Tag: Darcy

Lizzy Bennet’s Diary: Chapter Six by Cassandra Grafton

Lizzy Bennet’s Diary continues below! I hope you are enjoying these extracts and thank you to everyone who has commented on the story so far. If you’ve missed the other chapters, you can find them in the Readers’ Library here at Austen Variations.   Lizzy Bennet’s Diary Extracts from the Journals of Miss Elizabeth Bennet ~o0o~ Chapter Six …

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Lizzy Bennet’s Diary: Chapter Five by Cassandra Grafton

Lizzy Bennet’s Diary continues below in its new Sunday slot! I hope you are enjoying these extracts and thank you to everyone who has commented on the story so far. If you’ve missed the other chapters, you can find them here: Chapter One – Chapter Two – Chapter Three – Chapter Four   Lizzy Bennet’s …

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Lizzy Bennet’s Diary: Chapter Four by Cassandra Grafton

Lizzy Bennet’s Diary continues below! I hope you are enjoying these extracts and thank you to everyone who has commented on the story so far. If you’ve missed the other chapters, you can find them here: Chapter One – Chapter Two – Chapter Three There is also a discussion between myself and Janet Taylor on More Agreeably Engaged …

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Lizzy Bennet’s Diary: Chapter Three by Cassandra Grafton

Lizzy Bennet’s Diary continues below! I hope you are enjoying these extracts and thank you to everyone who has commented on the story so far. If you’ve missed the other chapters, you can find them here: Chapter One Chapter Two Lizzy Bennet’s Diary Extracts from the Journals of Miss Elizabeth Bennet ~o0o~ Chapter Three Longbourn, …

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Lizzy Bennet’s Diary: Chapter Two by Cassandra Grafton

Thank you to everyone who read, commented and/or shared links to the opening chapter of Lizzy Bennet’s Diary!  I really appreciate your support. Today, I am continuing to post another extract from the journals (there are ten in total, not twelve as originally mentioned). This week, Elizabeth has made two new acquaintances. Come and read her thoughts on her …

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Lizzy Bennet’s Diary: Chapter One – by Cassandra Grafton

Today, I begin posting a 10-chapter story here on Austen Variations titled Lizzy Bennet’s Diary (that’s not the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, of course). This was originally written way back in 2006 – my first ever attempt at writing with a Regency ‘voice’ – and the title came from Bridget Jones’ Diary which, as you may know, is a …

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Pride and Prejudice in Music

  Pride and Prejudice in Music Recently, I watched someone’s YouTube creation – a scene from Pride and Prejudice set to contemporary music – and it got me thinking. When I read scenes from the story, do I hear contemporary music in my head? The answer is “yes.” I do! So, just for fun, I …

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Pride and Prejudice Bookshelf

Pride and Prejudice Bookshelf Reading and books have been part of my life for as long as I can remember. My parents and grandparents read to me all the time. I clearly recall the day, riding in the car, when I first realized I knew what the street signs said! I even remember which street …

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Pride, Prejudice, and Coincidence

I’ve been learning some surprising things from rewriting scenes from Pride & Prejudice from a different point of view for the P&P200 project, where a group of us are following the course of Pride & Prejudice in real time exactly 200 years after the events of the book. Here’s one example of something I see …

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