P&P The Untiold Stories: Darcy’s Reaction to Finding Elizabeth at Pemberley and Elizabeth Reflects

Good morning! I owe everyone an apology. I was busy with the state championship meet and totally missed a post on the 4th. I don’t want you to miss it, so today will be a double header. Enjoy!


Darcy’s Reaction to Finding Elizabeth at Pemberley

by L. L. Diamond


August 4, 1812

Darcy’s gaze followed the carriage carrying Elizabeth Bennet as it wound its way around the lake. After the long journey, the afternoon in Miss Bennet’s company was a welcome he had not expected, yet relished all the same.

Elizabeth’s countenance revealed her shock at their initial meeting; she had not expected any of the family to be at home. Her expression when he joined the Gardiners and herself as they walked the grounds was no less surprised, but he could not ignore her presence as he did most visitors who toured the house. He had to prove to her that he had heeded her reproofs—that he had indeed changed.

Of course, their meeting was not without some awkwardness, and he did not miss the appearance of concern expressed in her fine eyes when he requested an introduction to the Gardiners. She was well aware of her relations’ intelligence and manners, which meant her worry had been for his reaction. His heart ached at the remembrance of it.

Fortunately, the Gardiners, who could easily be mistaken for people of fashion, were indeed amiable, and Darcy found no great difficulty in conversing with such charming people. He had been in earnest when he invited Mr. Gardiner to fish in the stream. In fact, Darcy would happily show the man each and every spot he might find the best sport and bait his hooks if it meant he could change Elizabeth’s feelings towards him.

Elizabeth’s feelings! He had made such a misjudgment in Meryton, yet her unease in his company today was evident. His disquiet was no less acute. Had she understood the explanations contained within his letter?

In retrospect, the missive had been penned with such bitterness of spirit, a part of him hoped she had burned it. Her opinion of him was low enough without her perceiving a resentment that was not present, yet Mrs. Reynolds indicated Elizabeth found him handsome. Perhaps not all hope was lost!

He could not help but notice that at the mention of Mr. Bingley and his sisters, Elizabeth had become quiet. He had not had the opportunity, as of yet, to enlighten Bingley as to Miss Jane Bennet’s feelings, but he had seldom been in company with the gentleman since Easter. Those few instances included Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst as well. He could not very well broach the subject in their presence. Could Elizabeth still harbor anger for his poor advice to his friend?

Yet, she had agreed to make the acquaintance of Georgiana! He had written to his sister of Miss Bennet, telling his younger sister of Elizabeth’s intelligence and wit, and he anticipated their actual meeting. His sister required a friend who would not fawn and simper in order to gain her favor like Miss Bingley; no, she required someone with a touch of impertinence to draw her out of her timidity. Elizabeth’s kindness and outgoing personality would suit well. Georgiana would arrive on the morrow and they would travel to Lambton straight away. His sister would love Elizabeth as much as he did!

The carriage would disappear from sight soon, into Pemberley woods on its way to Lambton, so he turned and began to stride toward the house. Pemberley was a beautiful place and he loved it with everything in him; however, he had often imagined Elizabeth walking the halls, inhabiting the mistress’ suite, and laughing with him as he walked the gardens. His home was not the same as it had been prior to making her acquaintance; it now required her to be complete.

The time he spent denying his attraction and feelings for Elizabeth! This time matters would be different—he would not repeat his mistake. Whilst she was nearby, he would expend every effort to ensure she was aware of his affections and wishes. Those precious feelings had not changed since Hunsford, except this time, he would do everything within his power to gain a favorable response to the offer of his hand.

He glanced back just in time to view the back of the carriage as it disappeared into the trees. Miss Bennet may be leaving today, but one day she would return, never to be separated from him again.


Now for today’s post!!


Elizabeth Reflects

by L. L. Diamond


August 6, 1812

Elizabeth sat before the dressing table, idly fingering the bristles of her hairbrush as the lush grounds of Pemberley and the estate’s master captivated her mind.

Were her feelings so different than what they were at Hunsford? Yes, they were; but had she changed or was Mr. Darcy truly so different? Perhaps by knowing him better, she understood him more?

His housekeeper’s words echoed in her head. He is the best landlord, and the best master that ever lived; not like the wild young men nowadays, who think of nothing but themselves. There is not one of his tenants or servants but what will give him a good name. Some people call him proud; but I am sure I never saw anything of it. To my fancy, it is only because he does not rattle away like other young men.

Such a man of wealth and consequence had to be a good man indeed to be thought so well of by his servants. Even the gardener, who showed them the grounds, praised his master. In particular, how Mr. Darcy had paid for the apothecary when the loyal servant’s wife was ill.

Mrs. Reynolds and the gardener were not alone in their praise. Not one person she and the Gardiners had come across since arriving in Lambton had an ill word to say of Mr. Darcy.

How could she have misread him so upon their first acquaintance?

Mr. Darcy’s slight at the assembly had to be the culprit! He had wounded her pride and insulted her vanity, and she had never really forgiven him for it. She was accustomed to her mother disregarding her looks in comparison to Jane and Lydia, but not one of their neighbors had ever agreed or made a similar comment.

That evening at the assembly, the local gentlemen were all familiar, and held no interest. Mr. Bingley, whilst well-looking and amiable, did not stir her emotions in any manner other than friendship.

Mr. Darcy, on the other hand, had intrigued her, which was sure to be why she reacted as she did. Upon reflection, her first thought of him had been of his good looks and his appearance of intelligence. He did not seem a dullard or behave as one with little or no sense.

He himself had admitted, “I certainly have not the talent which some people possess of conversing easily with those I have never seen before. I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done.” Could that have played a role in his ill-humor?

Since they had happened upon one another on the grounds of Pemberley, he had been everything amiable and welcoming. The encounter had been awkward, and she had not expected him to make such a gallant attempt to put her at ease. His generous behavior towards her aunt and uncle, and his enquiries as to the health of her family, were a compassion he had never shown during their previous meetings.

After all, his manner and behavior in Meryton had been so aloof. He often stood, not speaking with anyone, whilst watching their local society with apparent disdain. His looks had shown particular distaste upon watching the antics of Kitty and Lydia, but his response to her mother’s vulgarity was more pronounced—his entire body would stiffen when she spoke.

Whilst Mr. Darcy’s behavior had altered since their last meeting, Elizabeth had also grown in understanding of the gentleman’s character. Rather than merely thinking him handsome and learned, she had begun to consider him as one of the best men of her acquaintance.

He could have abused her abominably in the letter after their argument, but he did not. His explanation of the separation of Bingley and Jane rankled upon its first reading, but after further consideration, he had been justified in his concern. Charlotte herself had questioned Jane’s feelings, so why should those emotions be evident to Mr. Darcy.

His explanation of Mr. Wickham illustrated his good character as well. Mr. Darcy paid the man’s debts and honored his father’s last wishes for his godson to the best of his ability when it was probable that Mr. Wickham did not deserve any sort of recompense for the living at all. Mr. Darcy could have claimed the sum for the debt Mr. Wickham owed him, but he did not.

Now that she recognized Mr. Darcy’s worth, could she dare hope his feelings for her had remained constant? His gaze across the drawing room the night prior had left her heart pounding and her face burning. She now feared her heart might be touched. What if his intentions and wishes had altered since Hunsford?

She could not blame him after her intemperate refusal of his hand. His resentment of her would have been justified as well, yet his invitations to Pemberley and his recent generosity of spirit indicated no such feelings.

“Lizzy?” Her aunt placed a hand to her shoulder with an expression of concern upon her face. “Your uncle and I are to take our walk. Did you still wish to join us?”

“Oh! I apologize. You caught me wool-gathering.”

Her aunt’s smile bore a hint of mischief. “So I noticed, dear. Do go fetch your spencer and gloves, so we can depart.”

With a quick nod, she gathered her outdoor garments, but upon her return, her aunt held two letters. “They were just delivered a moment ago. They are from Jane.”


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    • Megan on August 6, 2024 at 12:57 am
    • Reply

    Hooray for seeing Darcy’s thoughts on their reunion and then Elizabeth’s thoughts too! I wondered where the first meeting at Pemberley was in the comments on Joana’s lovely part yesterday, was I was super excited to see this pop up in my inbox.
    Love seeing both POVs of ODC but hesitant for the upcoming upheaval we all know is in store….

    1. I apologize again for forgetting. August crept up on me! Thanks, Megan!

    • Glynis on August 6, 2024 at 5:16 am
    • Reply

    I love getting into the minds of ODC, now they just need to talk to each other! But alas, those two letters! 😢 If only they hadn’t been necessary, or at least waited until Darcy and Elizabeth had reached an understanding! 😱🥰

  1. Thank you!!

    • Laura on August 22, 2024 at 5:17 am
    • Reply

    I thought the letters came after Elizabeth met Georgiana at the inn and then again at Pemberley?

    • Joyce Rohl on August 22, 2024 at 8:04 am
    • Reply

    I love reading these.

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