Spellbound at Pemberley is here at last! The first book of the Fitzwilliam Darcy, Mage trilogy, Spellbound at Pemberley covers the first third of an epic tale: Darcy’s mission to bring a magical end to the Napoleonic wars, and it’s now on sale at Amazon in paperback and ebook. And I’m giving away two ebooks …
Tag: Jane Austen
New release-Wits & Wagers by Amy D’Orazio
It’s release week for Wits & Wagers! Many thanks to any of you who have read it so far, and for those of you who haven’t, here’s a little excerpt I hope you’ll find enticing! You can find it at Amazon, free with your KU Subscription!! “Miss Elizabeth, how do you do,” Darcy said, bowing …
More new book news!
News, news, news! Spellbound at Pemberley is now available for pre-order in ebook! Release day is December 5, and the paperback will be ready to order by December 3. Audiobook plans are still uncertain. You can read the blurb and the first excerpt in my last post, but some people have been asking more about …
Spellbound at Pemberley excerpt
At long last, my new book Spellbound at Pemberley is almost ready! I’m so excited that after many delays and rewrites, this magical Pride & Prejudice variation will be published on December 5. I’ve been waiting so long to tell you about this amazing book! What’s it about? Above all, it’s the story of Darcy …
Mrs Bennet Makes a Match Release Day!
It’s release day for my latest novella, Mrs Bennet Makes a Match! 🥳 To help celebrate, I’m sharing a snippet from Chapter 2. I posted an excerpt (Chapter 1) previously; you can find it here. In this segment of the second chapter, Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley have come to dinner, and the party is …
Throwback Thursday: Mrs. Bennet Tells All
Mrs. Bennet Tells All, by Jack Caldwell Greetings everyone. Jack Caldwell here. One of the most enduring tropes in JAFF is the unfeeling, slightly cruel, and stupid Mrs. Bennet. Taking a bit from the novel and a lot from the P&P 1995 adaptation, there is a belief that Mrs. Bennet hates her second daughter and …
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