Tag: readers

Celebrating Jane: Tempting Tea Parties for Non-Janeites

I wasn’t born into a family of fiction readers. My immediate and extended relations might skim articles about current news & events or flip through some nonfiction bestsellers with mild interest, but they’ve always been more inclined toward the math and science fields rather than  whimsical worlds or imaginary characters. Admittedly, I’d been drawn to …

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New Feature at Austen Variations, Just For You!

In recent years JAFF has become a world-wide phenomenon, thanks in part to Colin Firth’s infamous wet shirt scene and Matthew Macfadyen’s moody walk through the fog. However, the real reason is YOU, the readers who adore Jane’s work and all the twists and variations that have been inspired by The Lady. In recognition your …

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We need your opinions!

We’re into our third week at Austen Variations, and we’ve been delighted to see so many of our readers participating in the discussion! We’ve tried some different experiments here, and there are some others we’re considering Writers sharing their works in progress and looking for feedback. Sharing bits of completed stories. Continuing the Reader’s Choice …

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