Category: Shannon Winslow

Raffle Winners!

We did it! We managed to raise over $10,000 for humanitarian relief in Ukraine!! I’m so incredibly proud of our JAFF community. We had some very generous donations for our raffle, ranging from $5 to $400. Winners were chosen using a random number generator. This prize list doesn’t include the bonuses for donations of $100+, …

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Merriment: It’s not always what you expect!

If “March Merriment” is our theme this month, what does Jane Austen have to say on the subject? Plus an update on my WIP!

JAFF Loves Ukraine Fundraiser

New: There’s a new post with updates! Like most of the world,  we’ve been feeling heart-heavy over the tragedy in Ukraine, even more so as Elizabeth Adams, one of our authors, lived in Ukraine and is married to a Ukrainian.  We want to do what we can to help out, so we’re turning to you, …

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From High Sensibility to Having More Sense

In case you haven’t heard, I’m working on a Sense and Sensibility book: Colonel Brandon in His Own Words. From the title (or if you read Fitzwilliam Darcy in His Own Words), you will have guessed that this novel will be told completely from the hero’s point of view, covering the scope of the original …

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2021 Deck the Shelves in the Closet Book Sale

MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! The Holiday season is in full swing. We’ve finished Thanksgiving (in the US) and Chanukkah, and Christmas Day is here. Our halls are decked and presents opened. How about something for those gift cards to tide you over in your quiet hours as you await New Year’s Day 2022? Like a great …

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Great (Christmas) Expectations

Christmas image

It starts when we’re kids: all the build-up to Christmas (or what ever holiday you celebrate this time of year): the decorations, the wish lists, the family traditions, the idea that magic can happen!  But the higher our unreasonable expectations, the more likely they are to be disappointed. On the other hand, sometimes what happens …

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Catherine and Henry Tilney’s “Comfortable Coze”

I know that “a comfortable coze” (this month’s theme here at the blog) comes from Mansfield Park and refers to a confab between Fanny Price and Mary Crawford. (Read more about that in Diana Birchall’s post.) But I admit that the phrase conjured up something a little different in my mind. First, you should know …

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Colonel Brandon in His Own Words

  Sometimes starting is the hardest part of writing a novel (read more about that subject here). That was the case for me this time. I knew I wanted to write a Sense and Sensibility novel, and I settled on telling Colonel Brandon’s story. (Proposed title: Colonel Brandon in His Own Words.) I will delve a little deeper into …

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Up (or Down?) the Garden Path with Anne de Bourgh

Considering our August theme – Up The Garden Path – I knew immediately what I should share today. Although I daresay every novel I’ve ever written features a garden walk or two, I’m sure there must be more of them in The Ladies of Rosings Park than any other. There’s even a chapter by that …

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JAV Author Spotlight with Shannon Winslow

Happy Friday, everyone! I’m excited to announce a brand new feature here at Austen Variations: a series of interviews with our very own JAV authors! Today, I will be interviewing Shannon Winslow, who, coincidentally, celebrated the 10th anniversary of her first book The Darcy’s of Pemberley just this week! Since then, Shannon has published a …

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