For those who celebrate, the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights is currently under way, running this year from sundown on December 22nd through December 30th. The Hebrew word Hanukkah (or Chanukah) means “dedication,” and the holiday commemorates the re-dedication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after the Maccabean Revolt in 164 BCE. Like most holidays, …
Category: Jennifer Altman
To Conquer Pride One Year Anniversary Celebration!
“It is above eight months. We have not met since the 26th of November, when we were all dancing together at Netherfield.” – Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 44. Yes, that’s right – it’s November 26th, the anniversary of the Netherfield Ball! However, on a more personal note, I am also celebrating a milestone of my …
Advice for New Writers
Recently, a friend and I were having a conversation about what it takes to write and publish a novel. After many years of having a story idea floating around in her head, she had decided to give writing a shot, and wanted to know if I had any advice for a first-time author. And while …
Weather or Not: Weather in Jane Austen’s Novels
There is no question that weather was a significant factor in Regency era life. Snow, heavy rain, and other poor meteorological conditions would have made travel next to impossible and may have led to illness and even death. As such, it is not surprising that Jane Austen often referenced the elements in her novels. While …
Twenty Things To Know About Jane Austen
As many of you are probably aware, Austen Variations has been joining The Book Rat for a month-long celebration of all things Austen. As August begins to draw to a close, I thought it might be fun to get to know Jane Austen a little better with some facts about the author’s life. Are …
On Writing
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about writing and what it means to be a writer. I’m in the process of drafting my second Pride and Prejudice variation, and to be honest, it’s been a challenge. Unlike many authors, I didn’t always want to write. I never dreamed about seeing my name on the New …
20 Questions with Audiobook Narrator Stevie Zimmerman
If you’re a fan of Austenesque fiction and also enjoy listening to audiobooks, you are probably familiar with Stevie Zimmerman. With nearly 200 titles under her belt (many of them in the JAFF and historical romance categories), she has developed a loyal following—and having recently worked with Stevie on my own release, I can see …
Crossing Over
Hi, all! I’m Jennifer Altman and I am thrilled to be joining the team here at Austen Variations! For those of you who haven’t come into contact with me somewhere in cyberspace, I’m relatively new to the Austenesque universe, having published my debut novel To Conquer Pride this past November. To tell the truth, sometimes …
P&P Missing Scenes – Darcy and Elizabeth’s Wedding Night
It is a truth universally acknowledged that many fans of Jane Austen’s characters are in want of a wedding night scene to read! We’ve collected a variety of them here from different authors for your reading pleasure. Here’s a teaser quote for each, plus a link to read the full scene. Darcy and …
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