I feel like this would be Elizabeth Bennet’s favorite time of year. The roads would be dry, she can keep her windows open at night to enjoy the cool breeze and the stars, and she could lie out on the grass with her favorite book. But I’m willing to entertain other notions. Let’s put it …
Tag: Excerpt
A Look Back by Jennifer Altman
Hi, all! I hope your summer is off to a good start! Last month, I was here celebrating the second birthday of my second novel, Faults of Understanding. So today, I thought it would be nice to give my first book baby, To Conquer Pride, a share in the conversation. 🙂 It’s been a while …
A Book Birthday Celebration! by Jennifer Altman
Hi, friends! As some of you may have noticed, it’s been a while since I’ve posted here. To be honest, it hasn’t been the greatest year, and (to borrow a phrase from the lovely Joana Starnes) I’ve been spending some time hiding under my bonnet. But the good news is that things are starting to …
William, Fitzwilliam, and Fitzwilliam
Is it possible to have too many Williams? I like the name – very much, in fact. Even so, there ought to be a limit as to number. One thing I’ve learned as a novelist is that you shouldn’t confuse your readers with character names that are too similar. If you’ve already got a Terry …
Rebirth and Rejuvenation: a Second Chance for Hope
Spring is my favorite season! It’s all about new life – baby animals (I saw a fawn just yesterday) and green growing things. The birds return from their winter latitudes and start to sing. And flowers begin blooming everywhere. It means I’ve made it through another winter, and I feel hopeful and rejuvenated. When I …
Sneak Peek: Allow Me to Tell You
Hello everyone, I would have like to put up some pictures of blossoms from my area in Surrey, but alas, spring has sent us a mixed bag of snow and cold winds, so there’s no chance of it. But at least this section of the WIP has a spring setting — and a proposal. This …
When We Were Young – Eliza and Col. Brandon
Although I don’t think anybody’s used it yet, the optional theme for this month is “When We Were Young.” So today I have an excerpt of a young Eliza and Colonel Brandon, taken from Colonel Brandon in His Own Words. In Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen gives us just a teaser about their relationship, so …
Snowbound Reselase Day – Giveaway Winners and New Excerpt
Good morning, and thank you all ever so much for your amazing support and encouragement over the last couple of weeks! Your wonderful comments kept me going! So, my latest Pride & Prejudice variation is out at last. The Kindle version of Snowbound is already live on Amazon. The paperback version has also been …
Guess Whose Book Just Joined Club 1000!
Celebrate with me! I’ve joined Club 1000! Never heard of it? I’m not surprised, since I just made it up. But I hope you’ll agree that it’s a prestigious honor nonetheless. The Club is for books that have been purchased, read, and enjoyed by enough people to collect at least 1000 ratings/reviews on Amazon, and …
A Sneak Peek at Mr. Knightley’s Story
It took me a while to get started, but now I’m making steady progress on what will become my 12th novel: Mr. Knightley in His Own Words. So today I want to share a brand new excerpt with you! – a scene from chapter one. This book won’t be simply a retelling of Emma from Mr. Knightley’s …
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