Tag: Anne Elliot

Persuasion 200 – Anne Supervises Preparing Kellynch to Be Let

There are a thousand things to be done to prepare to leave Kellynch and all of them seem to fall upon Anne. Anne trudged up the steps, a heavy ledger tucked under her arm. Portraits, she was cataloging portraits today. Just one more in an unending stream of tasks Elizabeth saw fit to assign her. …

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Persuasion 200: Anne Tells Lady Russell of Charles Musgrove’s Proposal

Anne listened to Lady Russell’s counsel three years ago, turning down Captain Wentworth’s offer of marriage. Now a second man has proposed. What will Lady Russell’s advice to her be this time, and will Anne take it? (referenced in chapter 4 of Persuasion) “Charles Musgrove proposed?” asked Lady Russell eagerly, leaning forward now with heightened …

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Persuasion 200: An engagement, and two hearts, broken

Anne has been convinced by her family and Lady Russell that it would be foolish to marry Commander Wentworth. No matter how much she loves him, he is not established in his career and has only his naval pay and a little prize money to support her and any children they have. She has broken …

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Persuasion 200: Anne Breaks off the Engagement

You knew it was coming, and yet perhaps you hoped there was a way it could be avoided. It would be tempting to rewrite history in order to spare our hero and heroine the pain that lies ahead. But, since we all promised to abide by the facts of Jane Austen’s story… Anne did not abandon …

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Persuasion 200: Anne’s Internal Debate

When Captain Frederick Wentworth proposed, Anne Elliot was over the moon with delight. However, her high spirits were surely crushed to discover that not only did her father think him an unworthy attachment, but so too did Lady Russell! Her inner turmoil must have been considerable in deciding how best to proceed. Here is my attempt to …

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Persuasion 200: The Initial Proposal

  For whatever reason, Jane Austen tells us very little of the initial courtship of Anne Elliot and Frederick Wentworth. We’re told even less about the actual proposal. She only says in chapter four, “It would be difficult to say which had seen the highest perfection in the other, or which had been the happiest; …

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Persuasion 200: First Meeting Between Wentworth and Anne

Frederick Wentworth was visiting his brother, a curate in Monkford, a parish near Kellynch Hall, when he was onshore between assignments in the Royal Navy when he met Anne Elliot, the daughter of Sir Walter Elliot, baronet. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the Winterthorpe’s dinner, Frederick?” Edward Wentworth checked …

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Persuasion 200: Beginning with an Ending

I adore Persuasion and have had my head firmly residing in that world for the past year, thanks to my current work-in-progress. So I’m delighted to be kicking off this Persuasion 200 Project with the initial installment of several planned prequel posts. These will be based on events referred to in the book but which actually take …

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