Tag: Elizabeth Bennet

The Travails of Mr Charles Bingley, Part 4

I’m back with part 4! There is one more to go; it will be posted next Friday. You can find the previous parts here, here, and here. Thanks for reading.  🥰 The Travails of Mr Charles Bingley, Part 4 In which Jane Bennet and Charles Bingley meet again As soon as the hour was appropriate, …

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A Double Cameo for Ukraine by Diana Birchall

  In our Austen Variations fundraiser for Ukraine, our authors offered cameos in their forthcoming novels in exchange for donations to the cause. My first cameo was written for donor Michelle d’Arcy (a most fortuitous name to work with!), to be included in my next novel The Darcys and Lord Byron in Venice, and it …

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Her Sisterly Love–Cover Reveal, Excerpt, & Giveaway!

Happy Thursday! Can you believe 2021 is almost over? I’ll be starting 2022 by releasing a novella, as you may have seen on social media. Her Sisterly Love releases on Monday, 24 January, and I am so excited about it. Today, I will show you the gorgeous cover and share an excerpt. On top of …

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Pride & Prejudice… and Fossils?

Want to a sneak peek of my new novella? It’s getting towards the finish line, though it’s looking more like a short novel than a novella at the moment. It’s a low-angst, high-banter look at what Darcy might have been like if his parents had still been alive when he met Elizabeth. If he hadn’t …

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Sonnets and Bonnets

I have to admit that I have never been much of a poetry reader, and asking me to write a poem is liable to send me into a panic. But I decided to jump right into the Sonnets and Bonnets theme and see what I could come up with. One type of poetry I  enjoyed …

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Sonnets and Bonnets

    When ‘Sonnets and Bonnets’ was chosen as this month’s theme, the first one I could think of was the sonnet that seems to say it all about the guiding thread in Pride and Prejudice:       Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters …

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Tale of A Bonnet: Darcy in Hyde Park

For this month, the theme at Austen Variations is Sonnets and Bonnets. I intended to write a poem, but that is easier said than done. I have a ghost of a poem written, but I think it will require more work before I can allow anyone to look at it. So this is a choice …

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The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy now available!

It’s publication day! For this celebratory post, I thought I would do something a little different and share some insights into the characters from The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy. One of the things I love about writing Austen variations is imagining how a change in circumstances results in changes to our beloved characters. I can’t …

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A Collection of Comeuppances

Jane Austen was a most judicious punisher of her least deserving characters. She had a high moral sense, as well as a wicked wit, and loved to mete out comeuppances as well as happy endings. Her comeuppances are generally very plausible and very fair, and the ones that might not seem entirely satisfactory, generally have …

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Love/Hate: Excerpt from To Conquer Pride

As you may have noticed, February’s theme here at Austen Variations is love/hate relationships, which, for those of us who read and write JAFF, probably brings to mind Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet above any other couple. So, although I am *this close* to typing “The End” on my current WIP, I thought for today’s …

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