Would you like to have a closer look at the sort of carriages that our favourite characters might have used to travel around town or dash up and down the country? Then let’s stroll through the Carriage Museum at Arlington Court in North Devon. There are around 50 vehicles in the collection, the oldest …
Category: Joana Starnes
Summer Travels
Last month, when I went to stay at Hunsford, I was seriously tempted to drive up to Pemberley as well. When I mentioned that to my husband, he didn’t roll his eyes or anything. He’s always a gentleman, and his patience for everything to do with my obsession borders on the superhuman. He only pointed …
The lane to Hunsford
Flights of Fancy is this month’s theme, so how about flights of fancy in Hunsford? Six years ago almost to the day, my friend Mira and I finished our P&P tour with a very brief glimpse of Teigh Old Rectory (aka Hunsford 1995). I’ve been hoping to go back ever since and stay for …
Any Excuse for a Pressie!
Any excuse will do, right? So I think I’ll blame Mr Darcy’s shirt 😛 Mihaela and I came across it last Sunday at Jane Austen’s House, and at first I was quite blasé, thinking it was just another copy. But no, this time it was the real deal. A very thoughtful gentleman offered to take …
March is for merriment & spring flowers
The snowdrops have come and gone, the daffodils are in bloom and the tulips I brought home from Pemberley are only 4″ tall and still keep me guessing which variety is which. The Spanish bluebells are coming out in force, and as I was thinning them out yesterday (under careful supervision 🙂 …
Raffle Winners!
We did it! We managed to raise over $10,000 for humanitarian relief in Ukraine!! I’m so incredibly proud of our JAFF community. We had some very generous donations for our raffle, ranging from $5 to $400. Winners were chosen using a random number generator. This prize list doesn’t include the bonuses for donations of $100+, …
JAFF Loves Ukraine update
Wow! Our Austenesque community is so amazing!!! Between 35 authors and hundreds of readers, we’ve already raised over $7000 $8000 $9000 for humanitarian aid to Ukraine on our original fundraiser post! Give yourselves a big hand! But the need is far too great to rest on our laurels, so our authors have pulled out even …
JAFF Loves Ukraine Fundraiser
New: There’s a new post with updates! Like most of the world, we’ve been feeling heart-heavy over the tragedy in Ukraine, even more so as Elizabeth Adams, one of our authors, lived in Ukraine and is married to a Ukrainian. We want to do what we can to help out, so we’re turning to you, …
Betrothed ~ The Sweet HEA
So, ‘Love Is In The Air’ is this month’s theme, and Valentine’s Day is coming. Isn’t this a good time for sweet happily ever afters? I often wonder how readers feel about the final chapters of P&P variations. Too long? Not long enough? How much time do you enjoy spending with our favourite characters once …
Joking with Jane
Jane Austen’s novels and the tone of her letters have always given me the feeling that she was a lot like Elizabeth Bennet. I can’t help thinking that she modelled Elizabeth on herself, but it was unconsciously done. Otherwise she would have been too modest to jot down her famous description of Elizabeth in …
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