The Research Rabbit Hole and Pirates

This month some of us are writing on the theme “Down the Research Rabbit Hole.” In my book launch, I wrote a little bit about how researching the birds in the UK led me to the magpie, and research on the magpie led to Mr. Darcy’s unusual hobby and Mr. Bennet’s naming each of his daughters after a bird. There was one other thing that I found about the magpie, and if you haven’t read the book or didn’t read the post, here is the link to the post  and here is the link to the kindle book on amazon.

Every book takes some research and some of that research might go nowhere, and at other times leads you somewhere that enhances the story you are working on. When I was writing “Pirates and Prejudice,” the research actually led me to a place I had never heard of and ended up being the perfect backdrop for my story.

I had always wanted to write a pirate story, and had one swirling around in the back of my mind. I knew I wanted Darcy to be mistaken for a pirate and have to impersonate one in order to help authorities capture the notorious (and recently escaped) Lockerly. But I also needed to get Elizabeth onto a ship where she would encounter Darcy (impersonating a pirate). I originally planned to have her and her father travel up to Scotland, where his sister and family lived and would soon set out for America. But I found myself struggling with this scenario.

I went online and began looking at the map of the United Kingdom, looking at different ports, studying about them, and trying to figure out what I could do differently. I zoomed in on a map and saw a small grouping of islands south of the southern coast, off Cornwall. I zoomed in and saw that they were called the Isles of Scilly. I didn’t even know whether they were inhabited, but when did a little more research into them, I was delighted to see that not only were they inhabited, but they had once been a haven for pirates! Did I actually just stumble upon something that would make the story so much better? There were several inhabited islands, rocky outcroppings, and storms that made the seas treacherous, leading to many shipwrecks on these outcroppings. A perfect combination for a pirate story!

If you have read “Pirates and Prejudice,” you know Elizabeth not only encounters Mr. Darcy dressed as a pirate (and therefore she does not recognize him), but she encounters the real pirate Lockerly, as well, endures storms, shipwrecks, being stranded on a rocky outcropping, and more!

This was one instance where just studying a map of England opened a door that allowed me to make a rather fun and swashbuckling adventure with two of our favorite characters.  

The Isles of seem like a wonderful place to visit. Have any of you been there? It is a place I would love to visit someday.


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    • Deborah on October 22, 2018 at 5:47 am

    Thank you so much for sharing this. After I read Pirates and Prejudice I looked up the Isles of Scilly and had so much fun ‘exploring ‘ the area on the internet. It enhanced your descriptions the area in which the story took place. I love how the area fell into place in your story.

      • Kara Louise on October 22, 2018 at 8:27 pm

      Thanks, Deborah! Yes, it can be fun and interesting to see where research leads you. Sometimes it’s only to a dead end, other times it opens up a world of possibilities!

    • Glynis on October 22, 2018 at 8:33 am

    Even though I live in the UK there are so many places I haven’t visited and this is one. I really enjoyed Pirates and Prejudice, especially Darcy as a caring, jealous pirate.
    It always amazes me just how much research you dedicated authors do, even if I had the requisite imagination to think of a storyline I think the amount of research would be the killer.
    Thanks for sharing this.

      • Kara Louise on October 22, 2018 at 8:28 pm

      Thanks, Glynis! If you ever happen to go there, let me know! I would love to hear from someone who has been there!

    • Robin on October 22, 2018 at 1:05 pm

    Like Deborah, I also looked up the Isles of Scilly after reading Pirates and Prejudice. It was interesting to learn about a place I never knew existed. Thank you for that, and also thanks for how wonderful Darcy was in that story!

      • Kara Louise on October 22, 2018 at 8:30 pm

      Thanks, Robin! Glad it stirred some interest! And I’m so glad you like the portrayal of Darcy! 🙂

  1. The Isles of Scilly sound fascinating; I’m so glad that you found such a delightfully fantastic yet completely historical locale in which to set part of Pirates and Prejudice which I adored and have been considering re-reading…again!

    My problem is that I do too much researching and not enough writing, LOL!! 😉

    Thanks for sharing your research “treasures” with us, Kara! 🙂

    Susanne 🙂

  2. Thanks for your kind comments, Susanne! Research definitely can be time-consuming! 🙂

    • J. W. Garrett on October 23, 2018 at 11:26 pm

    I put off reading that story because I could not imagine Darcy acting like a pirate. When I finally made myself read it, I loved it. It was amazing. It was creative and it was so romantic. I remember the old movies with Errol Flynn and I could picture Darcy swinging on a rope from one ship to another with Elizabeth’s arms around his neck. Man, that was good. Great research.

    • Kara Louise on October 24, 2018 at 1:50 pm

    I have always loved pirate stories, and figured if Darcy could be a vampire in other stories, I could make him impersonate a pirate in mine. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

    • Sheila L. Majczan on October 24, 2018 at 7:03 pm

    I have read that story and loved it. I want to reread it some day – I have it in paperback. Darcy and Elizabeth swinging from ship to ship on a rope – be still, my heart…sigh. Interesting to read about your research. We readers don’t know how much of that you authors do, I am sure. It is one reason I am not a writer as I know I would not find time to do all the necessary research. Love your books. Thanks for sharing this information.

      • Kara Louise on October 25, 2018 at 10:55 am

      Thanks, Sheila! So glad you enjoyed it!

    • Luisa on October 25, 2018 at 10:12 am

    Kara, I had the pleasure of visiting the Isles of Scilly on a cruise around the UK this summer. In addition to enjoying a hike around the quiet isle with beautiful beaches, we got an unexpected bonus. Prince Charles, as Duke of Cornwall, was there on the dock greeting his subjects. We were told he visits every few years. Of course, he was well guarded and behind a barrier, but he came within a few feet of where we stood. I own Pirates & Prejudice and enjoyed reading it the first time, but now I must re-visit it soon. All the best.

      • Kara Louise on October 25, 2018 at 10:57 am

      Thanks so much for sharing about your visit, Luisa! How fortunate you were! I was hoping someone would share that they visited!

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