Tag: Mr. Bingley

An Eventful Morning

So – Frenemies is this month’s theme. Let’s have some more fun with it. In the WIP I’m working on at the moment, I’m gearing towards a different kind of frenemy situation that Elizabeth is not going to find in the least amusing. But that’s still on the drawing board, so I’ve written a vignette …

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Jane in January and You: Let’s Talk Heroes

Jane Austen’s heroes are some of the most varied, most intriguing, and definitely the swooniest out of all classical literature. Even people who haven’t read Pride & Prejudice know who Mr. Darcy is (at least, I’m assuming they do otherwise what kind of world do we live in?). If Helen was the face that launched …

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My WIP – Chapter 4

Here is Chapter 4 of my yet-untitled WIP, a Pride and Prejudice variation where Elizabeth meets Mr. Bingley first, as Jane and Mr. Darcy are both away. If you have not read the previous chapters, here is the link to Chapter 1. Chapter 4 Elizabeth endured the ride to Meryton with her mother and three …

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The Proposal

  What better way to start the year that to focus on one of Jane Austen’s most beloved characters? Join Austen Variations as we spend January looking into the lovely Jane Bennet.   I like to imagine that rather than Mr. Bingley proposing to Jane Bennet in the family drawing room, they instead strolled in …

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Jane Confides How She Fell in Love with Mr. Bingley

  What better way to start the year than to focus on one of Jane Austen’s most beloved characters. Join Austen Variations as we spend January looking into the lovely Jane Bennet.   When the theme for this month was announced, I thought the perfect piece for me to share would be this scene from …

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P&P Missing Scenes – The Wedding

Jane’s and Lizzy’s wedding day finally arrives…   Elizabeth glanced at Darcy from the corner of her eye. She could still not believe that they were married, even though they had been man and wife for several hours. When they had left Longbourn in Darcy’s carriage after the wedding breakfast they had sat with rigid …

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Going on a Bingley Hunt

There’s a children’s book and kiddie camp song that my son used to love when he was a preschooler called We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. (Anyone familiar with it?) I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately because I’m doing an Austenesque version of it this month…except, in my case, it would be called: …

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