Category: Jennifer Altman

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, everyone! In the spirit of the day, I’m dusting off a post from the archives. I hope you enjoy! 🙂 When most of us think of Halloween, we tend to envision ghosts and witches and mummies and things that go bump in the night. But did you know that there is actually a …

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WIP Sneak Peek! by Jennifer Altman

Hello, friends! Happy autumn! If you happened to read my last post, you may remember that I shared some fun facts about my current WIP (if you missed that post, you can read it HERE). So, today, I thought I would take the next step and share an actual excerpt from the book. 🙂 The …

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Summer Fun and a WIP Sneak Peek! by Jennifer Altman

Hello, friends! I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the last few weeks of summer. 🌞 Lately, I’ve seen many of my JAV colleagues sharing stories about their summer adventures, so today, I thought I would jump on the bandwagon and do the same. This time next week, I will be in what I …

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Twenty Things To Know About Jane Austen

As many of you are probably aware, yesterday marked the 206th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death. So, in honor of the woman who has essentially brought all of us together, I thought I would take the opportunity to dust off a post from a few years ago to celebrate the life of the iconic author. …

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A Look Back by Jennifer Altman

JA Looking Back

Hi, all! I hope your summer is off to a good start! Last month, I was here celebrating the second birthday of my second novel, Faults of Understanding. So today, I thought it would be nice to give my first book baby, To Conquer Pride, a share in the conversation. 🙂 It’s been a while …

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A Book Birthday Celebration! by Jennifer Altman

Hi, friends! As some of you may have noticed, it’s been a while since I’ve posted here. To be honest, it hasn’t been the greatest year, and (to borrow a phrase from the lovely Joana Starnes) I’ve been spending some time hiding under my bonnet. But the good news is that things are starting to …

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Audiobook Release! by Jennifer Altman

Hi, all! I hope your spring is off to a good start! Today, I have two very exciting announcements to make. The first is that my most recent novel, Faults of Understanding is finally available in audiobook, narrated by the talented Stevie Zimmerman! A big thank you to everyone who has read the book already, …

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JAFF Loves Ukraine update

Wow! Our Austenesque community is so amazing!!! Between 35 authors and hundreds of readers, we’ve already raised over $7000  $8000 $9000 for humanitarian aid to Ukraine on our original fundraiser post! Give yourselves a big hand! But the need is far too great to rest on our laurels, so our authors have pulled out even …

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JAFF Loves Ukraine Fundraiser

New: There’s a new post with updates! Like most of the world,  we’ve been feeling heart-heavy over the tragedy in Ukraine, even more so as Elizabeth Adams, one of our authors, lived in Ukraine and is married to a Ukrainian.  We want to do what we can to help out, so we’re turning to you, …

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Book News, an Excerpt, and a Giveaway by Jennifer Altman

Hi all! As some of you may have noticed, I’ve been taking a bit of a social media break to focus on my writing and other things, but in the spirit of Thanksgiving, and to celebrate my two book anniversaries (three years for my first, and six months for my second), I have just moved …

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