“Let us never underestimate the power of a well-written letter.”
Okay, so this line isn’t strictly a Jane Austen quote… but it certainly could have been. She must have subscribed to this policy (as I do) because she often allowed her characters to explain themselves and express their innermost feelings in letter form. Case in point: the 8-pager Mr. Darcy wrote to Elizabeth after his failed proposal in the middle of Pride and Prejudice:
Be not alarmed, Madam, on receiving this letter, by the apprehension of its containing any repetition of those sentiments, or renewal of those offers, which were last night so disgusting to you. I write without any intention of paining you, or humbling myself, by dwelling on wishes, which, for the happiness of both cannot be too soon forgotten… You must pardon the freedom with which I demand your attention; your feelings, I know, will bestow it unwillingly, but I demand it of your justice…
The letter, over which Elizabeth obsessed for days, represented the turning point in their relationship. Elizabeth’s eyes were opened and she began to see Darcy and his behavior in a new light because of it. And Austen included several other letters in the novel – at least three from Mr. Collins, Lydia’s note about her elopement, the letter from Jane to inform Lizzy of the elopement, and the one to Elizabeth from Mrs. Gardiner (excerpted below) immediately spring to mind.
Will you be very angry with me, my dear Lizzy, if I take this opportunity of saying how much I like him. His behaviour to us has, in every respect, been as pleasing as when we were in Derbyshire… He wants nothing but a little more liveliness, and that, if he marry prudently, his wife may teach him. I thought him very sly; he hardly ever mentioned your name. But slyness seems the fashion. Pray forgive me, if I have been very presuming, or at least do not punish me so far as to exclude me from P. I shall never be quite happy till I have been all round the park. A low phaeton with a nice little pair of ponies would be the very thing…
Perhaps the inclusion of so many letters in Austen’s books is a holdover from the epistle prose that had been popular before the advent of the true novel. In her lesser-known work Lady Susan, Austen used this format herself, telling the story entirely through letters exchanged by a handful of interrelated people. And did you know that the earliest drafts of Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility were also written in this style?
The line at the top of the page is actually taken from the movie The Jane Austen Book Club, of course, and it’s said in reference to arguably the most compelling letter composed by one of her characters (or any other) – the culminating note left by Captain Wentworth for Anne Elliot near the end of Persuasion. After years of painful separation, they have a second chance at love. This letter seals the deal:
…You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been; weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant…
Did I hear a collective sigh, ladies? Was there ever a more poignant plea for the ultimate consummation of long-thwarted love? I think not. I was thrilled to get to use a variation of this letter in my Persuasion tie-in novel The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen!
Letter writing is a lost art, I’m afraid. But people used to take a lot of care and pride in it. Jane Austen certainly did so in her personal correspondence, making sure that what she wrote entertained as well as informed the recipient. For instance, she once wrote an entire letter backwards (every word spelled back to front, instead of front to back), just to amuse her niece Cassy. Cassandra Austen ultimately destroyed a large portion of Jane’s letters. But many were preserved and give us more insight to her movements, her thoughts, and her sharp wit. Be sure to read them if you haven’t already.
I especially enjoy writing the many letters in my novels, trying to make each one a little work of art, as Jane Austen did. For example, I made sure to allow Mr. Darcy plenty of time to carefully compose the following letter to Lady Catherine in The Darcys of Pemberley, being sure to set the right tone – neither too harsh nor too yielding. (As it says in the last chapter of Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth at length persuaded him to seek a reconciliation.):
Allow me to offer my congratulations on the engagement of your daughter Anne… Much as you are looking forward to this addition to your family circle, Mrs. Darcy and I find that we are expecting an addition to ours by a different means. This blessing causes me to reflect on the importance of maintaining (and restoring when necessary) peace and unity within my extended family. I regret the disagreement that has broken that bond in our case.
Although I will make no apologies for a marriage in which I have been supremely happy, I am sorry that the accomplishment of it occasioned you pain. My hope is that the success of the match now made for your daughter will produce a degree of felicity eclipsing any pleasure lost by a disappointed former plan.
Though I am amenable to conciliation, what passed between us – especially uncharitable words spoken and written against my wife – cannot be easily forgotten. However, if after the passage of time you have experienced an alteration in your position to the extent that you now find yourself able to make some reparation, I am willing to hear whatever you have to say on the subject. The matter is entirely in your own hands, Madam…
This is a letter written to an “enemy” of sorts, but writing one to a “lover” is just as enjoyable a challenge, one I had occasion to undertake more recently. I’m currently finishing up a Northanger Abbey sequel entitled Murder at Northanger Abbey. And in the course of events, Catherine Morland Tilney has occasion to think back on a rather steamy letter Henry wrote to her during their long separation while they waited for permission to marry. It starts like this:
My dearest Catherine, May I presume to call you mine, though I cannot yet fully possess you? I dare to hope that I may, for when I look into my mind, into my heart, and into my imagination, I find you already resident there, a warm and vital part of me. In these three seats of my affection, there is no one but you, Catherine. In truth, there never was and never will be another. You have captured me altogether, and I ache with longing until our union can at last be made complete…
(Visit my post Who Knew Henry Tilney Was Such a Passionate Guy? to read the rest.)
Perhaps Henry Tilney’s letter doesn’t equal Captain Wentworth’s masterpiece, but I’m pretty sure it made a favorable impression on Catherine’s tender heart. After all, you should never underestimate the power of a well-written letter!
Considering all the letters in Austen’s works, what’s your favorite? Do you have another favorite from a different book or another source? Have you ever received a letter that made a powerful impact on you?

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It’s a shame that letter writing died out! I loved writing letters as a girl. I had a cousin who I wrote to every week and somehow I could write page after page. Through the Grammar School I had two pen friends, one was a girl from Cleveland Ohio and the other one was from Sweden, I’m only sorry that I lost contact with them.
Now we send a quick message or an email 😥
While I do love the Wentworth letter for romance, my favourite is Darcy’s as being able to read it many times caused Elizabeth to change her mind about Darcy’s character, thus making her fall in love with him in Derbyshire 😍
Hi, Glynis! Yes, today’s forms of communication have the advantage of speed, but we’ve lost something in the process. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Maybe when this world we live in rectifies itself and our lives can, once again, bear a semblance of normality,we might decide to actually take the time to sit,think and take up a pen and write to those whom we cherish enough to send those quick emails to.
Is there anything as special as receiving a letter, opening the envelope and sitting down to peruse it’s contents,to be entertained and enlivened or perhaps,in different circumstances, a little saddened by its contents?
I love Capt. Wentworth’s letter but the one from Darcy to Elizabeth is probably my favourite.
Cheers for such a lovely post.
Stay safe.
Yes, I can still remember how excited I would get as a kid when a piece of mail came with my name on it. And now, a hand-written letter is something special, because it’s so rare. Glad you enjoyed the post, Mary, and thanks for your comments! 🙂
Thank you for a lovely post Shannon. I very much enjoyed reading the letters you’d written as from Darcy and Henry. They seem to capture each character’s personality perfectly. As for favourite letters in Jane Austen’s novels, I agree with you that the one that Captain Wentworth writes to Anne is pretty special. Of course, Jane Austen was a past master at letter writing, as she wrote letters all the time and like you say, it’s a lost art now, what with email and so on.
I have a couple of friends who I try and write letters to now and then – but honestly, it’s finding the time, there’s so many things to do!
Thanks for your comments Elaine! Yes, it’s hard to take the time to compose a nice letter. I don’t regularly correspond by them but sometimes write one for a special occasion, as well as in my books, of course!
Let’s not forget Caroline Bingley’s poison pen letters to Jane in her attempt to distance the unworthy chit /mushroom from her brother. Then we have Mr. Bennet’s letter advising Mr. Collins to put his support behind Mr. Darcy as he had more to offer. [snicker] I love writing letters. I have a friend I met in middle school [1962] and we are still writing letters to this day. She hates talking on the phone and doesn’t like emails as it restricts her conversation. We have written on toilet paper [not today as it is too precious], I once wrote a whole letter backward, I’ve used every manner of pens there are: fountain, nib, marker, etc. It was fun getting mail from her as she would write on any surface. I never knew what I would receive from her. In fact, I am in the process of writing her now. It will take at least 3 envelopes and I always draw a little cartoon on the front. I’ve drawn a snowy scene, a beautiful Christmas tree, one with high water [we’ve had a very wet season], and now, I have my characters doing an elbow-bump, a foot-bump, and the 3rd envelope will have my character in a hazmat suit for self-isolation. I get a kick out of surprising her with something on the envelope. I’m sure I amuse our mail carriers. It has kept our friendship alive all these years. Also, we each have a shredder so we can shred all the evidence of our rants as we use each other as a sounding board. LOL! What fun.
What a special tradition/relationship! I hope all the letters aren’t consigned to the shredder. Treasure them. (And then keep some for posterity in case either of you become really famous like JA!) Thanks for sharing this, JW. 😀
Don’t forget, Austen’s sister Cassandra burned a lot of that evidence. We are ahead of the game using the shredder now rather than later. **snicker**
I love writing letters! I have parchment-style paper (as well as far too many lovely notecards), an italic fountain pen with teal ink, and gold foil embossed seals for writing letters. Because I had a rough December and didn’t have time to send Christmas cards, I sent out reply letters during Christmastide (through January 6) to those who sent us cards whom I haven’t seen or communicated with by phone in the past year. And I received a note or letter back from nearly 3/4 of those to whom I wrote! It has been lovely! 🙂
I have always enjoyed writing letters, and this is one form of writing that I will now allow to fade into the past. 😉
Happy writing (letters)!
Susanne 🙂
Ugh! That should have been “*not* allow to fade” rather than the mistyped “now.” (And I’m a grammar teacher and proofreader? Sheesh!!)
Susanne 🙂
Haha! Good catch, Susanne, or I would have wondered!
Those who received your special hand-written letters received a lovely gift. And NO, don’t let the traditions fade away!
I agree that the letter written by Captain Wentworth to Anne is the best and most romantic letter I have read!
I can’t argue with that, Chris!