Tag: food

Celebrating Jane: Tempting Tea Parties for Non-Janeites

I wasn’t born into a family of fiction readers. My immediate and extended relations might skim articles about current news & events or flip through some nonfiction bestsellers with mild interest, but they’ve always been more inclined toward the math and science fields rather than  whimsical worlds or imaginary characters. Admittedly, I’d been drawn to …

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The Cajun Cheesehead Gourmet shares a secret

The Cajun Cheesehead Shows You the BEST Way to Cook Chicken, by Jack Caldwell Greetings, everyone. Jack Caldwell here. There is one thing a Cajun Cheesehead knows all about. Food. A staple in the American diet is the Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Half. Yes, it is only half of the breast of a chicken, but …

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Austen Variations Recipe Roundup!

Hi, friends! As some of you may know, we’ve been celebrating all things food over the past couple of months here at Austen Variations. With everything that’s going on in the world, it seems like many of us have been turning to cooking and baking for comfort–whether it’s dusting off our favorite recipes, or branching …

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Fantabulous Food, by Jack Caldwell

The Cajun Cheesehead says Jane Austen would have loved this, and so will you, by Jack Caldwell Greetings, everyone. Jack Caldwell here. The theme for this month is Fantabulous Food. Something a Cajun Cheesehead knows all about. After all, I live in a place that literally lives to eat. Now things over here really didn’t …

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A Picnic in Jane Austen’s Day

Origin of picnics  The concept of a picnic has been existence for a very long time. (Of course, one could argue that eating outdoors was the very first way to eat, but let’s not go back quite that far.) Food historians suggest that the modern concept of the picnic evolved from traditional moveable outdoor feasts. …

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Summer Travels and New Projects

This month, we are discussing Summer picnics and travels. Are you going anywhere fun? Do you have any favorite summer treats on the menu? Our family loves to camp. This summer, we are determined to get out as many times as possible, and we have already made it out for two separate weekend trips. That’s …

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