Tag: Shannon Winslow

Elizabeth Reflects on Questionable Marital Advice by Shannon Winslow

Lydia leans forward, showing cleavage

November 12, 1812 (In her own words) I know that many brides go to the altar in complete ignorance – and consequently in great trepidation – of what will follow afterward. Neither Jane nor I shall suffer such an unfortunate fate, however. No, with our double wedding only a few days off, I expect we …

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An Exercise in “Persuasion” – Shannon Winslow’s WIP

Hello everyone! I’m delighted to be doing my first post here and Austen Variation, and also for how supportive the whole JAFF community has been of our new site. A big thank-you to our readers and also to Susan, Abigail, and Grace for so ably getting the ball rolling! After writing two satisfying P&P sequels (The Darcys of Pemberley, …

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