It’s so difficult to realize we’re almost to September! My college/uni age daughter started her classes last week and my two high schoolers were off early this morning for their first day. Though I do enjoy having them at home, I am in a blessedly quiet house (Other writing moms should understand that feeling!) and avoiding the inevitable cleaning that should be done!
- So sleepy!
- Napping Pepper
- Pepper Vet Visit
The happenings here over the summer: we had plenty of kitty naps, overhauled the fireplace and chimney, everything from a snake to rabbits on the patio to feed, deer in the yard, Pepper had hernia surgery, had the roof replaced due to hail damage, visited the National Gallery, coached at the Maryland State Championship swim meet, the radon system was overhauled, and we’re cutting down a number of trees just way too big for how close they are to the house. Whew! I think that was everything, though I am certain I left off loads.
- Bunny!
- Deer!
- Bees on Salvia
- New Fireplace Insert
- Washed and Sealed Chimney with a new cap!
- New roof!
Despite my attempting to keep up with the weeding, my flower beds are a vast improvement over what they were when we moved in, and I have some photos for you to enjoy. One of my neighbors gave me what the ladies in the neighborhood call a “Hairy Ball Plant” but what is in fact a variety of milkweed (that puts off a fuzzy like ball, hence the name), and I have almost 16 monarch caterpillars that I am excited about. I’ll keep you updated on their progress. My neighbor brings the chrysalis’ inside so the praying mantises do not eat them, so I have a butterfly habitat to protect them once they start their metamorphosis.
- Hairy Ball Plant 😉
- Caterpillar!
- Patio
- Flowers
- Patio
On the writing front, I do have a book coming! Edits are completed, and I’m reading it through before it goes for proofreading. The Peculiarity of Mr. Darcy’s Mirror will be out on Kindle on September 22nd!! Mark the date! I will put up the cover reveal and preorder links as soon as I have the preorder up on Amazon.

Monet at the National Gallery
Lastly, I am attempting to put together a mailing list for a newsletter. I don’t want to spam your inbox constantly, but just notify you when I have books on the way and include some fun facts, tidbits, or personal gossip to make you smile. When you sign up for the mailing list, you receive a free short story called The Stagecoach!! It’s all ready for you to send to your Kindle app or if you read on epub, it’s in that format too! It was a fun quick story to write and I hope those of you who have already downloaded it and read it enjoyed it.
So that’s been my summer! Have any of you had something big happen this summer? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
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You seem to have busy but thanks for the upcoming release look forward to it.
Definitely been busy around here! Thanks, Terri!
Thank you for the pictures and the story – I loved all 💝
So glad you enjoyed it! I’ll have to update when the caterpillars change 🙂 Thanks, Doris!
I did love The Stagecoach, thank you! I noticed the ‘mirror’ story on the list at the end and wondered how on earth I had missed it? I couldn’t find it on Amazon so thank you for letting me know why!
I’m glad you had such a relaxing summer?????😱😱😱. Actually you seem to have done slightly more than me. Let me see, I’ve read some books, I’ve been to the supermarket a couple of times, I’ve read some more books, I’ve done a bit of dusting, I’ve reread some books, I’ve made myself food, I’ve read more books, I actually went to my twins sixth birthday party the other week, I read some books oh and I discovered my vacuum cleaner so checked that out! I saw a fox, a squirrel and lots of birds including pigeons, noisy magpies and collared doves plus at least one of the shrubs in my garden is definitely a bee magnet! But no snakes, deer or groundhogs thank goodness!
I hope your house and garden are sorted now and don’t throw up any more surprises! I’m really looking forward to your new book. 🥰 Happy writing! 😘
Sorry to confuse you! Since the release is so close, I didn’t want to have to change the file and re-convert it. Just easier that way. Your summer sounds much more relaxing than mine 😉 Thanks, Glynis!
Loved “The Stagecoach!! Please continue with that story line. This could make a fantastic book!!! Thank you for the free story!
I may. I’m in the middle (53K?) of something at the moment and not sure if it will turn into a multi-book thing. Just have to see where the muse takes me. Thanks, Debbie!
Your in the middle of a multi-book thingy!!! Oooh, tell me more!!
I don’t know yet. I’m writing a D&E book, but there’s a lot of potential for a multi-book thingy. I have two original characters and two canon characters I could have a lot of fun with 🙂
Yay….have fun. You deserve it!
How can I get The Stagecoach if I am already on your mailing list but don’t own it?
When you entered your email on the sign up page, you would’ve received a confirmation email. When you click on that email, it gives you the ability to download the story. Just click on “Get My Book.” I hope this helps! Thanks, Trudy!!!
Looking forward to reading your latest! I loved the Stagecoach too and wanted more! Your new home is coming along beautifully. I know a lot had to be done sooner than expected with lots of unseen surprises along the way, but with that will come more time to write now that all those things are done! Seeing your pond makes me nostalgic for the one I had. I miss my fishies!
I’m just glad I know more about what to do with the pond! It was insane researching to discover how to even take care of the darned thing! I love it, but it can be a lot of work. Glad you loved The Stagecoach! I’ll see where I am when I’m finished with what the muse is latched onto at the moment 🙂 Thanks, Marie!
Love the photo of your patio and the promise of butterflies. I downloaded The Stagecoach but have not read it yet but look forward to it. Thank you for bringing us fantastic stories
My pleasure! Thank you for reading! 🙂
Thanks for the story!
So, where are you living now? I love your pond and garden.
We’re in Maryland now. Hope you enjoy the story! Thanks!
Oh my, your pond space looks idyllic! The Stagecoach was good, I wished it was longer of course! I’m really looking forward to your new book. Good luck with your launch. I’ll be sure to hit the preorder button when you have it up!
Thank you, Bats! It’s been a lot of research on the pond and we’re still cleaning up the landscaping but it’s getting there. We have to lift the stones behind it because for some reason that part has sunk in, so we’re going to have to level it. At least that’s a project we can do ourselves–I think 😉 Thanks again!
Oh. My. Gosh. Leslie. I remember that ‘It’s so quiet around here, so nice, yet I miss having him home for the summer’ feeling (just one kid.) I also remember I used to have the kind of energy to tackle all those kind of projects, although I don’t think we ever had to accomplish that many in one year. Whew! Your house and the grounds look wonderful. Love the fireplace. I have a granny square afghan exactly like that that my Mom made. 😀
The pond area, yeah, I know how much work that takes, is positively swoon-worthy. When you have those occasions to sit and admire it without thinking about all the work it takes, it’s worth it. The grounds look greatly improved, it’s all so beautiful. Kudos. I’m thrilled about the milkweed plant and the Monarch caterpillars. I had a xeriscape back in TX and was so confused about the milkweed plants they sold there because they weren’t like the ones I grew up with in NE, but I bought one anyway. We didn’t stay in TX long enough to see if Monarchs came, but it did attract tons of Queen butterflies, which was thrilling. I was lucky to have a butterfly/bee/hummingbird garden in a different part of our yard, and that attracted all sorts of wildlife. I’m so impressed by, and proud for you for all you’ve accomplished this summer.
We’ve been busy Senior Citizens here: Doctors appointments, physical therapy (both of us,) taking care of our health, i.e., weight loss and exercise. And for the first time in years (COVID and health issues,) we went on an out of town excursion to see the Van Gogh immersion experience. It was incredible, I was so jolted at first I was nearly in tears. That encouraged us enough that we’re planning another trip in October to Kansas City for museum hopping and fun, and most assuredly busting my calorie budget. 🙂 I was kind of like ‘sqeeee!!’ when I saw the Monet you pictured above. So awesome.
I’m all fluttery anticipation about the new book coming out, Yipee!!! I’m sending good vibes to your muse for your WIP.
Blessings to you and your loved ones.
Thank you, Michelle! Sounds like you had a great summer trip with the Van Gogh experience. I know it came to DC, but we didn’t make it. The National Gallery was lovely though. Definitely get busting that calorie budget. I’ve been doing that too much lately. With the start of school came the start of exercise again. I threw my back out the morning of the National Gallery so it’s slow going to start. Hopefully, getting rid of some of this extra weight will help my back!
Stagecoach was quite engaging and the perfect little P&P fix.😉Thank you for sharing!
The pics of your home and garden look lovely and so inviting. I hope you find plenty of time to relax and enjoy. And I’m looking forward to more of your latest – the title certainly has me beyond curious!!
Mirror is definitely different to other stories I’ve written, but I hope fun 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed The Stagecoach. Thanks, Deborah!
I love your photos…your gardens and meandering paths are very inviting. I am so looking forward to reading your new book, cannot wait! An Unwavering Trust remains a favorite; Rebecca Fitzwilliam (Grandmama) is a treasure. Thank you for all your delightful stories.
I love Rebecca! She is probably my favorite original character to date. She was so much fun to write. Thank you, Diane!
I just read The Stagecoach after receiving it yesterday. Thank you so much, what a treat! I can only imagine that I am not the only one of your readers who hope that you expand and publish this story. It holds so much promise. I always appreciate a kinder meeting between Elizabeth and Darcy, physical attraction with the addition of a meeting of minds worthy of exploration. Surely they cannot be so intelligent for nothing!
I’m thrilled you enjoyed it. Thanks, Diane!