Tag: That Perfect Someone

Now Available from Other Sellers! The Peculiarity of Mr. Darcy’s Mirror, That Perfect Someone, and Undoing!

Hi there! Due to a more recent demand, I’ve moved a couple of my books for wider distribution. As I can put a couple more books out for wider distribution. I will, but if you have not read these titles yet, I hope you will give them a chance! Links for these books are below. …

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That Perfect Someone Audiobook Release Celebration

It’s a release celebration! That Perfect Someone is finally on audiobook and can be found on Audible and Amazon! Sara Jo Elice did an amazing job, and I can’t wait for you to hear it. This was a story I had in my head for some time, so it’s great to get it published and …

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That Perfect Someone Giveaway Winners and Deleted Scene!

It’s Friyay! I hope everyone had an amazing week. I’d live to send a huge thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed That Perfect Someone. I’m so thrilled you’ve enjoyed the book so much. In the meantime, I have the winners from the Release Day Celebration for you! Congratulations to J.W. Garrett Glory …

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That Perfect Someone Release Day Celebration!

It’s release day! I don’t know about you, but I’m excited for That Perfect Someone to be out there. This one was a lot of fun and I loved getting to know Chase Bennet. It was a fun and different dynamic for Lizzy to have a brother who was a confidante and someone to keep …

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Ch 1 – That Perfect Someone

We’re gearing up for a release! That Perfect Someone is edited and the final touches and proofreading needs to be done, but we’re all ready to go. I know I posted this last month, but it’s undergone a couple of small changes so I’m posting it again. I’ll post Chapter 2 on my blog (lldiamondwrites.com) …

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