Tag: Shannon Winslow

The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen – Part 3: Falling in Love

In last week’s episode, Jane met the dashing and mysterious Captain Devereaux at her brother Henry’s wedding. Although she doesn’t expect to see him ever again, she hasn’t been able to stop thinking about him. Will fate take a hand? Need to review? See Part 1 and Part 2 before continuing. ~ Chapter 4 ~ …

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Persuasion, Behind the Scenes – A Release Day Celebration

It’s finally here! I know many of you have been waiting for a long time for us to publish this anthology and we’re so thrilled to have it available for you to buy. Persuasion is one of Jane Austen’s most beloved works. I’m sure all of us have scenes we wish she’d written and those …

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The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen – Part 2

Tom Lefroy or the mysterious Captain Devereaux? They both play key roles in Jane Austen’s life, but which of them did she prefer? And how is her new novel coming along? You will find the answers in chapters 2 and 3: today’s installment of The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen! (If you missed part 1, …

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The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen – Part 1

Weekly installments of The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen begin today, so you’re just in time! Have you ever wished Jane Austen had herself experienced the romance and happy ending she so carefully crafted for all of her wonderful heroines? She SO deserved it! That’s really why I wrote this novel. It’s dedicated to all …

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Jane in January – Shannon Winslow, Inspired!

This month we’re looking at inspiration for our novels. But it’s hard to separate inspiration from motivation. It’s kind of a chicken-or-egg question as to which comes first. When I’m excited about an idea, that motivates me to write. And when the creative juices start flowing, the ideas come. I would never have made it …

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Happy Birthday to Jane Austen

On this day in 1775 our esteemed authoress was born. What better way to celebrate than to share some of our favorite quotes from her?   In one of Austen’s letters, she wrote: I can just imagine her face, and maybe even the kind of day she was having when she wrote this. These words …

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Advent Calendar Day 3: Mr. Collins’s Last Supper (conclusion)

Thank you for opening the third “window” on the Jane Austen Variations advent calendar! Today is the final chapter of my Pride and Prejudice based short story Mr. Collins’s Last Supper – the tongue-in-cheek tale of how that pompous clergyman learned (too late) why gluttony is considered one of the “seven deadly sins.” In case …

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Advent Calendar Day 2: Mr. Collins’s Last Supper (part 2)

Thank you for opening the second “window” on the Jane Austen Variations advent calendar! Today’s prize is part two (of three) of my Pride and Prejudice based short story Mr. Collins’s Last Supper – the tongue-in-cheek tale of how that pompous clergyman learned (too late) why gluttony is considered one of the “seven deadly sins.” …

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December Advent Calendar Begins!

Do you remember the days – before the internet and everything digital – when a simple Advent Calendar added joy and excitement to the weeks leading up to Christmas? Every day you would open up a new window to discover something special inside. Well, we’re doing our own version of that Advent Calendar here at …

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Reading Side-by-Side

No, this is not really a post recommending reading side-by-side with another person, enjoyable as that is. This is about the concept of reading two books side-by-side. Not just any two books, though, but a pair especially made to go together: “companion” novels. Allow me to explain. I wrote my fifth novel, Miss Georgiana Darcy …

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