It’s Halloween tomorrow, so I’m guessing you’ve already carved the pumpkins and stocked up for Trick or Treat. If you’re anything like me, that stash must be awfully tempting, so let me entice you to sneak away with a chocolate bar and think with some compassion of our Regency forebears, who had never tasted such …
Tag: Elizabeth Bennet
Netherfield Rogue Dragon Preview, part 6
What Elizabeth doesn’t know just might hurt her after all. What is Darcy to do? Darcy sank back into the large, soft, and very clean chair near the fireplace in a room easily twice the size of any he had seen for at least a fortnight. Clean linens—he had actually checked after the rigors of …
Netherfield Rogue Dragon Preview, part 5
A wedding and a clandestine meeting, but with whom? Monday morning proved to be a cool, fine sort of morning, but not especially memorable, which was exactly what one wanted for a wedding day. Elizabeth dressed and pinned up her hair with particular care, not that anyone would especially notice, but it made her …
Netherfield Rogue Dragon Preview, part 4
An unexpected visitor in the middle of the night… Elizabeth pushed up from the narrow cellar steps. How many hours over the past days had she sat here silently waiting staring at the boxes and barrels and trunks piled along the dark, dank walls, hoping that stubborn dragon would reveal himself? Far too many. …
Netherfield Rogue Dragon Preview, part 3
The plot thickens with a long awaited letter and ciphered journal entries, but who wrote them and what do they say? Darcy pushed open the sticky window, its panes grimy and smudged. Another night spent in a roadside inn. At least this one was tolerable. The previous night, they had billeted in an abandoned …
Netherfield Rogue Dragon Preview, part 2
Join Elizabeth in getting to know the Netherfield dragons (yes, dragons!!) See who she meets. Nicholls met them at the door. Her hair, totally white, was tucked under a frilly white cap that made it difficult to detect where her hair ended and the cap began. She was young to have lost all the color in …
February is for Lovers by Jack Caldwell
The Cajun Cheesehead Chronicles by Jack Caldwell Greetings, everyone. Jack Caldwell here. For some time, thanks to St. Valentine (and Hallmark Cards), the month of February is known for love and hearts and all that stuff. (It’s also the graveyard of televised sports, as it falls between the end of football and the start of …
WIP – When Pride Prevails – Chapter 4
In the last episode, we were at the Meryton Assembly. The scene is still the same. The question is, will Darcy & Elizabeth meet in this variation? Will they dance? Or will the story follow canon? Well, you’ll have to read it to find out. Meanwhile, if you haven’t read the earlier chapters, you need …
The Ladies of Rosings Park – Chapter 3
Every Monday I will post another installment of my upcoming novel, The Ladies of Rosings Park, here at Austen Variations. The book (which will publish in March) primarily tells Anne de Bourgh’s story, beginning with the period covered in Pride and Prejudice (the part I will be sharing here) and then carrying well beyond to her own happy ending. These early chapters, …
WIP – When Pride Prevails – Chapter 3
So here it is again, the next chapter in my new novel, which should be coming out the third week in February. This time we’re in familiar territory, namely, the Meryton Assembly, and Darcy and Elizabeth are in the same room. I should warn you, though, that things don’t work quite in the same way! …
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