Tag: Georgiana Darcy

Advent Calendar Day 5: P&P Party Crashers

Welcome to DAY 5 of our ADVENT CALENDAR. I hope you’re enjoying these special posts. Today I’ve got a fun, mash-up scene that should be brand new to most of you! But first a few words about the phenomenon of the Advent Calendar itself. In case you’re wondering, no, it’s not a Regency thing and …

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Leap into Love Interlude by Monica Fairview

Today should be the last day of February, but it isn’t, so I still have a chance to Leap into Love. For today’s romantic moment, I’ve decided to share one of my early Pride & Prejudice sequels, The Darcy Cousins. Of course, I have to put up a *spoiler alert. I do love this scene, …

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An Eventful Morning

So – Frenemies is this month’s theme. Let’s have some more fun with it. In the WIP I’m working on at the moment, I’m gearing towards a different kind of frenemy situation that Elizabeth is not going to find in the least amusing. But that’s still on the drawing board, so I’ve written a vignette …

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Jane Confides How She Fell in Love with Mr. Bingley

  What better way to start the year than to focus on one of Jane Austen’s most beloved characters. Join Austen Variations as we spend January looking into the lovely Jane Bennet.   When the theme for this month was announced, I thought the perfect piece for me to share would be this scene from …

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“Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley” makes her Debut!

Yay! I’m delighted to make Austen Variations the first stop on my virtual book tour for Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley, my new sequel to Pride and Prejudice. While the book is a true, stand-alone sequel, it is also a variation, not so much of P&P itself but of my own novel, The Darcys of …

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Cover Reveal: Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley

Yay! The cover for my upcoming release is now finished and ready to show off a little! Short of holding the first copy of your new book in your hands, there’s not much that beats seeing the completed cover design. I’m sure that for authors who have very little input, that moment can be either …

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Young Darcy Inherits Heavy Mantle of Responsibility: excerpt from a WIP

Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley, which will debut later this summer, is a Pride and Prejudice sequel told from Georgiana’s perspective, meant to go hand-in-hand with my earlier novel The Darcys of Pemberley. While I’ve been impatiently awaiting it’s release, I have enjoyed sharing a few excerpts with you here at Austen Variations! (See dates …

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The Enigmatic Miss Darcy

Who is Georgiana Darcy, anyway? I was halfway through the book I was writing about her, and I still wasn’t sure I had all the answers. I think most of us have this vague idea about Miss Darcy from Pride and Prejudice – that she’s a sweet, soft-spoken girl – but that’s hardly a well-rounded, …

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Wickham Leads Georgiana Astray: excerpt from a WIP

  Ever wonder how Mr. Wickham convinced Georgiana to agree to an elopement? I did. It’s one of the questions that intrigued me about the enigmatic Miss Darcy when I set out to write her story. The book (tentatively titled Miss Darcy of Pemberley) is nearly finished now, and I can tell you that it …

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Elizabeth and Miss Bingley Face Off – excerpt from a WIP

Here, as promised, is part 2 of chapter 2 of my current work-in-progress – a variation of my own popular novel The Darcys of Pemberley, this time written entirely from Georgiana’s point of view. This is a flashback scene where Georgiana remembers what happened when Elizabeth (and the Gardiners) visited Pemberley, only to be met …

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