Tag: Excerpt

First excerpt from my next book!

Yes, I have a new book in the works! I’m really excited about the plot twist because it’s breaking new ground in the world of Pride & Prejudice variations (and least as far as I know – I can’t keep track of all of the ones out there any more). But since it’s different, I’m also nervous …

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Changing House

We’re thinking of Netherfield in November, and today I have for you a “missing scene” derived from the last chapter of Pride and Prejudice.  In that epilogue-style chapter (which was my guide and jumping-off point when I wrote The Darcys of Pemberley), Jane Austen tells us quite a bit about what lies ahead for the …

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Austen at the Seaside: Jane Visits Sidmouth

Summer is here! Time for days at the beach with lots of sun, sand, and romance. That’s our theme in June, so grab your sunblock and join your favourite Austen characters in their adventures at the sea. The Austen family, during their years in Bath, spent summer holidays at seaside locations. This exclusive excerpt from …

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A Sneak Preview of Alone with Mr. Darcy

Pray forgive me! The last time I posted here, I said my new book would be released December 1. I was wrong. Owing to a series of real-life setbacks, I lost over a month of work time, so now I’m aiming for mid to late January. But I’ll try to make it up to you by …

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A Work Still in Progress: Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Bet

I’ve never been known for being a super-fast writer (sadly!), but I had been making steady progress on Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Bet — the sequel to my White Soup Press release Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Match — until a power outage blew out my computer’s hard drive a few weeks ago and brought all …

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Another Place in Time – Excerpt by Mary Simonsen

In Another Place in Time, Mr. Darcy is not the only one who visits the future; Miss Darcy makes the journey as well. In the excerpt below, Georgiana Darcy and modern-day friend Chris O’Malley take in some of Baltimore’s sights: Prior to walking into Victoria’s Secret, Georgiana had been frugal with her brother’s money, but …

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