Years ago, while wandering through Google Maps searching for a particular spot in Canterbury, I came across an old abandoned abbey close to the cathedral. Scrolling through some pictures, there was a small alcove with a little ledge. I stared at the picture for only a moment when an image of Elizabeth Bennet sitting there in the moonlight concealed from a frustrated Darcy popped into my head. And that is how the story, The Greatest Risk, began to take shape.
Of course, questions immediately started to flood my mind: Why are they in Canterbury? How did they both get to the same place? Why is Elizabeth unobserved by Darcy? How can I get them out of the situation unscathed so the quick compromise trope won’t happen? Things slowly began to fall into place.
The story begins within 24 hours of Darcy finding his devastated sister at Ramsgate, and he needed to

Canterbury Cathedral. Located in Canterbury, Kent, England, UK. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons
unburden his soul. So he did, to ‘Nobody,’ a genteel looking young woman whose name he did not know. Unaware of his identity, she listened without judgment, something he had not experienced in many years.
They parted amiably, never revealing their identities, nor with the notion of ever being in each other’s company again, and unaware the affect they each had on the other.
Several months later, having not been to Netherfield so he could care for his sister at Pemberley, Darcy’s first day in Meryton was the evening of the Netherfield masquerade ball. Yes!!! A masquerade!
The following excerpt is the beginning of Chapter 4, where Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam are preparing for the ball.
Please forgive the RAWNESS of the text. I am so excited to share it with you, and have been so busy with life, I haven’t had a chance to truly edit it. 🙂
It had already been a tedious day. With preparations for the ball taking up so much of Miss Bingley’s time, Darcy was certain he was safe from her attentions, but it was not to be. She had found him; found him and simpered about how wonderful the musicians would be, and how she was looking forward to opening the ball this evening until he could finally extricate himself.
There was a knock at his door, and he leaned back in his chair.
Richard Fitzwilliam entered, and quickly closed the door behind him. “Where have you been all day?” he asked, sitting in the large overstuffed chair and leaning his head back to look at the ceiling. “No need to tell me. It is obvious you have been attempting to avoid a certain friend’s sister.”
“Who are you? Henry the eighth?”
“Of course,” Richard replied, fluffing the white silk ruffles upon his chest before straightening his doublet. “I am going to find six different wives tonight, but will not behead a one. But beheading a wife brings me back to our original topic, and I believe your thanks are in order.”
“Why would I thank you for beheading a wife?”
“Not a wife, but one who wishes to be, for I have already claimed the first dance with Miss Bingley and know that her costume for the masquerade will be Marie Antoinette.”
“That is macabre.”
Richard chuckled. “I believe she is attempting to show a certain gentleman from Derbyshire she is of a royal disposition and would make an excellent wife.”
Darcy sniffed. “Why is it that people believe they know who would be the perfect companion for me? Our aunt Lady Catherine with our cousin Anne? Miss Bingley with herself? Do they not imagine if I wanted to make either of them my wife I would have done so by now?” He grumbled as his valet Briggs tied the laurel leaf around his head. “I am a man of eight and twenty, not some green boy fresh from Cambridge!”
“No need to convince me, cousin.” The two fell silent as Darcy tamped down his exasperation as his man continued to dress him. “Who are you wearing to the masque? I believed you had packed the costume of an ancient Egyptian?”
“I had, and was prepared to wear it until Bingley informed his sister. I do not wish to be the object of her
pursuit all night. She will discover me soon enough, but until then I will have anonymity—”
“To hide in the corner and glare at everyone?”
Darcy was silent.
“If you truly do not wish for Miss Bingley to discover who you are until the unmasking, I suggest you behave un-Darcy like.”
“And what precisely is that?”
“You should dance with as many lovely ladies as there are dances, and behave garrulously throughout the night. That will throw her off your scent.”
Darcy was quiet as his man finished the last of his preparation. He walked to the looking glass and examined his appearance. “I cannot behave garrulously, I do not have it in me. However, you are right. I will dance tonight. Then, to be sure, no one will know I am Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley with 10,000 pounds.”
“Yes! You will just be Caesar awaiting the treachery of Brutus.”
“No, Richard. I am Odysseus trying to find my way home.”
“To Penelope?” Richard asked, as he stood next to Darcy and checked his own appearance in the mirror.
“If there is a woman out there who is perfect for me, I have never found her. My meaning was towards the end of our stay, and home to my sister and Pemberley.”
Richard slapped him on the back and they walked through the door the valet had opened towards the party. A pair of deep brown eyes sparkling in the moonlight flashed through Darcy’s mind. He forced the image aside and made his way down the stairs determined to enjoy the evening.
Thank you for taking the time to read “The Greatest Risk.” Please let me know what you thought in the comments below. Can’t wait to hear from you. 🙂
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Oh this sounds so good! Can’t wait to read it!
Thank you, Heather! I can’t wait to release it. 🙂
I am so excited you are releasing a new book! I would happily be an ARC if you need more! I’ll be reading this regardless. 😀
Thank you, Rebecca. I appreciate the offer and will keep that in mind when I finish this little gem. 🙂
Oh my, Anngela!
What a wonderful and original premise! I can very well imagine unburdem to someone completely unrelated to him, much how we do nowadays thru our screens! 🙂
And the ball! A masquerade one,of course, why making things easy for them to meet again? 😉
Adding the colonel to the mix should spice the works even more… and so Darcy will take the advise? Dancing with many ladies just to send Caro on a wild goose ride? Dancig with one particular lady? Maybe gettig a “déjà vu” feeling?
Sounds really way too delicious! I can’t wait!
Thank you for the excerpt!
Mihaela, you have made my little idea sound so lovely! It also appears you have been peeking into the files on my laptop. We’ll have to wait and see. 🙂
Oh, that was fun. Richard is so smart and his advice will certainly throw off Miss Bingley. I’m looking forward to when Darcy and Elizabeth dance together. Will they recognize each other? Oh, I can’t wait. I wish you all manner of success with this new venture. Those plot bunnies pop up at the strangest time. Keep us posted.
Thank you, J.W. they sure do. The problem with plot bunnies is they often multiply so quickly one can’t stay focused on the original idea. 🙂
Ohhh, I cannot wait for this one to come out! I have high hopes of a wonderful read! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you, Tara. I have high hopes also, and anticipate both of us being satisfied. 🙂
I am intrigued already. Good luck with finishing and releasing this new story. I look forward to reading it. I do imagine ODC dances together but wonder if there is any recognition between them. Thanks for sharing here.
Thank you, Sheila. I always look forward to your thoughts on my books and this one is no exception.
OOOOO! Can’t wait to read it!!!! Thanks for the peek 🙂
You are welcome, Charmaine! I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
Love it! The premise is wonderful and I can’t wait to read it. Any idea of a possible publication date?
Thank you, Robin! I am hoping for early winter. 🙂
when will it published?????
Hi, Hollis. I am hoping to finish it up and polish it off over the summer, so I am looking at a publication date of early winter.
This is great! Looking forward to reading the entire book ❤
Thank you, Anette!
I’m wary of commenting on AV posts at the moment as, although they do apparently show on the post, I get a message saying it can’t be posted as the request header field is too large. This message comes up whenever I try to re access the original post 😢😢😢. So if I comment I can no longer reread the post.
I’m loving this and am desperately hoping that Elizabeth is Penelope? I’m also hoping that Miss Bingley is thwarted all night and that Bingley learns to keep his mouth shut when she questions him about Darcy!
Best of luck with this story, I’m looking forward to it.
Glynis, my friend. I am so sorry with your difficulty in posting. I hope you are able to see this, and know that your wishes for ODC may come true. 🙂
I’m not certain whether this offering is a kindness or not. Please drop everything and get this story to the market. It is certainly enticing.
Thank you, Betty! I have 1 more week of teaching before I am ‘off for the summer’ to write to my heart’s content. 🙂
I love it! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thank you, Robin!
Intriguing! I’m looking forward to reading it.
Thank you, Jennifer. I hope you enjoy it when it is available! 🙂
Anngela – I love this story already!!!!¨WHEN will it be PUBLISHED????? Make haste, make haste!
Doris (not Mr. C.)
Doris,(Not Mr. C) 🙂 I am working on it most ardently and will get it out asap. 🙂
I loved this excerpt and hope to read more. Is it published, will it be published, or will it be serialized first?
Thank you, Caroline! It will be published by the end of the year, just finishing up the last few chapters, then the editing process begins! 🙂
Ooo this is coming along very well…can’t wait for it
Thank you, Wendy! 🙂
This sounds like fun! I love the stories in which Richard is in fine form, and I’m pretty sure that a pair of sparkling, deep brown eyes are going to be recognized before the night is through. Thanks for the tempting read.
Thank you, Lisa. Richard is one of my favorite ‘sub’ characters. His sense of fun will certainly be shown in this book. 🙂
Life has many trials and tribulations and it appears Darcy has his fair share. I love the premise and look forward to the book’s release.
Thank you, Carole. I always enjoy your thoughts on my books, and this one is no exception!
Will he recognize those brown eyes? Will she recognize his? Is she thinking of the handsome despondent man she met that day?
Will they dance?
Will we get more and soon!
Can’t wait until you are finished
Davida, Great questions!!!! You’ll have to wait and find out. 🙂
This is going to be fun! Please post more soon. Is it posting on any of the ff sites?
Thank you, Cheryl. I usually post on FF, but haven’t had a chance recently. I will try to within the next week or so. 🙂
Intriguing idea! Since Darcy will dance, what happens when he has Elizabeth as his partner? How will that affect their relationship? Looking forward to reading the book when it comes out.
Thank you, Carol! A great question! I can’t wait for you to find out. 🙂
Oh my goodness… I can not wait to read this book. Please don’t take too long to finish it. I’m so intrigued
Thank you, Maria! You are definitely motivating me to push forward and get over my bout of writer’s block!
I am looking forward to this… fleshing out of the characters and setting a tone for Darcy from the start… I love it!
Thank you, Mary. It is hard to not fall back on the ‘expected’ Darcy and give him a little umph. 🙂
An inventive beginning to what i’m sure will be a wonderful story.
Thank you, Richard. I hope you like it when it’s complete!
I’m excited for the rest! This sounds great!
Thank you, Anna! It has been fun to imagine!
This promises to be amazing! Thank you for the preview!
Thank you, Bambi! I hope it will meet your expectations when it is finished. 🙂
Love the excerpt, Anngela, and look forward to the rest of the story.
Thank you so much, Gianna. As you know, now I just have to find time. 🙂
It’s so interesting to read where you got the inspiration that sparked this novel – a perfect illustration of what sets authors apart from the rest of us! Had I been there, my imagination would have never conjured up a scene between Elizabeth and Darcy, nor would I have figured out how to build a book plot around it if I had!
This excerpt left me anxiously waiting for more – thank you for sharing!! Any idea when this will be published as this will definitely be on my list of books to read?
What a wonderful idea for a story! Richard is also one of my favourite secondary characters, for many different reasons (I like a bit of jealousy on Darcy’s part, for example – nudge, nudge 😉).
I’m really looking forward to reading the finished book! I always enjoy your style of writing and this plot idea sounds very promising.
As others have said, great premise! So intrigued!!
The usually stoic and guarded Darcy venting to a stranger?? So uncharacteristic. Or is he talking to himself, unaware of someone in the alcove? And why is Elizabeth there? Was she accidentally left behind from a tour. Is her father studying something elsewhere on the property? Or at a college and she hiked out here on her own? At the masquerade- will Elizabeth be a character from Much Ado About Nothing? Taming of the Shrew? Twelfth Night ? A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Lizzy would make an interesting Bottom as a donkey, given his enthusiastic impulsivity)? Or a character from Walter Scott? Or even from The Canterbury Tales???
You wouldn’t be looking for Betas or proofreaders, by any chance…would you??
I’m loving it…if you need a beta reader I would love too….I’ve do e thus before several times
That is extremely unkind. To give us such a juicy morsel and then asking us to wait for an unknown amount of time to read their meeting. Can’t wait for the full story.
Love! I can’t wait to
How lovely to read again about our favourite characters. Lovely adaptation and look forward to the release.