Jennifer Altman

Jennifer Altman is a novelist, an anglophile, and a lover of all things Regency. After a long career in the television industry, Jennifer shifted to book publishing in 2016. She currently works in the corporate division of a large publishing company. Jennifer makes her home just outside of New York City where she lives in a compact apartment with a considerable collection of books. When she's not writing, Jennifer can be found reading, watching British period dramas, and not cleaning her house. Her debut novel, To Conquer Pride, released in 2018. Her follow up, Faults of Understanding, published in 2021. She is currently at work on her third novel.

Most commented posts

  1. Faults of Understanding Paperback Release & Giveaway! — 96 comments
  2. Faults of Understanding Excerpt and Giveaway by Jennifer Altman! — 90 comments
  3. To Conquer Pride One Year Anniversary Celebration! — 76 comments
  4. 12 Days of Christmas, Day 11 — 58 comments
  5. Crossing Over — 48 comments

Author's posts

Advent Calendar Day 10: A Jane Austen Word Scramble!

Welcome to day 10 of the Austen Variations Advent Calendar! For today’s festivities, we actually have a double celebration, since in addition our regular advent fun, tonight also marks the beginning of Hanukkah! For those of you who’d like to learn a little bit more about the Jewish Festival of Lights, you can read a …

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A Triple Celebration!

“It is above eight months. We have not met since the 26th of November, when we were all dancing together at Netherfield.” –Charles Bingley to Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 44. Hello, friends, and happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating today! As you may have noticed from the above quote, in addition to American …

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Happy Halloween!

When most of us think of Halloween, we tend to envision ghosts and witches and mummies and things that go bump in the night. But did you know that there is actually a history of prophecy (and dare I say romance) associated with the holiday? Halloween (or Hallowe’en) is essentially a contraction of “hallowed evening,” …

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After the Wedding – WIP Sneak Peek by Jennifer Altman

Hi all! I hope everyone has been staying healthy and safe and making the most of these last few weeks of summer. As you’ve probably noticed, this month’s blog theme is “After the Wedding,” and since I happen to be working on a new Pride and Prejudice variation that features an early marriage scenario, I …

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Interview with Cover Designer Susan Adriani

We’ve all heard the old adage: Never judge a book by its cover. However, I think most of us would agree that we do, in fact, take a book’s cover into consideration when selecting a title to read. Cover design is an integral part of the publication process, and authors and publishers know that a …

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Austen Variations Recipe Roundup!

Hi, friends! As some of you may know, we’ve been celebrating all things food over the past couple of months here at Austen Variations. With everything that’s going on in the world, it seems like many of us have been turning to cooking and baking for comfort–whether it’s dusting off our favorite recipes, or branching …

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A Proposal Scene by Jennifer Altman

Hi friends! I hope everyone is hanging in there and staying safe and healthy. As you’ve likely noticed, we’re celebrating proposals at Austen Variations this month, so today, I’ll be sharing a scene from my debut novel, To Conquer Pride. Ironically, when I first set out to write a Pride and Prejudice variation, the proposal …

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What would Jane Austen say?

Hello, friends! I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during this difficult time. With everything going on in the world, I felt the need to share something uplifting this month, and when it comes to raising spirits, who better to turn to than the queen of wit and wisdom herself: Jane Austen. 🙂 So, …

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Leap into Love – An Excerpt

Valentine’s Day may have come and gone, but here at Austen Variations we are still celebrating this leap year with our monthly theme on all things romance! And what better way to do it than with excerpts highlighting one of our favorite couple’s leap into love! Today I’ll be sharing a passage from my Pride …

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Writing Routines (or How to Pull Yourself Out of a Writing Rut)

Well, it’s that time of year again—new year, new decade, clean slate. And for many people, that means goal-setting and resolutions. If you’re a writer (or if you’ve been thinking about starting a writing project), your goals might be something along the lines of: make more time for writing, finish that manuscript, write every day. …

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