
    • Reply

    Poor Darcy and poor Elizabeth 😜, it will certainly take them a while to clear up this mess!! Eavesdropping is truly dangerous to one’s sanity!!! I can’t wait to read this book!

    1. “Eavesdropping is truly dangerous to one’s sanity!!!”
      Too true 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by to read and chat, Satu! I’m so glad you like the premise.

    • Ginna on July 15, 2021 at 9:17 am
    • Reply

    If he is aware of what Collins has done, then he shouldn’t think she was talking about him. So, seems like he DOESN’T know about it. But why not?

    1. Hi Ginna!
      No, he has no idea. Turns out that ignorance isn’t bliss after all 😛
      Have a lovely weekend and thanks for stopping by to read the post.

    • AMY D ZELENKA on July 15, 2021 at 5:53 pm
    • Reply

    Looking forward to seeing how this all shakes out! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Amy! I hope you’ll enjoy the ride 😀
      Best of luck in the giveaway and thanks for taking part.

    • GG on July 16, 2021 at 1:25 pm
    • Reply

    Oh, Joana!!! Poor, poor Darcy and Elizabeth!!!! Please don’t let the vial be broken and make Elizabeth lose her precious connection with home.. And oh, please, let it not be Darcy who does that(breaking of the vial, so to speak). Your ‘Journey home..’ is most favourite JAFF and your words.flesh out ODC as they were and all too human entirely.. I’m expecting something to surpass that in ‘Twists of Fate’.. I’m eagerly awaiting their reconciliation half parts saddened for the agony they put each other through, and half part for the tenderness that is Darcy’s love and the compassion that is Elizabeth’s…

    1. On, no, please don’t worry, the vial stays in one piece. I’m so happy you liked the Journey Home to Pemberley. Hope you’ll like this journey too. Best wishes and thanks for reading!

    • Gill Murgatroyd on July 16, 2021 at 1:54 pm
    • Reply

    I’m getting really excited now! Can’t wait to read it.
    Thanks Joana.

    1. Thank *you*, Gill, for following the blog tour and leaving all those lovely messages! Can’t wait to hear what you think of the full story. Have a relaxing weekend and all the best.

    • Sarah B on July 17, 2021 at 2:29 am
    • Reply

    I have enjoyed many of your works! Looking forward to this new one!

    1. I’m so glad you’ve read some of my other books and enjoyed them. Hope you’ll like this one too. Best wishes and thanks for stopping by.

    • Xena Anne on July 18, 2021 at 4:42 am
    • Reply

    Poor Mr. Darcy! Or maybeI should say Poor Lizzy! She won’t know what hit her.

    1. So true. The last thing she needs is to see him blowing hot so far (or at least balmy 😉 ), and then freezing cold. Thanks for stopping by to read the post and chat, Xena Anne!

    • GG on July 19, 2021 at 1:22 pm
    • Reply

    Thank God for that, Joana! I have read almost all of your works and love the way you bring out Darcy – every book a facet of his diamond… What a man!!!! Sigh Siiiiigh!! I have been crash-bingeing on JAFF for nearly a year now, and keep returning to the ‘Journey Home..’ I can wax poetic about that one, like, forever… Unlike the ‘Desist’ that cut me up (a couple of days back, at the latest iteration), the journey is in a way mine too, for it takes me up and swirls me into the mists, in time, to behold the eternal couple, to bask in their love, to feel cherished, through their eyes, through their lives…. “Not a dream”, for them, but the choicest dream for me… I went back and read all the excerpts, bad GG, couldn’t ever wait, and truly swooned… And I’m NOT the swooning type… You had me aflutter like Mrs.Bennet, oh my poor nerves… Can’t wait for the book! It’s like looking at the chocolate cake baking in the oven and 1 minute more to go….I don’t know how people have been patient for the past month, I couldn’t hold back after a mere 2 days!!!!

    1. Thanks so much, GG, that’s such a wonderful thing to say. You’re ever so kind! I’m over the moon that you loved ‘The Journey Home to Pemberley’ so much, and that you enjoyed the excerpts too. Sorry I had you aflutter, with no compassion for your nerves :)) . The cake is nearly baked now, and I hope you’ll like it. Best wishes and huge thanks again!

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