Agony and Hope – Chapter 1

Guess what! I am eager and a bit terrified but this is so close to hitting that home stretch! I am putting up chapter 1 now, and have scheduled chapter 2 for next week. I am still editing, so if you catch something, that’s why. I still have one more read through by the editor and proofreading. Sorry! That’s all on me. All I can say is hold on! We’re in for a bumpy ride!


Chapter 1

February 10th 1813

The earl’s eye twitched as he prodded the desk with a pointed finger. The mannerism was one that never failed to occur when his uncle struggled or someone tested his ire. The habit did nothing to help his uncle’s ill-favoured appearance, and at this moment, his irritation drew out the worst in his countenance. “I will brook no opposition to my scheme, Darcy. You require a wife, and you shall find no better candidate than Lady Prudence.”

Darcy pulled in a deep breath while his uncle spoke, measuring the draw of air into his lungs to maintain an illusion of calm. He was by no means ill-at-ease, yet his uncle’s demands had grown wearying. How many times had the man sat in that very chair and made the self-same demand? He was in no mood to entertain his uncle’s selfish dictates tonight. If only he would leave so Darcy could spend the remainder of his evening in peace.


The earl wagged his finger at Darcy’s chest. “No, I will accept no excuses. Georgiana requires a sister, a lady to teach her and guide her and to prepare her for marriage. Your sister, with her thirty-thousand pounds as well as her status as the granddaughter and niece of an earl, should expect a splendid match—one worthy of the first circles. She must be prepared for the future. Lord Denbigh has expressed an interest, though he understands, of course, that he must wait until she is out.”

Darcy fisted his hands, digging his fingernails into his palms, while he struggled to prevent his eyes from rolling towards the heavens. Why his uncle assumed Darcy would accept his advice for Georgiana when he refused under any and all circumstances to consider it for himself was a mystery. “Lord Denbigh is thirty years her senior and an unrepentant rake. Georgiana would be with child and diseased within a year. I would prefer her to make a love match, which in my opinion, is of greater importance than the gentleman’s standing within the ton.”

“Enough of this.” His uncle’s voice emerged at a low growl. “You will wed Lady Prudence at the end of the Season.”

“No, my lord. I shall not.” Darcy endeavoured to keep his breathing even. He would not lose his composure. “The lady I court will be of my choosing and no one else’s.” Darcy had been fending off his uncle’s matchmaking schemes since he left Cambridge, though the earl’s determination proved more tenacious as of late. His excuse that Georgiana had need of a sister had been previously employed; however, the lecture on how the simpering, fawning daughter of another earl would make an exemplary model for his sister was new, but made no difference to Darcy. He would never marry, though he had no intention of revealing that resolution. His uncle would never understand because the man lacked the depth of feeling required to experience any empathy and kindness—even love.

The earl rose and proceeded to pour himself a generous glass of Darcy’s best brandy. Lord Fitzwilliam’s manner had always been officious. Darcy’s decision not to offer refreshments was to ensure the visit remained brief, yet his uncle appeared prepared to visit until Michaelmas if afforded the opportunity. How the man tested his resolve! Darcy still prayed his uncle could be persuaded to depart before too long. Otherwise, the patience he strove to maintain would be drawn so thin the fragile cord might snap.

“I care not for your preposterous notions,” said the earl. “This family has always married for money and connections, and you will be no different. I shall inform Lord Seldridge in the morning of your grateful acceptance.”

Darcy shook his head, his fingernails burrowing further into the tender flesh of his palm. Did his uncle not find these futile arguments as tiring as he did? “Uncle, I shall never capitulate to your wishes. For years, you have proposed dismal candidate after dismal candidate—”

The earl’s shoulders stiffened and his chin hitched back. “I have never proposed a ‘dismal candidate’ as you suggest.” His voice drawled in a manner not heard thus far during this evening’s call.

“If you remember, Lady Cecilia wed a mere fortnight after you forwarded her as a potential match,” said Darcy. “The lady then entered her confinement no more than six months after she wed. Bingley’s older sister could not cease gossiping of how rosy and robust the child was for one born so early. Lady Cecilia was fortunate her husband’s age and desperation for an heir allowed her to raise the child. Another man would not have accepted a cuckold with such grace. He would have found a suitable home rather than allow the child to inherit his title and his estate.”

His uncle gave a dismissive shrug. “I admit to being misled by Lady Cecilia’s father, but the inconvenience of the child would have been but a small price to pay for her fifty thousand pounds.”

Darcy pressed his hands atop the dark, polished oak of his desk. The piece had belonged to his father as well as his grandfather before him and was as much of a Darcy tradition as the inheritance of Pemberley. “No amount of money could persuade me to accept a lady of your choosing. I refuse to sully the Darcy name and reputation by accepting one of the insipid daughters of your political allies.

“And since disease has been mentioned, I would be remiss if I did not ask of Carlisle? Does the mercury seem to have cured the pox?”

Lord Fitzwilliam sucked in as much air as his chest would accommodate, holding the breath until he changed an interesting shade of puce. He then released it all at once. “You dare use my son’s condition against me? I could not have known his wife—”

“No, you could not have, could you?” Darcy kept his tone light as if discussing a trivial matter and not a topic his uncle took great pains to conceal. “Particularly since you made no effort to discover why her father was so determined to be rid of her. I have not forgotten Carlisle’s blind acceptance of his bride.”

“You dare—”

“Have you visited Carlisle of late or have you neglected to inconvenience yourself?” Yes, his manner was harsh, but the truth of the matter was the earl’s lack of attendance at the sickbed of his eldest son and heir was due to appearances. He would not want to be seen entering or exiting the hospital. God forbid someone recognized him!

Spittle flew from his uncle’s lips. “I am the head of this family and a peer! You will afford me some respect! Your mother would be appalled at such horrid treatment of your nearest relation!”

“She would be appalled at your attempts to elevate your own importance at the expense of her children. You arranged Carlisle’s union to that woman with nary a question of her father. The mercury failed her too, did it not? Rumour has it she has been ill after the loss of a child, but I imagine when she still showed signs of disease, you hid her away in the country.” Darcy’s voice stayed flat and calm while he delivered the accusation.

His uncle sniffed and brushed non-existent dust from the leg of his breeches. “If you will not have Lady Prudence, she will do for Richard.”

A bitter laugh burst from Darcy’s chest. “I would not count on Richard’s agreement.”

“I can and will disown him,” said his uncle, his hand shaking while he stared into his glass.

“After Carlisle’s illness, he will never provide an heir, and that is even should the mercury be successful and he live to be an old man.” How many times had Darcy relaxed in this very chair while he and Richard shared conversation over Port or brandy? They had spoken of the earl’s selfish and conniving nature on many occasions. Instead of the earl, Richard had long thought of Darcy’s father as his own, regardless of how the sentiment angered Lord Fitzwilliam. “You cannot disown Richard since you have no one after Carlisle to inherit not only the title but also your estate. Protecting your younger son’s life should be your objective over all else.”

Darcy rose and rang the bell. “I beg you not to importune me further on this matter as I shall never be amenable to any suggestion of a wife from you. I shall further warn you not to so much as mention Georgiana as a possibility to your allies. My father knew better than to entrust you with her future, which is why Richard and I share her guardianship. She will have a choice in the man she weds, and we shall ensure her choices are suitable.”

His uncle slammed the brandy on the desk, the liquid splashing. Thank goodness it did not spill onto Darcy’s nearby ledger. “You dare treat me with so little respect! I can ensure you marry a lady of my choosing. A well-timed letter to the papers—”

“And the condition of Carlisle’s wife as well as Carlisle become fodder for society.”

After a gasp, his uncle stood, brandishing a quivering finger in Darcy’s direction. “You would humiliate your cousin?”

“You forget that under your lifelong tutelage, Carlisle has been a menace. He is cruel and has been since he was a child. I care little for preserving his reputation when he has never afforded me one ounce of respect, and since I have no interest in maintaining any appearance of ease between us, I have no reason to give consideration to you or your eldest son.” He had not told a falsehood. Carlisle had always been a menace, yet Darcy would never reveal the nature of Carlisle or his wife’s maladies, but would his uncle apprehend that he was prevaricating?

The door opened and Watson stepped inside. “Yes, sir?”

Darcy glared at his uncle. He could not waver or allow any hint of weakness to be evident in his manner. “Pray, escort Lord Fitzwilliam to his carriage. He will be leaving.”

His uncle’s chest puffed and his cheeks reddened. “This conversation is not over.”

“In that, sir, you are mistaken. Good evening, Lord Fitzwilliam.” Darcy stepped around his desk to stare out the window, turning his back on his uncle.

“My Lord,” said Watson, pressing his back to the door so the earl could depart.

Heavy footfalls stomped from the room. They paused for but a moment before the front door slammed. Darcy did not sit but waited until Watson entered. “Did he not put on his coat?”

“No, sir, Lord Fitzwilliam ripped it from my hands before rushing through the door. The weather is frigid. I wager he will stop to don it soon. Otherwise, he will catch his death.”

Darcy rolled his shoulders to relieve a certain amount of the tension from his uncle’s call. “In the future, I am not home to Lord Fitzwilliam.”

“Yes, sir.”

After Watson departed to see to his duties, the overwhelming silence of the empty room swallowed Darcy whole. The heavy and suffocating silence squeezed with a painful pressure upon his chest and prompted him to rub the oppressive ache.

At one time, he had not minded his own company, yet he had changed. He was not the same man he was a year ago. Blast! He was not the same man he had been a mere month ago. How often could one find themselves altered yet still recognise themselves? It was as if one day he would stand before the mirror and not know the man reflected back to him.

He downed the remnants of the brandy he had poured before the earl’s unwelcome call and rose to pour another generous glass. Perhaps two or three more glasses full would be enough to fall into a dreamless abyss where he could no longer hear the bubbling laughter that haunted him, that brought to mind a pair of fine eyes that still captured him with their intelligence and sparkle.

The owner of those fine eyes had ruined him with her challenging repartee and intelligent opinions. Her teasing smile and humour had pleased him in a way no other woman could hope to duplicate. She freed him from those expectations that had been heaped upon him since his parents’ deaths, representing a future he had never before considered possible. He could never love any but her, thus he could never marry. His heart was no longer his to give. She possessed that fragile organ that still beat so faithfully in his chest and she always would. His eyes burned, and his throat itched as though it might squeeze closed. No other lady was her equal. He had ruined his one chance at happiness, his one chance to have her as his bride.

No other woman could be Elizabeth Bennet, and he could not have Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth Bennet was dead.



Ruh roh!

Dun dun dun! Any comments?


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    • MIchelle David on May 18, 2021 at 12:22 am
    • Reply

    Elizabeth is DEAD!!!! Woman you are killing me!!!! You got me all wound up and invested and then stabbed me in the heart. We need more STAT!

    1. I’m working on it 🙂 I’m just glad you loved the first chapter. Thanks, Michelle!

        • Ann Garland on May 19, 2021 at 1:12 am
        • Reply

        Would Lady Catherine or Caroline Bingley have mislead Darcy that Elizabeth was dead?

        1. Who knows? We’ll find out eventually 🙂

    • Bill Rausch on May 18, 2021 at 12:33 am
    • Reply

    No other woman could be Elizabeth Bennet, and he could not have Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth Bennet was dead.”

    Literally or figuratively!?

    1. Only time will tell! Thanks, Bill!

    • Satu on May 18, 2021 at 1:20 am
    • Reply

    What?!? Elizabeth is dead? You cannot leave us hanging like this and have us wait a whole week for the next chapter 😜. I’m totally hooked and can’t wait to read the whole story, I know this will be another of those “can’t put this down” ones. When will this be released? When can I preorder a copy? Beautiful once again, congratulations!!

    1. I’m working on it! I have a cover almost finished. I just can’t figure out that something to actually finish it. It needs something. Once I have that cover up, I’ll see about a preorder. I’ve always hesitated in the past because preorders mean I can’t move up the release date if I finish early. But I don’t mind putting one up 🙂 Thank you!

    • Mary Anderson on May 18, 2021 at 1:35 am
    • Reply

    Wow! I am on pins and needles waiting to hear more… I love a strong Darcy and a bad villian but a dead Lizzy – that will be hard… perhaps she is hiding under a bush outside of Pemberley somewhere? On an ocean voyage… hiding at the seashore… running from Mr Collins? Double Wow! My heart is still racing! Great job!

    1. Lord Fitzwilliam certainly isn’t a good guy, but we’ll see how much of a villain he is. I’m glad you liked the beginning! Thanks, Mary!

    • Jo33 on May 18, 2021 at 1:51 am
    • Reply

    Speechless with anticipation! Ditto with what everyone else has said. Totally hooked!

    1. Woohoo! Glad to have you with us!

    • Stephanie V on May 18, 2021 at 1:53 am
    • Reply

    Well, NOW you’ve gone and done it. I’m dying here.

    1. Don’t die! There’s still a lot of book to go. 😉 Thanks, Stephanie!

    • Sarah P on May 18, 2021 at 1:59 am
    • Reply

    That was great, loved Darcy not giving in to the Earl’s commands. Now that last sentence certainly has me intrigued. Can’t wait for chapter two…

    1. Intrigued is good. Glad to have you along for the ride 🙂 Thanks, Sarah!

    • Katie on May 18, 2021 at 2:02 am
    • Reply

    Whoa! Love this and need more!

    1. Awesome! There will definitely be more! Thanks, Katie!

    • Catherine on May 18, 2021 at 2:08 am
    • Reply

    One comment on the nomenclature of Darcy’s uncle. Fitzwilliam is the family name and, as the Earl of Matlock (or whatever name you choose), he would properly be addressed as Lord Matlock, NOT Lord Fitzwilliam. His name would be “Hugh (or whatever)” Fitzwilliam, Earl of Matlock. Other than that, this sounds like another great read!

    1. Thanks for the comment! The title of Earl Fitzwilliam was an actual peerage in England. Jane Austen used the name Fitzwilliam for a very specific reason. She wanted to show Darcy’s connections without actually naming names so she linked him to one of the most famous and wealthy peerages in England so everyone would know exactly how high his family was. The first title holder was William Fitzwilliam (yes, that was actually his name) who was the 3rd Baron Fitzwilliam.The title ended in 1979 with the death of Thomas Wentworth-Fitzwilliam the 10th Earl. They are a fascinating family. Despite inheriting a mound of debt, the 4th earl’s income was £115,000 per annum, which puts Darcy’s to shame.

      I have taken some liberty in making the earl a greedy jerk though. They did have their problems with debt if you look at the family, but there is no mention of the earl during this time period being as dissolute as I’ve made him. I believe the courtesy title before he made earl was also Milton (I’ve used Carlisle, which was a brain fart if you’ll pardon the expression.) They are a seriously interesting family and the main house of their estate Wentworth-Woodhouse (interesting name, isn’t it?) in Yorkshire is enormous!

      Thanks again!

        • Catherine on May 18, 2021 at 9:18 am
        • Reply

        Oops! I stand corrected. Thanks for the history lesson; shall check out the family. As you say, interesting that their estate is named Wentworth-Woodhouse. Jane MUST have known!

        Hate to take you away from your writing/editing, but I do have a question. Is there any significance in the “of” in a title — e.g., the Earl OF Sandwich vs. Earl Fitzwilliam or Earl Spencer. I have tried to find the answer, but with no luck.

        While I’m waiting for your up-coming opus, think it is time for my umpteenth read of “An Unwavering Trust.” It is my ABSOLUTELY favourite JAFF. Thanks for that and all your other books. You are a treasure.

        1. When Wentworth Woodhouse went up for sale a few years ago, it was written up in papers and the connection to Austen was discussed. I believe it’s pretty much an accepted fact and such an easy connection without having to spell it out. You know his uncle is an earl and his name is Fitzwilliam as is his cousin’s surname. It’s a brilliant way to give a sort of backstory without having to give it. The 4th earl was considered a very upright man.

          I would’ve loved to have seen the house, but they were busy fixing it up last I read, then of course everything got locked down. I know the gardens are open but the house had a lot of problems that needed to be repaired. They’d also mined on the property which also had some issues. The pictures are amazing.

          I’m sure there could’ve been some significance to the name, depending upon the title, but I’ve never found any in my research. Most seem rather random. Like “Let’s see what I can make a title!” “What county or town hasn’t been used?” 😉 To the best of my knowledge, the Devonshires were always in Derbyshire, which is not even close. Even today, the assignment of titles (William and Harry for example) seems random. They will inherit titles from their father, but Cambridge and Sussex don’t seem to have any rhyme or reason whatsoever. The queen does seem to be resurrecting extinct titles, though. I love ratting through extinct title names to use. Viscount Sele, which I’ve used, was a real title as well (Except he was Viscount Saye and Sele, if you read Amy’s work, you know she uses Saye 😉 )

          Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy your re-read!

            • Catherine on May 19, 2021 at 11:08 am
            • Reply

            Have been looking into the REAL Fitzwilliams and came across a family bio entitled “Black Diamonds.” Looks like a fascinating read, but shall wait to see whether the kindle price comes down a bit before I indulge in yet another book. Apparently the 21st birthday party for the heir in the early 19th century (1806?) was a simple little affair — with 10,000 guests!! Perhaps “our” Jane read about it!

            Thanks for the heads up on the family.

            1. Glad you’ve found some fun reading on it. 10K guests is a bit of a crush. I bet Darcy would’ve been in a terrible mood at that affair! 🙂

    • Isabelle R on May 18, 2021 at 2:16 am
    • Reply

    Fantastic beginning. Of course, Elizabeth CANNOT be dead. Can’t wait to read the rest.

    1. Thank you! Can’t wait to see you for the next chapter!

    • Carla Gaudencio on May 18, 2021 at 4:59 am
    • Reply

    No she’s not . it was her twin sister.

    1. LOL! No twin that I’m aware of 🙂 Well see! Thanks, Carla!

    • Gerrit Kestermann on May 18, 2021 at 5:10 am
    • Reply

    Can’t wait for chapters 2 to xxxx!

    1. We’ll get that one soon! Thanks, Gerrit!

    • Mary Brady on May 18, 2021 at 5:57 am
    • Reply

    What a start! How could you not read the rest of the story? Wow. Hurry up and get this finished. Can’t wait for the rest.

    1. Love your reasoning. Thanks, Mary!

    • Simone on May 18, 2021 at 6:13 am
    • Reply

    I’m in agony and hope that Elizabeth is alive! Very good first chapter with Lord F. as bad as Lady C.
    Selfish siblings! Can’t wait to read more!

    1. Can’t wait for you to meet Lady C 🙂 Thanks, Simone!

    • Glynis on May 18, 2021 at 7:05 am
    • Reply

    I’m afraid I misread the last line! I THOUGHT it said Elizabeth Bennet is dead! I know this book is called Agony and Hope but that sort of agony? Thank goodness that Darcy didn’t succumb to his uncle’s demands while in despair!
    Now I’m trusting you Leslie that there is no way Elizabeth can be dead really so I now need to know why Darcy thinks she is, where she is, how Darcy is going to find her and how soon they can marry after that?
    I’m really hoping that the book is more Hope than Agony 🤞🏻Please! 🥰
    When is the release date? The Agony is killing me! 😱

    1. I knew the end of this chapter would get a response and has not disappointed! I promise there is definitely hope in there. We just have to get through the Agony first. There will be a lot of questions and answers. Let me get the initial edits done and a cover and we’ll talk about release dates! Thanks, Glynis!

    • Laura Vranes on May 18, 2021 at 7:20 am
    • Reply

    This is why I love your books! Twists and turns in every chapter. How will this end – I cannot wait to read this book!

    1. There are definitely a few twists and turns. I’ve tried to change things up a bit, so I hope everyone likes it 🙂 Thanks, Laura!

      1. Laura? I mean thank you, Lady Vranes 🙂

    • Megan on May 18, 2021 at 8:25 am
    • Reply

    OMG! I’m convinced that half of ODC can’t be dead so there’s something else afoot here I just haven’t figured out what yet. I haven multiple theories but I’ll have to wait to see where this goes next. Can’t wait!!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Theories are always good. Glad to have you along for the ride! Thanks, Megan!

    • Luisa1111 on May 18, 2021 at 8:41 am
    • Reply

    Noooooooo! Elizabeth cannot be dead. Please hurry to get this book out to your devoted readers.

    1. Is E really dead? I won’t tell (until I do in the book 😉 ). Thanks, Luisa!

    • Amanda on May 18, 2021 at 8:47 am
    • Reply

    Ooh! Can’t wait to see how you work this one out!

    1. We’ll get there! Hang tight! Thanks, Amanda!

    • Mihaela on May 18, 2021 at 8:50 am
    • Reply

    There isn’t any stronger icon on my phone!
    It started bad (Whatis this about Lady Prudence?!?)… Precisely the kind of starts that would make me stop reading. Because it is you, I would have just skipped to the last chapters of the book just to confort myself that all is well ….😘
    But there is no book yet, so I said, well, go to the last line of this chapter. “Will see how goes…”
    It is worse!!

    Leslie!!! What are you about?!?

    Is chapter 2 explaining something? Or there are more surprises?
    I have a feeling we are not at the end of them…..

    (Lovely writing as always though 💜)

    1. So many questions! I would love to answer them, but I can’t. I promise it’s a HEA. Thanks, Mihaela!

    • Martha on May 18, 2021 at 9:09 am
    • Reply


    1. 🙂 Don’t worry! It’s an HEA!

    • Marie H on May 18, 2021 at 9:11 am
    • Reply

    Whew! Another attention-grabbing, all-consuming opening chapter! I’m hooked! A Darcy that doesn’t take any crap from the Earl. Elizabeth dead? Or dead to him? Or a case of mistaken identity? I don’t believe any of it, or she’ll need a resurrection for the happy ending. Wink, wink. I agree about preorders. I often purchase early but I do get frustrated waiting when I know a book is complete. Either way, I can’t wait to read this and will anxiously await the next Chapter.

    1. Darcy is pretty much done with anyone’s crap. He’s in an interesting spot, and we thought he was anti-social before! It’s hard with preorders. I know why people love them, but I can remember finishing a week before publication and it was so hard not to go through and keep proofreading and making changes. Amazon will tell you when to have your final copy in, but you can always upload after. I learned that really quick! Thanks, Marie!

    • Ginna on May 18, 2021 at 9:34 am
    • Reply

    Oh no, you DID-n’t!!
    You leave us THERE?

    1. Oh, yes I did! You’ll get all of the answers… eventually. 😉 Thanks, Ginna!

  1. Agony and hope indeed! What a thrilling first chapter, Leslie! Congratulations to you — and to all of us, as we get another fabulous book to add to our reading lists!

    1. Thanks, Christina! I sure hope everyone loves it 🙂

    • Karen Zamora on May 18, 2021 at 10:17 am
    • Reply


    1. I promise HEA. We’ll see how that goes! Thanks, Karen!

    • Shelley Hoisington on May 18, 2021 at 10:31 am
    • Reply

    Wow! You have me hooked at the first chapter! An evil Lord Fitzwilliam, I wonder what kind of lady is Catherine? Elizabeth is dead? Twist, turns and suspense! I love it! I feel another wonderful read coming! When is the release date? Soon?

    1. I’m aiming for Early June. We’ll see how it goes!

      Lord Fitzwilliam is just a pill. We’ll see how much he actually figures into the story. Lady Catherine is a lot of fun. My daughter has an entertaining theory on her. I’ll definitely keep y’all updated on the release! Thanks, Shelley!

    • Hollis on May 18, 2021 at 10:48 am
    • Reply

    Guess I missed that Lizzie was dead. But Leslie will find a way to resusitate her. Wont you, Leslie??? Or you will have thousands of readers looking for ya with P&P in hand to bop you over the head!

    1. Wow! I’m receiving threats? At least it’s nothing worse than a bop on the head with a book. 😉 Time will tell, but it is an HEA. How we get there, remains to be seen 🙂 Thanks, Hollis!

    • Patty Edmisson on May 18, 2021 at 11:08 am
    • Reply

    What?! Oh my, you have really started the angst from the get go. Looking the unveiling of this story as you prepare to release it.

    1. I tried! Glad to have you with us, Patty! Thanks for reading!

    • Marie H on May 18, 2021 at 11:09 am
    • Reply

    I just noticed the cat gif. LOL. Purrfect!

    1. Why thank you!

    • Jennifer Redlarczyk on May 18, 2021 at 11:57 am
    • Reply

    Loved this opening chapter. Looking forward to more.

    1. Thank so much, Jen!

    • Debbie Kummoung on May 18, 2021 at 12:13 pm
    • Reply

    WHAT?! JK. Sounds amazing. Can’t wait to read more.

    1. I hope so! Thank you, Debbie!

    • Liziris on May 18, 2021 at 12:40 pm
    • Reply

    Elizabeth dead? I hope you mean this metaphorical. I can’t wait to read more of this story!

    1. We’ll find out! Thanks, Liziris!

    • Meg on May 18, 2021 at 12:54 pm
    • Reply

    Oh my, what an opening! Darcy’s character is clear and commendable, but what a journey he must make to achieve happiness. And what is the cliff hanger. “Elizabeth is dead!” I certainly there’s some misunderstanding there.

    1. Only time (and chapters 😉 ) will tell! Thanks, Meg!

    • Lori Orcena on May 18, 2021 at 1:36 pm
    • Reply

    OMG!!! NO WAY!!! On the edge of my seat now!!! Need more!! 🙂

    1. Woohoo! Welcome to the group! Thanks, Lori!

    • Cynthia on May 18, 2021 at 3:02 pm
    • Reply

    Wow! You have me hooked! I can’t wait to read more. I’m happy that Darcy is staying strong and I want to know what happened to Lizzy!!

    1. We’ll find out pretty soon. 🙂 Thanks, Cynthia!

  2. WOW!!!! Talk about a shocker!!! I can’t wait to read more!!!

    You are a cruel writer, Leslie!! (Cruel and excellent, of course!!)

    Thanks so much for sharing this opening chapter with us!!

    Susanne 🙂

    1. I knew it would be. I’m just glad the reaction has been pretty good so far 🙂 Thanks, Susanne!

    • Jean on May 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm
    • Reply

    I think I’ve read everything you’ve published (been a fan for years – when I see your name, I read it!) – this one literally made me shudder with a chill when I read “Elizabeth Bennet was dead.” – CLIFFHANGER!!!!! So excited to keep reading – I think you have a hit on your hands!!!!

    1. Aww! Thank you so much! I hope everyone enjoys it! It’s a bit different, but I’m always trying to write something different 🙂

    • Roxey on May 18, 2021 at 6:49 pm
    • Reply

    You are starting a book with a cliffie!!! Ouch!
    I bet it gets real loud when the Earl and Lady C get together!

    1. Maybe! We’ll see about the two siblings together. Thanks, Roxey!

    • Alyssa Fender on May 18, 2021 at 8:28 pm
    • Reply

    When exactly is this being released? We need to read this soon! Dear lady, you are vexing our poor nerves!

    1. I’m working on it! I can’t turn all my faithful readers into Mrs. Bennet. 😉 Thanks, Alyssa!

        • Ann Garland on May 19, 2021 at 1:27 am
        • Reply

        LOL, Leslie!

    • J. W. Garrett on May 18, 2021 at 9:31 pm
    • Reply

    Any Comments? OMG! What. Have. You. Done? I just swallowed my teeth. Breathe… I’m trying to just breathe? How does he know? Who told him? Does he know for sure? Was it Caroline or the SBRB [scum-bag-rat-bastard] Wickham that told him? OMG! You’ve got to fix this. I’m dying here. Did the Earl do something? Did he suspect Darcy was in love with someone beneath their circle? Was it Lady Catherine? Those are the usual suspects. I have to know… dang, there goes my manicure. GRRR! There goes my sleep for the night..

    Well done, Leslie. I can’t wait to see what you throw at us next. Love this.

    1. Too much to try to answer (not that I would 😉 ) Answers will come eventually. We just have to get there. Thank you!

    • Terri on May 19, 2021 at 12:07 am
    • Reply

    OMG Elizabeth, poor Darcy sorry but can you hurry up please can’t wait to read this one.

    1. I know. I’ve felt sorry for Darcy. He’s not in a great place. Thanks, Terri!

    • Jen D on May 19, 2021 at 10:16 am
    • Reply

    Oh man, I wonder if she is really dead. This sounds as if this is going to be a little bit of a pressure cooker and if any of the characters from Persuasion will show up. Very good beginning, and I cannot wait to read more!

    1. No, no crossover involved. I just thought the name fit. Thanks, Jen!

        • Joan on May 20, 2021 at 9:33 pm
        • Reply

        What kind of father marries his son to a diseased woman? I don’t blame Darcy! I would have nothing to do with his uncle either 😕 Where is Elizabeth? She can’t be dead?

        1. The earl is very political. I doubt he so much as looked at her. His ally wanted a husband for her daughter and the earl saw an alliance. In my head, she wasn’t showing outward signs of disease yet, or they couldn’t tell by looking at her. Of course, mercury was not a cure and also had a host of issues that it caused as well. The uncle is certainly not worth anyone’s time. Lady Fitzwilliam won’t even have anything to do with him. LOL!

          Time will tell on your other question. I will say it’s a HEA.

    • Lesley McKenna on May 22, 2021 at 4:37 am
    • Reply

    What a delicious morsel you have given us, Leslie? What a truly despicable man the earl is. I imagine he isn’t going to take his nephew’s noncompliance lying down and thinking of what he may have up his sleeve for poor darcy is going to give me an ulcer, I’m sure! And as for Elizabeth being dead! Obviously this cannot be true as Agony and Hope (there…it’s in the title) would hardly be a Pride and Prejudice variation; but why does poor darcy think so, I wonder?
    I will be in Agony until I find out.
    Thank you for this peek into your new book. By the way, I too am a Lesley (female) but the other spelling.

    1. As they would say in England, you have the girl spelling 🙂 I was told time after time that my name was spelled like a man (what were they saying?) You have some great observations. Time will tell 🙂 Thank you, Lesley!

  3. Surely you haven’t bumped Elizabeth off, Leslie. If Lord Fitzwilliam was aware of Darcy’s love of her, did he set up a situation by having her kidnapped and declared dead? Can’t wait to find out what you have in store for us. 🙂

    1. **shrugs** I don’t know what’s become of Elizabeth (Well, I do but I won’t tell 😉 ) We’ll see what happens eventually! Thanks, Gianna!

    • Rosa on May 22, 2021 at 10:36 am
    • Reply

    Dead????? 😱😱😱 this is really agony!

    1. Dun, dun, dun! We’ll see! Thanks, Rosa!

    • Gwyn on May 24, 2021 at 10:05 pm
    • Reply

    Six days late to the, “No!!! Not Elizabeth!!” party. As ever, I eagerly await more. Love, love your regengcies!

    1. Thank you, Gwyn!

    • Michelle H on May 25, 2021 at 6:03 pm
    • Reply

    Ka-Boom. Someone just had to lift me off the floor from fainting…..WHAT!!???

    1. Did I drop the mic? Thanks, Michelle!

    • Sheila L. Majczan on May 29, 2021 at 9:59 pm
    • Reply

    Thanks for sharing this first chapter. Having read a blog today in which the truth was told I am still expecting a HEA for ODC.

    1. Definitely a HEA! Thanks, Sheila!

    • Sara K on June 1, 2021 at 6:48 pm
    • Reply

    OMG! I cannot wait to listen when this is released! Sounds fascinating.

    1. Chapter 2 is up here and Chapter 3 is on my blog (, and the Kindle is up for preorder. Release day is coming quick! Thanks, Sara!

  1. […] If you haven’t read chapter 1, then click here to catch up 🙂 […]

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