Under May’s Changing Skies

Some years ago, I went down the rabbit hole looking for wedding-day superstitions, and came across this: ‘Marry under May’s changing skies – a chequered path before you lies.’ It was a line from a traditional English rhyme, and it tickled me, because it was a great fit for the plot and the timeline of Mr Bennet’s Dutiful Daughter, the book I was writing at the time.

I’m not quite sure yet when our favourite couple will marry in my current WIP. I’ll just have to wait and see how they get on 😛 . At the moment, the challenge is to write winter-weather chapters as I sit with a notebook ‘under May’s changing skies.’

I love writing outdoors. Sometimes, when I’m stuck, I go and sit on the garden steps with a cup of coffee, listen to the birds and try to figure out what our favourite people are most likely to do next. But over the last couple of weeks, I found that the time of year and the sunny weather have been playing tricks on me. The number of times I forgot that they were in late autumn – early winter, and sent Elizabeth out without her pelisse, or had Darcy going for a ride at six in the morning, then had to remind myself that he’d have to wait another hour or so, or else he’d be riding in the dark.

This time, the plan is for them to reach their understanding much sooner than in canon. I must say, I do have a soft spot for springtime courtship. Can you imagine anything more romantic than our favourite couple strolling among bluebells, or in a glade overgrown with daffodils, or under cherry trees in bloom?


Or perhaps wandering into a secluded garden, to be blissfully alone and steal a kiss or two beneath a towering magnolia or under garlands of wisteria?

The last couple of photos were taken at Greys Court, near Henley-on-Thames. Downton fans might remember it as the place where the Earl of Grantham’s family would live, once obliged to relinquish their grand abode to Mr Crawley. The Dowager Countess had tea on the lawn, looking extremely sour at the prospect. And well she might because, compared to Highclere Castle (a.k.a Downton Abbey), Greys Court is not grand at all.

But in real life it was a home full of love. Its last owners, Lord and Lady Brunner, who donated it to the National Trust, seem to have been one of those extremely fortunate couples who were not only deeply attached, but also blessed with the good fortune of growing old together. There is a portrait in the house, showing them in their old age, sitting together in the garden. Their faces are heavily lined, but they glow with almost tangible love. It’s in their beautiful home that I saw this quote set in a frame – a few deeply moving lines which, to me, are the perfect embodiment of the Darcys’ marriage:

“There is nothing better than this: when a man and a woman, sharing the same ideas about life, keep house together. It pains their enemies and delights their friends, but only they themselves know what it truly means.” (Homer – The Odyssey)

On this note, let me finish with some more lovely pictures. Imagine our favourite couple strolling through the vast grounds of Pemberley, only to turn a corner and come across this:

How Elizabeth’s eyes would light up in wonder and absolute delight! How irresistible she would be to a besotted Mr Darcy! And how sweet to imagine them kissing among azaleas, then walking hand in hand towards their ‘happily ever after’!

Thanks for stopping by to read this, my dear friends. What about you, what is your favourite season of courtship for our dear couple?

(Photos: Joana Starnes)


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    • Jan Ashton on May 28, 2024 at 7:40 am
    • Reply

    What a lovely post to wake up to after a dark and stormy weekend in my part of the US. Beautiful trees and lovely imagery of a couple long in love. Thanks, Joana!

    1. Thank *you*, Jan! I’m so glad you liked it. So sorry about the bad weather, though. I hope it gets better. All the best and thanks for reading.

    • Glynis on May 28, 2024 at 8:23 am
    • Reply

    I am reading this on my phone as my IPad, for heaven knows what reason, sometimes refuses to open AV posts saying the request field header is too large (whatever that means) some do open but I get the same message when I comment. I am thinking I may need to save up for a new one 😥.
    Anyway I’m loving the idea that ODC get together earlier in your new story, does this mean less torture for ODB? Fingers crossed 🤞🤞. I’m loving the springtime photos but am happy whenever they are courting. I think they should be at Pemberley (away from Mrs Bennet and her youngest daughters and definitely away from Wickham 😡) The weather here is alas unsuitable for writing on your tree! 🤔😳🥰🥰

    1. So sorry about the technical issues, Glynis. But I’m so glad everything works when you’re using your phone.
      ‘Anyway I’m loving the idea that ODC get together earlier in your new story, does this mean less torture for ODB?’
      LOL yes it does. I won’t be giving him such a hard time, for once. He’ll still have an ‘OMG, *what* have I done?’ moment, but in a good way. At least, that’s the plan. I hope he won’t start to act out and make things more difficult than they need to be 😀
      Oh yes, Wickham must be kept at bay (but I’m not making any promises re. Mrs Bennet and her youngest daughters 😛).
      Thanks for reading, dear Glynis! Take care, and I hope we get to meet at Pemberley this year, fingers crossed 🤞🤞

    • Patty on May 28, 2024 at 8:47 am
    • Reply

    Your words are lovely whether describing gardens and the weather or weaving us a new story about ODC. I could perfectly “see” Lizzy and Darcy strolling those different gardens together – she, talkative and laughing, while he quietly and happily smiled and listened. So looking forward to your new story. Whether they get together early on or later, they’re always wonderful reads. Thank you.

    1. Thanks ever so much, Patty! I’m so glad you can picture them happily walking together through those gardens, and that you’re looking forward to my new story. I hope you’ll like it. Best wishes and thank *you*!

    • Alexandra on May 28, 2024 at 9:26 am
    • Reply

    The perfect way to start my day!
    A coffee toast to writing and flowers!

    1. You’re so kind, Alexandra! Thanks ever so much! All the best and have a lovely day.

    • PatriciaH on May 28, 2024 at 10:03 am
    • Reply

    The quote is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing it and these lovely photos with us!

    1. I’m so happy you liked it, Patricia! Such a perfect fit for Mr & Mrs Darcy, isn’t it? I’m so glad you liked the photos too. Best wishes and thanks for reading.

  1. Ah, these are such beautiful thoughts and images you’ve given us, Joana! I loved seeing all of those trees and flowers in bloom!

    Also, I hear you on forgetting about the practicalities of the weather and the season. I regularly place Elizabeth and Darcy outside in the winter, and somehow, they don’t seem to mind having long conversations in that teeth-chattering weather! I like to tell myself they tended to wear more layers back then, and so maybe they weren’t nearly as cold as I would be after standing around in zero-degree celsius temperatures! 🙂

    Thanks for such a delightful post!

    1. I love your books and the long conversations they’re having in any sort of weather! Maybe they don’t mind if it’s midwinter because the rush of emotion keeps them warm 🙂
      Thanks so much for your kind words, Christina, and for your awesome novels. Have a lovely spring and lots of inspiration!

    • Deborah on May 28, 2024 at 10:21 am
    • Reply

    What would someone think if they saw my satisfied smile upon finishing this lovely post? I sit with my own coffee in a back yard with only green grass, a patio that could really use a good scrub and a few brave potted plants. My mind however, is floating along with ODC among these gorgeous pictures! Thank you for the (tiny) hint of your WIP. I eagerly await their next turn through your wonderful imagination, Joana – in any season! I know they are in the very best of hands❤️

    1. So nice to think of the pair of us sitting with our cups of coffee in our back yards and dreaming about our favourite couple! Thanks so much for this lovely picture, dear Deborah, and for your wonderful words about my books. I’m so happy you love them! All the best, and I hope the new one will give you a giggle or two.

    • TC on May 28, 2024 at 6:38 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures and thoughts.

    1. Thanks for reading, TC. I’m so glad you liked the post.

    • Dorothy Willis on May 28, 2024 at 11:48 pm
    • Reply

    I was always told by my mother and grandmother that a May wedding was unlucky.

    1. Me too, Dorothy. I can’t figure out why, though. Sometimes there is a reason and a grain of common sense behind the superstition, but this time I can’t find them 🙂
      All the best and have a lovely spring.

    • J. W. Garrett on May 30, 2024 at 12:26 pm
    • Reply

    You take the best pictures, Joana. I love them and imagine myself standing there and enjoying the view. Thanks for the escape from all the rain and storms we’ve had recently. It is clear and beautiful today so I can pretend to be at an English manor enjoying a pleasant walk through the gardens. I wish you much success on this WIP. Blessings.

    1. Thanks so much, dear Jeanne! So sorry about the awful weather you’ve been having. Thank goodness that it’s better now. Blessings to you too. Take care and stay safe!

    • Sheila L. Majczan on June 4, 2024 at 4:20 pm
    • Reply

    Joana, I am excited to read that you are working on a new story. Cannot wait to read it. Love your photos. Can’t say that I have a favorite season for our couple (or anyone) to fall in love. Good luck with your writing. We are having a spell of hot weather here but several nights ago I had to turn on the heat.

    • Diana Shand on June 19, 2024 at 6:05 pm
    • Reply

    Oh Joana, how wonderful to find out you have a new WIP. Juicy news. To be honest, I love Darcy and Lizzie courting all year round…all the season’s have something so beautiful. Do you recall Miss Darcy’s Companion? The Christmas scenes with them both. I melt everything at that scene.
    But, like you, I do love a spring courtship. Oh, I am getting all giddy just thinking about the two of them.
    As for your description of your liking to sit on the garden steps with a cup of coffee… I know it is probably the least time you wish for company, but hypothetically I am totally joining you on that step with a good coffee ☕️ and we can go all gooey over D & E… 😂🤣🤭
    Sending love from the North Country to the South. D xx

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