It’s release day! I don’t know about you, but I’m excited for That Perfect Someone to be out there. This one was a lot of fun and I loved getting to know Chase Bennet. It was a fun and different dynamic for Lizzy to have a brother who was a confidante and someone to keep her somewhat in check. It was also a trip down memory lane of sorts by using the Hill Country as the backdrop for William and Lizzy’s romance as well as centering them around horses and a veterinary clinic.
I’m going to share one more chapter of the story, then stick around and tell me what you like best so far for a chance to win a Kindle of That Perfect Someone! I have 3 copies to give away!
Just a quick note! Please forgive me, but an ARC reader found 3 small errors after Amazon locked the file for the preorder which meant I couldn’t upload the corrected file. I uploaded the document first thing this morning and I have received a notification that the new version is live for you to update the file. I apologize again!
So, let’s get to that chapter! If you haven’t read or you’ve missed a chapter, you can find previous chapters here: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4.
Chapter 5
“Morning, Mr. Darcy,” said Lamonte as he closed the stall door. “Your horses settling in okay?”
William smiled and nodded. “I think so. They’re used to being in a large stable, so they settled in quickly.”
The older Black man scratched the gray scruff along his cheek. “Doc Bennet said you have more you intend to bring down. Old Mrs. Vogt sold two of her horses so a couple spots have opened up—if you need them that is.” Lamonte chewed on the toothpick sticking out of the corner of his mouth, making it bob up and down. He seemed to be a Jack of all trades. Not only was he a farrier but he also helped Dr. Bennet keep up around the stables. He was often found training a horse in the paddock on most days.
“I appreciate it. I’ll contact my sister and see if I can arrange for their transport. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out something.”
“Sounds good.” Lamonte spoke with a lazy sort of drawl. “That gelding of yours seems to be getting around better. I saw you out riding him yesterday. Lizzy’s always been good with horses—probably better than her father, but don’t tell him I said that. He’d not take that too kindly.” A slight smile accompanied the last. From what Lamonte had said while shoeing Skylla, he’d been best friends with Dr. Bennet since elementary school.
“I understand.” William cleared his throat and gave a quick glance around. “She mentioned Saturday that she used to ride. I’m curious. Was she any good?”
The man’s smile widened, and he laughed. “Yeah, she was good. Mind you, Jane had a natural knack for teaching a horse what to do. She took to training like a duck takes to water. Little Lizzy, well, she was always good at taking care of them. Don’t get me wrong. She won her fair share of ribbons. I think there were even a few trophies and a belt buckle one time, but she was one of those little ones who’d bring home a stray kitten or injured bird. Near broke her heart when her father couldn’t fix one of them.”
Something inside William warmed. He wasn’t sure what it was about Elizabeth Bennet, but his gaze always seemed to be drawn to her. Saturday she’d been in nothing but simple dark blue jeans, a clinic polo, and cowboy boots, her auburn curls swinging to and fro in a ponytail as she walked around the horse show, and he’d been mesmerized. What he wouldn’t give to see that fine ass clad in breeches and English riding boots! He bet she’d be even hotter. She wasn’t a beauty in the classic sense, but those eyes possessed an allure that drew him in like a moth to a flame. What was he doing? He shook himself internally. Lamonte now watched him with an odd curve to his lips.
“Yes, Skylla seems to have improved a lot, but I’m not pushing him. I’d rather keep him as a pet than have him come up permanently lame.”
“That’s good. Lizzy’d like that.” A nearby horse stuck his nose through the top half of the stall door and nudged Lamonte’s shoulder. The older man began scratching under his chin. “Too many people are concerned with their horse’s worth and what they can do rather than what’s good for the animal. Lizzy, Chase, and ole Doc Bennet can tell you some stories that’ll make you madder than a wet hornet.”
William furrowed his brow. “I’ve never heard that expression.”
“Madder than a wet hornet?” said Lamonte. He shrugged with a chuckle. “I don’t know. It’s something my father used to say.” He glanced at his watch. “Would you look at the time? I got to get over to the Fabra place. They have a couple of horses that need shoeing. This morning, I checked those corrective shoes I put on your horse. Don’t want one to come loose and fall off without us knowing.”
“I appreciate that. I’ll let you get going.”
“You have a good day, Mr. Darcy.”
“You too.” William walked around the corner to Skylla’s stall, receiving a nicker when the horse first saw him. “Hey there. I thought you might need a good brushing.” He took a small bag out of his pocket and offered the gelding a carrot that the horse grabbed and munched the moment he saw it. With long strokes, William started rubbing the horse down with the scraper. Skylla had always shed more than any horse he’d ever owned. This spring was bound to be worse since they were transitioning to a Texas summer compared to those of Maine. He’d never experienced a summer down south, but how could they not be more severe?
At the clomping of boots from the passage, William glanced out as an unruly auburn ponytail bounced past. Was it her? He paused, stepped up to the door, and leaned forward to get a better look. Dr. Bennet stopped at a stall a couple of horses down, unlatched it, and stepped inside. Was she here as a veterinarian or to ride? Low murmurings filtered down the row but not specifically what she was saying. She was, no doubt, speaking to that horse like she had his. It was one of the things he’d liked about her treating Skylla: she put him at ease more than any vet he’d used in the past.
He shook his head and went back to brushing Skylla. He needed to forget about her and that kiss! But good Lord, how could he? Those soft lips moving under his stoked that current that had raced through him to a crazy high pitch he’d never experienced before. The problem was he’d dated a veterinarian before, and it’d been a disaster. The last thing he wanted was for another relationship to end the way his last had ended with Anne—not only had he caught his fiancé cheating on him, but he’d also lost a good veterinarian when their relationship hit the fan.
After clearing his throat, he shook off the unpleasant memories and continued grooming his horse until those same footsteps followed by a horse’s hoofbeats passed them. He looked up, this time to a horse’s tail whipping around as though attempting to shoo away flies. Once he’d finished removing most of Skylla’s dead hair, he put away the brushes and followed the familiar cadence of a horse’s trot. What was he doing?
The brightness of the sun blinded him for a few seconds when he stepped outside, and he blinked while his eyes adjusted, focusing directly on Elizabeth Bennet riding the same large grey mare that had walked by earlier. Her posture was good yet relaxed while the horse moved around the paddock, but wasn’t that correct when someone rode Western? How was he supposed to know? He’d never ridden anything but English.
“Good morning, Mr. Darcy.”
He peered over his shoulder as Chase Bennet approached from behind. “Dr. Bennet. How are you?”
“I’m good, but please, call me Chase. If you continue to call me, my sister, and my father Dr. Bennet, things are going to be confusing, to say the least.”
William smiled. He had a point. “I hadn’t considered that, but you’re right, of course.”
Chase’s head barely tilted and his eyes gave a quick dart to his sister before settling back upon William. “Lizzy and I plan to ride the trail by the creek today. Would you like to join us? The path is clear and wide and some of the views are nice. I think your horse can handle it if you want to come.”
His body jumped, and he scratched the back of his neck. “Oh, I hadn’t planned…That is, I think it’s best if I don’t. Thank you for the invitation, though.” The way Chase watched him for a moment after he responded made the muscles of his back tighten. What was he noticing? “I was grooming Skylla and heard your sister take out the horse. She’d mentioned that she rode when we were at the show. I admit I was curious.”
“We all ride,” said Chase. “Our father insisted we know-how. Lydia could care less these days, but the rest of us still have our own horses. Mary’s is the dun gelding next to yours, Katy’s is the sorrel mare just inside the door, and I have the palomino next to hers. He and Momma would cart us all to the horse shows growing up. They didn’t ride anymore, but they helped us get our horses ready and watched from the stands. Jane is the only one who still competes, but then it’s part of her job. Fortunately, Charlie loves watching her so he doesn’t mind.”
“Hey!” They both turned. Elizabeth had stopped riding and was watching them. “You going to chat the day away or ride? If you two boys are going to stay here and talk, I’m going on my own.”
“Hold your horses!” called Chase. “I better saddle Blondie. You sure you don’t want to come?”
He tamped down that part of him that screamed to say yes. “I better finish with Skylla.” William followed Chase inside. “I haven’t brushed his mane or tail yet.”
The younger man opened a stall door and slipped a halter over the horse’s head. “If you change your mind, the start of the trail is by that big pecan tree near Lizzy’s house. You can’t miss it.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, thanks,” said William as he started to walk towards Skylla.
“Mr. Darcy!”
William spun back around. “Please, you can call me William or some people call me Darcy.”
Chase frowned and glanced down at the lead rope in his hands then back up to catch William’s eye. “About Lizzy. Be careful with her. She doesn’t have much experience with men.”
His insides flinched, and he clenched and released his hands. “I don’t know what you mean.”
After a tight chuckle, Chase tied his horse off. “I haven’t said anything to Lizzy, but I saw that kiss at the fundraiser. I’ve also noticed how much you glance her way when she doesn’t know you’re looking. Before she was my sister, she was my best friend, so I know Lizzy better than most people. She’s never taken shit from anyone, and most boys were interested in more than she was willing to give for a few measly dates. After a while, she set her sights on college and vet school and ignored the rest. That’s become a sort of ingrained habit—except now she concentrates on work and protecting me.”
“Do you need her protection?”
“Nah,” said Chase, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it, and that I don’t do the same for her.” He dipped his chin just enough that his message came through loud and clear. He was being warned not to hurt her.
William exhaled heavily. “Look, my last serious relationship was a nightmare. I’m not searching for anything right now. Your sister’s safe from me. Okay?”
The other man’s eyes flared ever so slightly and his lips curved to one side. “That’s unfortunate. I think you and Lizzy could make a good couple, and despite what she claims, she’s lonely. She spends way too much time watching rom-coms and talking to her cat.”
“What about Deputy Collins? Perhaps she could give him a shot?” He all but forced the last few words from his mouth. What was he doing? Did he really want Lizzy to date that lumbering idiot with a decidedly unhealthy fixation for his service revolver? He happened to meet the deputy at the coffee shop in Longbourn a few days ago. What an asshole! He admired Lizzy even more after that run-in.
Chase snorted loudly. “Don’t ever let Lizzy hear you suggest that. She’d run you over with her horse…or the clinic van, whichever is closest.”
“I better let you saddle your horse before your sister abandons you.” William raised a hand. “I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
Chase returned the wave, saying “See ya” before William turned and started toward the far end of the stable. What was it about Elizabeth Bennet? As much as he wanted to deny it, Chase had been correct, his gaze was drawn to her without thought. Saturday at the horseshow had been ridiculous! He’d told her to call him William, then he’d covered her hand with his. He’d decided months ago to avoid women for the time being, so why did his brain conveniently forget the moment Lizzy entered his line of vision?
He seemed to have no control when she was around so he needed to avoid her as much as possible from now on. With their intense attraction—which that kiss confirmed like a slap from a brick wall—what if they ended up in bed together? After Chase’s warning, he refused to hurt her with a casual fling. His feelings had been trampled and left for dead, and he would not risk his heart or someone else’s until he was certain the relationship would not end in disaster. It was the least he could do. No one deserved that.
Alrighty! 3 chances to win! Don’t forget to leave that comment!
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I’ve really enjoyed the chapters you have shared, and look forward to reading the book. Congrats and best wishes on the new release!
Thanks, Robin!
Poor Darcy. Chase has given him good advice. I doubt he’ll be able to keep his distance. Blessings on the launch of this work. I wish you all manner of success. Thanks for the generous giveaway. Good luck to everyone in the drawing.
Chase is good at advice. We’ll see if he’s the voice of reason here
Thanks, J.W.!
Love that horses are having a central part of the story. Can’t wait to see how it all turns out
Thanks, Glory!
I am loving the character development so far. Looking forward to the rest!
Thank you, Callie!
Your characters are so adorable and I love that you write inclusive by adding Charlotte/Chase as a trans man. That’s awesome!
Thanks! It was a total whim on my part, but I loved the dynamic Chase brought to the Bennet family. He was a lot of fun to write.
How nice it is for Lizzy to have a big brother.
I enjoy the storyline of Chase so much.
Congrats to the new release~
Thanks, Patricia!!
Good morning!!

So I just got it on Kindle .. and started it right away. I mean it didn’t count as starting a new book while being supposed to be working, right? Since the first chapters were already read …?
Oh, Leslie … And I had such plans for today’s work day! Oh well … I guess I will feel better after few chapters and a coffee…
Thank you and happy release day!

Meh! Reading is a great way to spend the day if you ask me
Thanks, Michaela!
Another great chapter! I have enjoyed them all, and am looking forward to reading the entire book!
Thank you, Cyndy!
Oh Leslie! Despite the fact that this book is sitting on my kindle, and I’ve just finished reading a book, I just had to read this chapter!

I’m really loving it, Darcy’s obvious feelings for Elizabeth shine through. Chase is really protective of her and is such a great brother and friend.
Obviously please don’t enter me in the giveaway, I’m going to be starting from the beginning again today. Good luck with this new book
Thank you, Glynis! I hope you enjoy your read!
This book sounds like a fun read–love that we get to explore some of Darcy’s feelings. And Anne was a vet back in Maine-hum?? Looking forward to having Georgiana enter the story. Perhaps she and Lizzy will become fast friends…
Congrats on publishing a new work.
Yup, there are a number of layers here. Thanks, ForeverHis!
Looks like another winner, Leslie!
Thank you, Betty!
Fun story. I like how you have incorporated your love of horses as a central theme. The descriptions are lovely and I can imagine all of the characters as you portray them. Good luck with your new publication.
Thank you, Jen!
Great story so far…can’t wait to read the rest! My favorite part so far is the kiss…love me a good Lizzy and Darcy kiss!
Yeah, I wanted that kiss to be a toe curler
Thank you!
I’m looking forward to enjoying this. I enjoy moderns, and like to see how authors will translate the canon issues into modern scenarios.
Thank you!
Thanks for the giveaway! Have enjoyed reading each chapter…..the horses are my favorite!
Thank you, Cath!
Congratulations on the new release! Thank you for sharing these excerpts.
Thank you for following along!
Darcy faces a dilemma.
Yup, he does! Thanks, Aubry!
I so love the start to this and can’t wait to read more. Congratulations on this new release!!–LeslieGB
Thank you, Leslie!
Read and reviewed. I LOVED it
Thank you! I’m thrilled you enjoyed it!
Thank you!
I like how quickly the story is set up and how quickly Darcy and Elizabeth meet. Their interactions are the best, so I appreciate that they are together a lot from the beginning. I also like the changing viewpoints between the two of them. I like all the different ways horses fit into the characters’ lives. I like the way Chase takes on his role as brother and has a chat with Darcy. I’m looking forward to reading the rest!
Thank you, TC!
Thanks for sharing these chapters with us.
Thanks for reading along!
I love the story so far! It’s a nice change of pace to read a modern setting for our beloved characters. And I love that you have included horses in the story and a career as a vet for Lizzy – it seems a perfect calling for a modern Lizzy! Congratulations on the launch— I am sure it will be a big success!
I do think it’s a good career for Lizzy. Not commonly used, but fits her. Thanks, Catherine!
Congratulations on your newest book. I’ve enjoyed reading these chapters and look forward to seeing where you take us on a lovely ride!
Thanks, Luisa!
Congratulations on your latest release! I downloaded as soon as it was released. I LOVED IT! Not your typical variation. Really, really enjoyed the read! Don’t want to drop any spoilers but oooo some excitement in there.
Question – will your also drop an Audible? Would love to add this to my LL Diamond collection
Thank you so much, Chris! I have the story up on ACX but I’m kind of up in the air over the narrations I’ve received. I find moderns really hard to find narrators for. Cross your fingers!
Harry does marvelous modern renditions. Lol sorry, yep, he’s a favorite