Anngela Schroeder

Anngela has a degree in English with a concentration in British Literature and a Masters of Education. She loves to travel, bake, and watch college football with her husband of 23 years and 3 handsome sons. Her earliest memory is sitting on the kitchen counter, swinging her legs and regaling her mother with stories she dreamt the night before. Her weaknesses are yellow cake with chocolate frosting, her father's Arabic food (namely grape leaves, and falafel), and frozen Girl Scout Thin Mints. She lives in California where she dreams of Disney adventures and trips across the pond. When she is not writing, she teaches 12th grade English and Creative Writing, plans events for her high school seniors, and perfects her chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Most commented posts

  1. The Greatest Risk-Chapter 1 — 67 comments
  2. The Greatest Risk-A Work in Progress — 64 comments
  3. Upcoming Release- Chapter 1 — 53 comments
  4. The Beauty of Escapism — 49 comments
  5. Inspiration Strikes-An Excerpt from my Unexpected Current Work in Progress — 42 comments

Author's posts

To Cambridge We Will Go…

Or is it to Oxford? Or Eton? Or to Mrs Goddards’? “No governess!” How was that possible?” Five daughters brought up at home without a governess! I never heard of such a thing! Your mother must have been quite a slave to your education.” ~Lady Catherine de Bourgh   With the ‘dog days’ of summer …

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That Which We Call a Rose…

“That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” ~Romeo and Juliet To love and appreciate something, you really have to understand it; understand the layers, choices, and in-depth intricacies of the whole package. Whether it’s why someone uses cayenne pepper in hot chocolate, or ranch dressing instead of ketchup …

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Avoiding ‘Busy Nothings’

Hello, fellow Janeites! My name is Anngela Schroeder, and I am the newest member of Austen Variations. I’ve been writing in the lovely world of JAFF for five years with six novels and four short stories published and more on the way. My journey here began before I even realized it. Having three brothers, and …

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