Tag: Marilyn Brant

Cover Reveal for Marilyn Brant’s Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Bet!!

As I approach the end of the long months of drafting Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Bet (White Soup Press, Summer 2014) and get ready to dive into the nearly as lengthy revising portion of the process, one of the great perks of being at this stage is that, with the plot in place, it’s time for the …

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Caroline Bingley’s Generous Appraisal of the Evening by Marilyn Brant

November 26, 1811 Insupportable. Really, there was no other word for it. Caroline Bingley had done her level best to point out to her brother how unnecessary and ridiculous it would be to have such an event in their home —and for what? to appease some silly Bennet girls?—but it was futile. Charles, the fool, …

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“I’d Like To Thank the Academy…”

This past Sunday night the Academy Awards were on and, as usual, I was glued to the screen for all of it. I didn’t watch more than 30 minutes or so of the Red Carpet interviews beforehand, but I did catch a handful. To me, the stars looked nervous out there. Distracted, jittery, nearly feverish…and …

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A Work in Progress: Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Bet

Hello, Austen Friends ~ It’s wonderful to see you here. WELCOME!! Hope you’re enjoying the Grand Opening Week Celebration as much as we are  😛 . Today I get to share a little of my work in progress — a story that will eventually be the sequel to Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Match. In the …

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Going on a Bingley Hunt

There’s a children’s book and kiddie camp song that my son used to love when he was a preschooler called We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. (Anyone familiar with it?) I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately because I’m doing an Austenesque version of it this month…except, in my case, it would be called: …

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Morals of the Story

I can’t remember now who it was that first asked the question, just that I remember being surprised by it. I was at an author event — a book club, where According to Jane was the novel being discussed — when someone there asked me why I liked Pride and Prejudice so much. At first …

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London Calling

For 15 years, I’ve dreamed of getting to return to Europe. I even wrote a whole book (known these days as A Summer in Europe) about a woman spending several weeks there, visiting cities from Rome to London and drinking in the amazing atmosphere of every fabulous site. I wistfully daydreamed my way through the …

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On Friendship in the Age of Social Networking

Every once in a while something happens in my day-to-day life – or someone tells me a story about an incident in his or hers – that makes me think about how we develop and maintain friendships. That happened again this past week when I got an email from an old friend. In our modern …

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Pride & Prejudice & the Magic 8-Ball

When I was a kid, I had a fascination with Tyco Toys/Mattel’s Magic 8-Ball. The anticipation as I waited for the answer to reveal itself in that murky blue fluid left me breathless – it was just so cool and mysterious. When my son was given one as a gift a few years back, I’m …

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A Love Letter to Reviewers

“There are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement.” ~ Charlotte Lucas, Pride & Prejudice Charlotte may have been speaking of courtship in the quote above — Jane Bennet’s and Mr. Bingley’s in particular — but she could almost be talking about writers as well, as there …

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