Tag: Excerpt

The Truth About Family Cover Reveal & Bonus Scenes

I always love finally being able to tell people about a new book! It takes month (and months and months—haha) of work before I can talk to a selected handful of people about what I’m working on, and it’s tough to keep quiet. Today, I’m pleased to introduce you to The Truth About Family. Be …

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The Peculiarity of Mr. Darcy’s Mirror Preview – Available Now on Kindle, KU, and paperback!

Happy Wednesday, everyone! It’s a big day! As most of you know, I’ve been finishing up edits on The Peculiarity of Mr. Darcy’s Mirror, and we’re gearing up for a September 22nd release day. The preorder is live, so just click here to order! So, let’s talk Mr. Darcy’s Mirror. Yes, at a first glance, …

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One Read Leads to Another…

We’re always getting book recommendations from our friends. (In fact, here are a few of mine for you!) Sometimes from online lists – “50 Must-Read Books”,  Goodreads, etc.  But have you ever taken a book recommendation from another book or a movie? I’m not talking about when you see a great movie, which motivates you …

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The Secret Life of Maggie Blake – Book Release & Giveaway!

WINNER UPDATE:Thank you to everyone who read & left a comment on this post!! I just did tonight’s drawing  & ForeverHis/Jeannette is the winner of my book prize — congrats!!! 🙂  Please email me (MarilynBrant AT gmail DOT com) with the list of my books (up to $20 U.S. worth) that you’d like & the …

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(April) Fool for Love

This month’s theme is “Fool for Love,” partly inspired by April Fools’ Day.  And since I’m first up, I thought I’d start with a bit about April Fools’ Day itself, including a few infamous hoaxes. Then I have a fun excerpt for you that fits the theme! According to history.com, the exact origins of April …

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Joking with Jane

  Jane Austen’s novels and the tone of her letters have always given me the feeling that she was a lot like Elizabeth Bennet. I can’t help thinking that she modelled Elizabeth on herself, but it was unconsciously done. Otherwise she would have been too modest to jot down her famous description of Elizabeth in …

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Let It Snow

  Good morning! Have you had the first snow of the season? Mr Darcy did 🙂 There is snow at Pemberley in this excerpt from one of the few books where I wrote about the Christmas season. I hope you’ll enjoy it.       Excerpt from MISS DARCY’S COMPANION The morning before Christmas dawned …

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A little bit more magic, please!

Here’s another sneak peek at my upcoming magical variation on Pride & Prejudice. This scene also takes place while Elizabeth is at Netherfield, and comes just after the last excerpt I posted, but I think you can read it on its own, too. I hope you enjoy it! ~~~ Elizabeth tiptoed out of Jane’s sickroom …

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Catherine and Henry Tilney’s “Comfortable Coze”

I know that “a comfortable coze” (this month’s theme here at the blog) comes from Mansfield Park and refers to a confab between Fanny Price and Mary Crawford. (Read more about that in Diana Birchall’s post.) But I admit that the phrase conjured up something a little different in my mind. First, you should know …

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Chapter 2 and Title Reveal of my New Book

Happy October, everyone! I’m back with Chapter 2 of my new book, as well as a title reveal. Are you ready for it? I think it’s pretty fitting for this time of year. YES!!! It’s a new twist on the classic Highwayman legend, and I absolutely cannot wait to bring it to you in its …

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