Hello again! I hope you had a good start to 2023. Thanks for stopping by to have a peek at what I’ve been up to in 2022.
My WIP is a winter story, so how about starting with an excerpt from a snowy day?
I’ve never had the chance to see much snow at Pemberley. Just a dusting of it, or frost. I wish I could tickle your imagination with the right sort of photos, but this is the best I’ve got. I’m afraid you’ll have to imagine the grounds covered in a lot more snow than that:

Winter at Pemberley
WIP 2023
Please come back next week for the cover reveal. For now, let’s wrap up warm and go for a stroll. And maybe keep safely out of the way. There are snowballs flying everywhere!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The first snowball caught Edward in the shoulder. A moment later, another one flew from the opposite direction and hit Mr Darcy squarely in the middle of his back. Elizabeth spun round, as did he, only to discover that the culprit was his sister.
“Is this your game, then?” Mr Darcy laughed as he bent down to scoop a handful of snow, then darted after her.
Georgiana squealed and ran to hide behind the vast tree that stood beside the path. The evasive manoeuvre served her well. Mr Darcy’s snowball splattered onto the rugged bark. Not trusting her chances against a second one, she picked up her skirts and scurried across the lawn to seek shelter among the large evergreens planted in two sinuous lines all the way to the orangery.
Unlike her, little Charles Gardiner did not have the good sense to duck behind a tree trunk. His brother’s snowball knocked the cap off his head.
“Careful, now. Not the face, if you please” Jane sensibly advised.
Having come to see much merit in Miss Darcy’s tactic, Charles turned on his heel and hurtled towards the evergreens as well. The snowman entirely forgotten, Edward gave chase, pelting his brother’s back as he went. Charles made a token effort to defend himself, but missed by a wide margin. From her green hideaway, Miss Darcy was a great deal more accurate. Her snowball left a large mark on Mr Darcy’s chest.
Once Hetty and Emily also joined the fray, the temptation became too great for Elizabeth. She glanced over her shoulder towards her elder sister, her smile wide, albeit a little sheepish.
“Shall we?”
Jane laughed.
“I was marvelling at your forbearance. Go, Lizzy. Get along with you.”
“You sound just like Papa,” Elizabeth chuckled, then sobered a little. “Are you quite certain you won’t mind if I leave you?”
“You are not going to the North Pole, dearest, and I shall be well entertained watching from a safe distance. Go, go,” Jane urged, shooing her away with a flourish. “Make haste, lest you miss all the excitement.”
Thus, Elizabeth found that her wish of a run through the snow was fulfilled much sooner than she had imagined. Jane’s expectations were fulfilled as well. It was highly entertaining to watch the others ducking in and out of the rows of evergreens with squeals and loud peals of laughter to pelt each other with a great deal of snow.
In due course, what had begun as a game between siblings became an exercise in solidarity: the girls against the boys. In truth, Emily’s partners in the snowball fight received precious little from her by way of assistance. She could not throw far enough – her snowballs always disintegrated in the air. Nevertheless, to her brothers’ credit, they did not seek her out as the easiest target, but allowed her to have her fun, however ineffectual her endeavours.
One might have thought that the boisterous amusement would lose its appeal soon enough. But once they grew disenchanted with dashing hither and thither, the snowball fight turned into a game of stealth rather than evasion and pursuit. Those of them who could keep very, very quiet found it almost too easy to sneak from one hiding place to another and leap out to startle their opponents. Yet, for all her light-footed advance, it was Elizabeth who was startled when she ducked behind one of the vast yews to evade Edward’s notice and found herself face to face with Mr Darcy, snowball in hand and poised to throw.
“You would not!” she challenged him in a laughing whisper, and was relieved to see his gentlemanly side prevail.
“No, of course not,” he said, and let the snowball drop. He removed one of his gloves and came a couple of steps closer with a quiet, “May I?”
His raised hand and the direction of his gaze made it clear enough to her that he was referring to the spatter that must have been clinging to the fur trimming of her hat ever since Emily had aimed a snowball at Charles but thrown it at her head.
“Oh? If you would,” Elizabeth shrugged in agreement.
“You are not hurt, I hope.”
“No, not at all. This was Emily’s doing. She throws with much enthusiasm, but no force.”
“I am glad to hear it,” Mr Darcy said and proceeded to brush the snow away with slow and very careful motions and an air of concentration which Elizabeth could not but find diverting. Surely it was not a matter of such import!
She was about to observe as much when the crunch of none-too-stealthy footsteps could be heard beyond the evergreens. Mr Darcy’s air of concentration melted into a boyish grin. His hand found hers as he leaned closer to whisper, “Shh. Come this way.”
Shoulders hunched, they noiselessly crept around the mass of foliage, but the short sprint from one conifer to the next was their undoing.
“Miss Darcy, look! Your brother!” came Hetty’s triumphant cry, followed by Edward’s.
“There’s Lizzy! With me, Charles, with me!”
Darting a glance over her shoulder, Elizabeth saw her cousins springing out of their respective hiding places to give chase, once the pair of them were spotted. There was but the briefest hesitation as the opposing parties stood in the open, mere yards apart, each child holding a snowball except for Hetty, who was carrying an armful. None were thrown. A new alliance was formed in a fraction of a second. As one, the children set off in hot pursuit, their squeals drawing Hector from the shrubbery. Mr Darcy chortled. Scarce knowing how it came about, Elizabeth found herself verily swept off her feet and whirled around, his arm around her waist, before he set her down ahead of him as he offered his back to be pelted with snowballs. Only a couple reached that far. The others splattered at their heels as they ran along the path, then up a flight of steps, half-breathless with laughter.
Oddly enough, assistance came from Miss Darcy. She called the little ones by name, called Hector too, and urged the small troop to return.
“Do be careful, children, those steps can be slippery,” she insisted. “Come back and let us go into the shrubbery. Or up this way. There are some strange-looking mushrooms I think you will like to see.”
“Come, girls. Charles, Edward, you too,” Elizabeth could hear her sister’s clear voice rising in support. “Listen to Miss Darcy. It would be a shame to hurt yourselves and be confined to the house. And you should not throw snowballs so close to the orangery. You might break the glass. Do come along,” Jane urged again.
She was obeyed. She always was. Jane had a way with children. Besides, the little Gardiners had long formed the habit of doing just as they were told. Hector was the only one who hesitated for a few moments longer, his head whipping back and forth, testament to his indecision. But he eventually complied as well.
Thus, the gleeful pursuit was over by the time Elizabeth found herself standing before the entrance to the orangery, still hand in hand with Mr Darcy. He ushered her within and closed the door.
© Joana Starnes 2023

The orangery at Chatsworth (left) and Lyme Park (right)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
So, what do you think? I suppose you’re wondering what are Elizabeth, Jane and the Gardiner children doing at Pemberley. Who else is there? Are Darcy and Elizabeth married? Engaged? What has become of Mr Darcy’s unbending reserve? And what are they up to in the orangery?
Don’t worry, I won’t keep you guessing for very long. Since it’s a winter book, I’d better hurry up and publish it before the spring, so that it’s not so much of a stretch of the imagination to picture snowball fights at Pemberley. In Jane Austen’s time, winters were much harsher (the Thames had frozen over at least once during her lifetime). These days we rarely see a sprinkling of snow over Derbyshire, and it melts quickly. So I’m hoping you’ll be able to read the book before the snowdrops and the daffodils come out.
I’m also hoping you’ll like the cameos. Christina, Gina, Stephanie, Debbie and Mihaela, thanks for signing up for them in support of the JAFF Loves Ukraine Fundraiser and sorry I kept you waiting for so long.
See you next week for the cover reveal and more.
For now, would you like to enter the Giveaway?
I’m offering 4 paperbacks, so please leave a comment for a chance to win yours. The Giveaway is international, and the winners will be announced on Launch Day (which, fingers crossed, will be by the end of January). Watch this space and thanks for reading!
(Photos J Starnes. Holly ornament: Pixabay)
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This sounds like a delightful story, Joana!
I’m so glad you liked the snippet, Katie! Thank you!
What a wonderful excerpt! They sound like they are having so much fun. And you left us hanging, just enough.
Sorry about leaving you hanging, Denise! I’ll get it up and running as soon as the edits are sorted. Steaming through them as we speak 🙂
Thanks for reading, I’m so glad you liked it!
Very excited about another Starnes book!
Thanks so much!!
I eagerly await this story!
Confident Darcy!
Thanks, Mary! I’m so glad you liked this and you’re looking forward to the rest!
Oh, you just about ruined my weekend, Joana!!! In this part of the world, our harvest festival is around the corner and you have me going stir-crazy, my imagination running wild with what ODC are up to. Teasing, teasing, Joana! The wickedness in me is salivating at the thought of how ‘hot’ the conservatory is going to be 😉😉😉. Darcy being Darcy, I have a feeling that he wouldn’t break into propriety and close the door to the conservatory unless he is married… A forced marriage, perhaps, or, a nascent engagement??? Otherwise, I’d think that Darcy would be quite, ahem, bold with Elizabeth and not hesitate with a “May I?”…. Too clever of you to play around ODC interaction without them ever addressing each other by name, lest we find out…aargh… Oh, you have put a bee in my bonnet… I’m chasing multiple scenarios now in my mind..Me being me, this will not stop until I read the book…🥴… Imagine this… Ladle in hand, preparing for a work day, but not minding the cooking, a goofy, far-away, strange, unable to read expression on my face, lost in a world of my own, perplexing my family…. 😅😅😅 Please, oh, please, have pity & release the book!!!! Lacking sufficient patience has ever been a particular fault of mine…
Joana!! What a wonderful surprise…. And yet!!! Knowing you, I am already biting my nails and will get to the knuckles by the time the release day would be upon us!!
I have (vagues ! Because it has been thaaaaaaat long) memories about you asking what kind of a story you should write first – and I remember a penchant for a sweet no angst one!
Is this it?!🥰😘😁? Please?
Yes you asked almost all the questions in my head and GG the rest of them … But I am certain if I had until end of the month, I can probably come up with a hundreds more …. And no fingers!!
Cruelest dearest J !
Thanks so much, dear Mihaela!! So, shall I drop a few hints (or paragraphs 😀 ) in your inbox, or would you like it to be a surprise?
Yes, your memories are spot-on, it’s a light story. I so hope you’ll like it! I know what you mean, it was such a long time ago that we were talking about it! But I made notes about the do’s & don’ts, so that I don’t forget anything of consequence 😉 Sorry it’s taken me ages! Take care, bon nuit and chat soon! (I think I’ll pop into your inbox anyway 😀 )
Oh dear… So sorry, GG! I’ll do my best to hurry hurry hurry with the tweaking and everything else.
I think I can safely say that the heating in the conservatory is in good working order 😉 . Can’t wait to hear what you think!
“Darcy being Darcy, I have a feeling that he wouldn’t break into propriety and close the door to the conservatory unless he is married… ”
So true! But then again, he wouldn’t want precious specimens to suffer in freezing temperatures either :)) Decisions, decisions… Poor Darcy, so many things to consider…
” Otherwise, I’d think that Darcy would be quite, ahem, bold with Elizabeth and not hesitate with a “May I?”…. ”
Ooops, I gave the game away with that, haven’t I? Well, sort of. You’re making an excellent point here.
So sorry about the bee, the bonnet and the wait!! I’d release it tomorrow if I could!! There are a few things I still need to fix, and then there’s the joy of formatting. But I’ll get on with it as quickly as I can. Take care, have a lovely harvest festival and thanks for reading!
This sounds like a fun book! Darcy is having so much fun, and Miss Darcy is coming out of her shell. I am curious as to how the Bennet and Gardiner family ended up at Pemberly engaged in a snowball fight.
I’m so happy you like the sound of it, Joan! So glad too that you’re intrigued about how they got there. I’ll let that kitten out of the bag next Friday with another excerpt 😉 . See you then and thanks for reading!
How wonderful to have a new book from you coming very soon! Already married? I think not. But I have to wait for the book to read to know if I’m right. Thank you for the possibility to win a book for my shelf.
I like the view on the garden area with the box wood. I had to look for the word, in Germany it is called Buchsbaum.
Best wishes for the book release.
That pattern looks so pretty, Simone, doesn’t it? I think a sprinkling of snow is just the thing . It creates enough contrast to highlight the boxwood patterns. Too much snow would have hidden them completely.
Thanks so much for stopping by to read the post! I’m so glad you liked it!
Salut Joana
I don’t want snow, I don’t want the cover, I WANT the book, NOW!
Happy writing!
Bonjour Doris
Thanks so much for the message 🙂 Yes, ma’am! On it!
Take care and thanks for reading!
An accomplished lady IS patient – so I shall follow Lady Catherine’s advice and practice PATIENCE🤐
😀 😀 😀 Isn’t Lady Catherine full of helpful advice? Thanks so much, Doris! I’ll hurry up as best I can, I promise!
Joana, I never thought Lady C. could be so helpful👍
And now I shall keep quiet and wait…….pat…ly👼
I won’t keep you waiting long, fingers crossed! Take care, Doris and all the best!
That sounds wonderful !!!
I’m so glad you like the sound of it, Wendy!
Finally!! A new book!! I can’t wait!!!
Thanks so much, Patricia! I hope you’ll like it.
Oh what a tease you are Joana! I’m hoping this is based on the idea myself and Rita spoke of while wandering round Pemberley? I shan’t say any more in case I’m right and I give away spoilers 😉😉. As you say, we haven’t had much snow so far up here but several roads are closed due to flooding, hopefully Lyme Park doesn’t suffer like last time 🤞🏻🤞🏻.
I loved the snowball fight and I loved Darcy and Elizabeth’s escape to the orangery even more. It will be nice and warm in there (or hot even ❤️🔥😉?)
I really can’t wait for this to come out as I’m dying to read the rest of it. Happy writing ✍️✍️✍️🥰🥰
Yesssss, Glynis, that’s exactly what it is! I’m so glad you remembered!! That being said, goodness knows how close it is to what we discussed, but I hope it’s close enough. What a wonderful day that was!! I can’t wait to walk around the gardens with you again and have a scone & a cuppa. Maybe with Rita too, fingers crossed.
So sorry that some roads are closed due to flooding. OMG I hope there’s nothing like that awful scare with the reservoir, and the terrible damage they had at Lyme too.
I think you’ll like the escape to the orangery 🙂 🙂 🙂 I think you can safely assume that it’s pretty warm in there 😀 🥰🥰. And I think you’ll recognise one plant at least 🙂
Thanks so much for reading and for leaving this lovely message! I’ll steam through the edits and I’ll try to get it out asap!! Take care, look after yourself and see you soon!!
Very excited! For next week too, cover reveal and the Title!
Always lovely to see the softer, boyish side of Darcy.
Looking forward to the release.
I’m so glad you love stories with Darcy showing his softer, boyish side! I hope you’ll enjoy this one. Thanks for reading, Sam, and all the best!
Darcy holds Elizabeth’s hand without a glove! How daring of hism to do this in public 🙂 Can’t wait to read this lovely story!
How daring indeed :)))
Thanks, Tzippy! I hope you’ll like the other excerpts too.
I am so looking forward to reading this!
I’m so glad, Lia! Thank you!
Can’t wait to see the cover! Sounds like a fun book!
I’m so glad you like the sound of it, Julie! Take care and see you next week!
I’m now eagerly awaiting your newest release! What a perfect excerpt. You gave us just enough info to keep us wanting more! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too, Rebecca, and thanks so much!! Hope you’ll like the rest of the story too!
What a wonderful excerpt! I was smiling while reading. 😀. It brings back memories of my childhood playing in the snow and bring outside for hours, coming home with red fingers and toes!❄️☃️ Excited to read another wonderful story by you and I cannot wait to see the cover! Thanks for the chance in the giveaway!
Thanks so much, Shelley! I’m so glad you liked the excerpt and that it brought back happy memories! I hope you’ll like the full story too. Have a lovely weekend and see you next week!
That is a lot of snow for me! (Amazing photos by the way!!!)
I’m looking forward to reading this new Starnes book.
Good luck with your new release!!!
(I’m afraid I’ll get a penalty for using too many exclamation marks but I mean every one of them!)
I’m so glad you like the photos, Alexandra! I was thinking of making a FB album with all the photos that inspired me. I’ll put it up in the morning. I have some lovely ones from the orangery, and a few more winter ones. There’s one with a couple of brave ducks swimming in that little bit of clear water, and then clambering on the ice. I shiver at the thought 😀 😀 And also a very atmospheric one of Pemberley at dusk, with blueish fog surrounding it. Better suited for Halloween, but never mind 😀
Take care, have a good weekend and thanks for each and every exclamation mark!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Eagerly awaiting
Thanks so much, Jean!
Oh Joanna, I’ve missed you so! Your little tease leaves me wanting to know more. I’m guessing not married, yet, else Darcy wouldn’t have hesitated to steal a kiss while the children were out of sight. I’ll be waiting patiently and happy it won’t be much longer until we get to see what happens in the orangery. Congratulations on your upcoming release. It’s snowing where I live today!
Thanks so much, Marie, that’s such a sweet thing to say! Thank you!! I think you have a very good point about Darcy stealing a kiss while the children were out of sight :))). That bit does give the game away, doesn’t it? We’re going into the orangery soon, I promise! I hope you’ll like it, it’s cosy in there and pleasantly warm :))
Take care, dear Marie, have a lovely weekend and see you soon!
This is a wonderful idea..and can’t wait for this new story
I’m so glad you’re looking forward to it, Wendy! Thank you!
Oh that sounds exciting. I love the snowball scene and the familiarity between the Darcys, Gardiners and Bennet. The interaction between Elizabeth and Darcy…swoon. But knowing Joana it’s not that easy. Nevertheless I cannot wait to read this book.
LOL Christin I was going to say it *is* fairly easy in this one. But you’re probably right, it isn’t. Not really. (I think we can both agree that my angst meter broke many, many years ago 😀 😀 😀 ). So maybe it’s not easy-easy, but it’s not my usual level of angst either. Hope you’ll like it. But I’ll have a helmet to hand just in case 😀
There is nothing in the world like a new book from Joana! Love what you’ve done with all the scampering in the snow.. Mr. Darcy dropping the snowball!!! 😂😂😂. I have, on good authority. that the rest of it must be just as delicious!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ LOVE EVERY SINGLE SYLLABLE!!!
Jami, you’re ever so kind! Thanks SO much! I’m over the moon that you love it!!! Thank you!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I can’t wait to find out what happens in the orangery! It sounds like there is a merry party gathering at Pemberly, and I’m looking forward to finding out how this occurred. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the book.
I’ll share more excerpts soon, Cyndy, and can’t wait to see what you think of them. I hope they’ll answer a few questions :))
Thanks for reading and for taking part in the giveaway, and I hope you’ll like the full story too.
What a charming, delightful scene! And yes, I want to go into the orangery with Elizabeth and Darcy! I guess I’ll have to wait, but I’m so impatient! 🙂
So glad to read another excerpt from you, Joana! Happy New Year!
Thanks so much for reading it, Christina, I’m so happy you liked it! I hope you’ll like the orangery scenes too (for there are several, to quote Mr Collins 😀 ). But don’t worry, he’s not going to be there. ODC need a little privacy 😉 . Happy New Year to you too, and lots of inspiration!
That excerpt was so much fun to read. I was smiling as I pictured the fun between the participants. And it did make me wonder how everyone arrived at Pemberley and is Elizabeth Mrs. Darcy??? Congrats on publishing another new story.
A few more clues coming soon, Jeannette, and with any luck the full story will be in your hands in a couple of weeks. All the best and thanks for reading!
You make me so happy with your new story. I know, with confidence and comfort, it will be another excellent. After all, you wrote it.
Thank you!
Thanks so much for your wonderful words, Betty, you’re ever so kind! I’m so happy you’re looking forward to it. Thank you!!
Wonderful to see you have a new book coming our way, Joana! Looking forward to it’s publication –perfect birthday gift for me, January 28!
Keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll be out just at the right time 🙂 Thanks so much, Regina, and have a wonderful January!
Oh, I can’t wait to read this book! I love the interaction between ODC. Thank you for that little teaser.
Thanks so much for stopping by to read the post, Peggy! I’m so happy you liked it. All the best and I hope you’ll like the rest of the book too.
I am so glad you are publishing another book! I think that Elizabeth and Darcy are married as there are two wedding rings on the brown paper book covering, but you could be misleading us. It appears that Mr. Darcy and Miss Darcy have let their reserve down and are having fun. Yes, what is going to happen in the Orangery? Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.
Thank *you* Eva, for stopping by to read the excerpt. I’ll share a couple more before the book is out, and one of them is in the Orangery. I hope you’ll like them both 🙂
Take care and all the best!
Happy New Year, Joana! So excited to hear you have a new book coming. As for snow, we have had enough here for me to imagine what it would look like in Derbyshire! Actually, it is snowing even now. So pretty, especially when I tucked up inside!
My curiosity is peaked with imagining why the Gardiners, Jane and Elizabeth are all at Pemberley! Wishing you all the best in 2023!
Happy New Year to you too, Carole! I thought you might find it easy to imagine a snowy Derbyshire 🙂 . I hope you’re keeping cosy and warm. Thanks so much for reading the excerpt! I’m so glad you’re looking forward to the book. Hope you’ll like it. Take care, all the best and have a great 2023!
Sounds like fun! Can’t wait to find out more. Good luck with the new book!
I’m so glad you like the sound of it, Linda! Thank you!
This excerpt definitely leaves me wanting more!
Thanks for reading, Heather! I’ll post a couple more excerpts before the book is released. All the best and I hope you’ll like them.
So exciting, that there will be a new Joana Starnes book! I can hardly wait!
I’m so glad you’re looking forward to it, Ginna! Thanks so much and Happy New Year!
Great to see a new book coming from your pen! A lovely excerpt. Definitely a different Darcy – but due to his marriage to Elizabeth or more lovable from the start? I can’t decide.
Thanks so much, Mary! I hope you’ll like the full story too. All the best and thanks for reading!
Yes! I am all anticipation.
And the orangery. I love what might happen next.
I’m all anticipation too. I can’t wait to see what you think of it!!
Thanks so much, Christina! Here’s to a great 2023!! (And see you in the orangery 😉 )
It is so great to hear from you and even better that I can anticipate a new story! As winter is my favorite time of year and i have a love affair with snow (just can’t get enough of it) I can’t wait to read this, especially going to warm up in the orangery. Best wishes!
I’m so happy you’re looking forward to this, Jennifer! Thanks so much for stopping by to read the excerpt. I hope you’ll like the rest of the story too. Take care and have a lovely winter wonderland around you!
What a teaser! Looking forward to reading another Joanna Starnes novel!!!
Thanks, Char! I hope you’ll like it.
I have been on the lookout for a new book by you Joanne. Will watch for further developments.
I’ve really taken my time with this one, Margaret :)) Sorry for keeping you waiting and thanks for being on the lookout. Take care and I hope you’ll like it.
How delightful. It is spitting snow here today so this felt so very real. Thanks for sharing this with us. I look forward to reading it. Blessings on this new launch. I wish you all manner of success. Have a delightful new year. Once this has launched, put your feet up, and have yourself a well-deserved cup of your favorite tea.
Thanks so much for the kind thoughts and good wishes, dear Jeanne! Hope you’re keeping cozy and warm, with a nice cuppa nearby and lots of books on your Kindle. Blessings to you too, and a joyful New Year!
Mr. Darcy sounds lovely and romantic, as usual in your books. Looking so forward to your next book. B in Canada
You’re so kind, Barbara! Thank you!! Hope you’ll like the full story too, and that you’re having a great time at balls and assemblies, and thinking of international travel 🙂
Take care and have a great 2023!
What a cliffhanger! I can’t wait to continue reading it!
Thanks so much, Jan! I hope you’ll like it.
Want to read it soon, please!
I’ll steam through the edits as fast as I can, I promise!! Thank you, I’m so glad you’re looking forward to it.
Agreeing with all saying this excerpt is charming and delightful. Can’t wait to find out to whom Hettie, Emily, and Hector belong, and when this story is set. Always love seeing Georgiana and Darcy getting in touch with ‘youthful frivolity’ as canon does not give them the opportunity to do so.
Thank you for your effort in giving us another book.
Oops, I should have tweaked the excerpt to give a few more clues about who’s who. By this stage in the book it’s made clear, but not so much here. Hettie and Emily are Mr and Mrs Gardiner’s daughters, and Hector is Mr Darcy’s affectionate but boisterous pointer. I’ll post another excerpt next Friday, and that might give a few more clues too.
Thanks for reading the post, I’m so happy you love seeing them snapping out of their drawing room personae for a while 🙂 All the best and I hope you’ll like the rest of the story too.
This is a fun excerpt! I don’t think Elizabeth and Mr Darcy are engaged yet, their manner of interacting doesn’t seem quite that comfortable yet. I’m looking forward to finding out what is going on in the orangery!
Orangery excerpt coming up soon, Lisa! Can’t wait to hear what you think of it. I don’t know why, but this time it’s been so hard to decide what excerpts to share and in what order! There are a few things I really really want to share, but then I shouldn’t spoil all the surprises. Decisions, decisions… 😀 Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll like it.
Yay!!!! NOTHING could brighten my spirits more than news of a brand new Joana Starnes release coming very soon. Missed you! I’m beyond captivated already, so do get us into the orangery – quick!!😍
Thanks so much, Deborah, you’re ever so kind!!!! I’m so happy you liked the snippet! I’m on my hands and knees scrubbing the flagstones and getting the orangery ready for visitors 😀 . I’ll make sure you get a good seat. I hope you’ll like the full story too. Take care and Happy New Year!
Look forward to the release!
Thank you! I hope you’ll like it. All the best and thanks for reading.
Tickle my imagination with the right sort of story…you absolutely did!! I can sense lots of chemistry. You are Queen of chemistry.
I can’t wait…I love the winter scenes you describe. End of January roll on!!!
It makes me so happy to have a new book to look forward to. Hipp hipp hurrahhhh
I’m so happy that your imagination has been tickled 🥰🥰🥰🥰. And that you sense the chemistry too. I was going for chemistry :)))
Sure enough, some of the reactions are along the lines of ‘light the blue touch paper and step way back’ 😀 😀 but you’ll see what I mean.
Take care, dear Diana, and have a wonderful 2023!
I was just thinking the other day that I was in need of a new Joana Starnes book!
There is nothing better than a playful Darcy in the snow. He and Elizabeth will need to cozy up and get warm!
You’re also quite wicked for torturing us like this. There are so many possible theories. It’s a good thing we won’t all be in suspense for too long. Can’t wait for release day!
Thanks so much, Dara! I just love it when there’s a little bit of telepathy involved
“He and Elizabeth will need to cozy up and get warm!”
Ooooh yes, I think so too!!
So sorry about keeping you waiting! I’ll try to sort out the edits asap. Take care and thanks for reading!
I am so looking forward to reading your new story. Lovely photos! Good luck with the release. Thanks for sharing with us here.
I’m so glad you’re looking forward to it. Thanks, Sheila! Lots of hugs and have a lovely 2023
I am excited about this new book. Congratulations. Cannot wait to read it.
You’re so kind, Patty, thank you.! I hope you’ll like it. Thanks for stopping by to have a look.
I would love to win a copy because I want to know what happens in the orangery!
Hi, Madenna! I hope you’ll be pleased to hear that the orangery excerpt will go up a few days before the end of the giveaway 🙂
Best of luck and thanks for reading!
This sounds like so much fun and can’t wait to read it!!!
Thanks, Glory! I’m so glad you like the sound of it. Thanks for stopping by to have a peek and all the best!
What a great excerpt! It sounds like D&E are not married yet. It seemed like Jane was helping them get some time alone at the end. I’m looking forward to reading more!
I’m so happy you liked the excerpt, Kim! I hope you’ll like the full story too. Thanks for reading and have a great 2023!
Yay, new Joana’s book is coming . I loved the photos and the snow ball fighting scene. I’m looking forward to reading a tender scene between Darcy and Elizabeth and finding out what the circumstances are. Is a lot of angst coming from the Queen of Angst is is it a low angst story?
Looking forward to the release soon 🙏
Thanks for coming to have a peek at this, Kate! I’m so glad you loved the photos and the excerpt! Hope you’ll like the other D&E scenes too :)).
All in all, I don’t think it’s a very angsty story, but as I was saying to Christin earlier, my angst meter was broken many years ago 😀 . Maybe I should say it doesn’t have my usual type of angst.
Take care, have a good weekend and thanks for reading!
Something to look forward to this dreary winter! A new book by Joana! I’m so excited! Loved the excerpt. I can’t wait to read more.
I’m so glad you’re looking forward to it, Pam, and that you loved the excerpt. Thank you!!
I have really enjoyed your previous books and am looking forward to reading your new one!!!
Thanks so much, I’m so happy you enjoyed them! Hope you’ll like this one too.
Congratulations on your next book! I’m intrigued. Looking forward to reading this!
Thanks for stopping by to read the post, Elizabeth! I hope you’ll like the full story too.
Yes, all those questions at the end and more. If not engaged yet, D & E soon will be in the orangery. He’s not hiding his affection nor is she resisting, so they’ve come a long ways since D’s dreadful proposal in Kent and E’s equally horrific refusal. Love the photos you share. I feel fortunate to be able to tour a bit of Derbyshire in Jund with the Pride and Prejudice focused JASNA tour. I can’t wait to take a few of my own photos, and hope to find a few small gems to focus on. Any suggestions at Lyme Park, Bakewell, or Chatsworth?
Thanks for reading the snippet, Meg! I’m so glad you liked it, and the photos too. This is wonderful news, about your JASNA tour! I hope you have a fabulous time and take lots and lots of pictures. I can never resist taking pictures of Pemberley from the two iconic angles (from across the lake at Lyme Park and across the bridge at Chatsworth), but I love the orangeries too, the maze and rockery at Chatsworth, the Italianate garden and the rose garden at Lyme Park, all the usual places 🙂 . And then the gems inside, the table arrangements in the dining rooms, the Chatsworth Painted Hall and library, the Tudor drawing room at Lyme and the butler’s pantry if it’s on the tour. I could go on forever. I hope the seashell-shaped pushchair is still on display in the Painted Hall at Chatsworth, and the Grinling Gibbons wood carvings in the Lyme Park music room are amazing, especially the lace handkerchief. I’m sure you’ll discover many favourites and fall in love with them. Have a wonderful time!
Thanks so much for the insider’s tips! I look forward to reading your next book and seeing these magnificent manors.
An absolute pleasure, Meg! Thank *you* and have a magical time on your trip!
Excellent a tempting taste for what is to come.
I hope D&E are married as I do love a sequel that reflects the happiness that Jane Austen spoke of in her original.
I’m so glad you liked the excerpt, Terri! Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you’ll like the rest of the story too.
Aww, lovely excerpt. We get so much less snow these days than in Austen’s time and yet our coats and shoes are much warmer. I always think how cold I would be when I read snow fight scenes!
Me too, Ceri! And so true about coats and shoes (and other articles of clothing that I shouldn’t mention 😀 ).
A few years ago I found this book about the Lake District which had a passage about Coleridge I think (or possibly Lord Byron) going for a long trek over the hills with no spare clothing, just an extra pair of socks, a fresh neckcloth and a bottle of brandy! No Goretex, high-energy drinks or hiking equipment. But I’m thinking that even in those days he should have known that the bottle of brandy was a mistake 😀
Thanks so much for reading, I’m so happy you liked it!
I am a great admirer of your work and The Unthinkable Triangle is my favorite – I’ve read it more than once. A book from you is always great news!
You’re so kind, Adriana, thank you! I hope you’ll like it. And I’m so happy to hear that The Unthinkable Triangle is your favourite!! I loved writing that book. (But it scared many people 🙂 ).
I’ve greatly enjoyed your books and was very excited to see you have a new one coming out. It sounds great so far!
I’m so glad you liked the sound of it Katie. Hope you’ll like the full story too. Thanks for stopping by to have a look!
So excited to have another Joana Starnes book en route! What a great start to 2023! Loved this excerpt, really looking forward to the cover reveal, they’re always a beauty 🙂
Thanks for reading the excerpt, Roseanne! I’m so happy you loved it, and that you’re looking forward to the cover reveal. See you on Friday! I hope you’ll like the cover and the full story too.
It’s a great excerpt, thank you for sharing it. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too, Robin! I’m so glad you liked the excerpt. Thank you! All the best and have a lovely weekend.
The excerpt of your new book is a delight. I’m eager to read the rest. Thank you for sharing it.
I’m so happy you like it, Leeza! Thank *you* for reading. I hope you’ll like the rest as well.
I loved this excerpt, but, alas, I read next week’s post before finding my way here. I loved those posts, too, and, especially , knowing what’s happening. I’m excited to read the entire book!
Thanks for reading, Teresa. It was probably better this way, you read them in the right order. Perhaps I should have started at the beginning and posted the cover reveal and the Chapter 1 & 2 excerpts last week, but I wanted to drop in a couple of keywords first: ‘snow’ & ‘orangery’ :)) . I hope you’ll enjoy the orangery excerpt too. Have a lovely weekend and all the best!
So excited to see you have a new book!
Loved the excerpt.
I’m so happy you loved it, Gill. Thank you!!
Lovely and very promising (as if we would expect any less coming from YOUR quill 😉 ).
I’m a crazy plant person, so I could not imagine a more romantic place to spend some quality time with a loved one than an orangery. Then again…maybe NOT a good place, as I might get side tracked by the plants, and miss important parts of a conversation…like a declaration of sorts…LOL!
Funny you should mention that, Des 😀 . Lizzy gets sidetracked by the plants too, and almost misses the declaration of sorts before Darcy brings his point across more clearly :))
I hope you’ll like the orangery scenes. The plants play a part too (kind of 😉 ). All the best and thanks again for your advice in the other thread, it’s hugely helpful!!
Love this story – it seems that the kids bring out Darcy’s playful side.
They really do, Mary. I thought Elizabeth might like to see that side of him :)). All the best and thanks for stopping by to read this.
This was a wonderful excerpt and I can hardly wait for the release!! It’s been a crazy busy start to the year and I’m only now coming back to comment. We’ve had lots of snow this year but unfortunately there’s been a pattern of intense snow fall with heavy winds and low temperatures for multiple days (typically less than a week) and immediately after and before there’s been time to enjoy the snow, a sudden change to rain, flooding and temperatures up to +5 C and then all the wonderful snow is gone. Then the cycle repeats itself. So no snowball fights or skiing yet this winter.
So sorry you haven’t had a chance to enjoy the snow yet, Satu. I hope the pattern changes. Thanks so much for reading all the excerpts. Best wishes and I hope you’ll enjoy the full story too.
SO looking forward to this one, Joana – beautiful excerpts here and on Austenesque Reviews!
I’m so happy you loved the excerpts, Jean! Thanks so much for stopping by to read them, and I hope you’ll enjoy the book too.
[…] like to find out what happened in the orangery after the snowball fight in last week’s post (New Year, New Book), check out my post at Austenesque Reviews on Monday ( 23 Jan). I hope you’ll like what you see […]
[…] New Year, New Book […]