P&P Prelude to Pemberley: Of Sisters and Suitors

Welcome to our Pride & Prejudice prequel! P&P: Prelude to Pemberley tells the story of the time leading up to the events of Pride & Prejudice, including what Darcy and Elizabeth were doing and thinking, Georgiana Darcy’s story, the events of Ramsgate, how Mr. Bingley came to lease Netherfield, and much more! Join us on our journey as the Austen Variations authors post the events of 1811 in real time on the date they happened – 214 years in the future.

Of Sisters and Suitors

February 1811

“Really, Charles, one would think an elder brother would have more care for his only unwed sister.”

Caroline’s petulant voice seemed to press Charles Bingley from all sides. Why could I not have a sister more like Georgiana Darcy? he groused internally. Instead of a compliant, calm, quiet miss, my sister is a harridan and a harpy. Suppressing a groan, he turned to give his full attention to his younger sister.

“What would you have me do, Caroline?” he asked, his patience already worn thin. “I take you to events almost every evening, and when I do not, Louisa steps in. I cannot force a man to pay you attention, even if I would like to.” Having you married and off my hands would be wonderful.

“It is not enough to escort me about. You have gentlemen friends. Invite them to dinner so I might put myself in their path!” Caroline paced around the sitting room, the feathers on her headdress bobbing with every step. Even in her agitation, Caroline held her head high and walked with stately grace. At least finishing school had taught her something.

“It is eleven o’clock,” he groaned, rubbing a hand over his tired eyes. “Can we not discuss this more tomorrow morning? Preferably after breakfast—”

“No, we cannot speak of it tomorrow morning!” Caroline’s shrill voice sent a stabbing pain through his head. “I will not be put off any longer! At one-and-twenty, I am in my fourth season with not even an official courtship. I will not delay any longer and end up on the shelf.”

Louisa and her husband, Mr. Hurst, had thus far been quiet. The latter now spoke. “It is not as if you will be seven-and-twenty tomorrow, Caroline,” he said, his voice slurred from drink. Hurst laughed. “Besides, having gentlemen at the house so you might parade before them will only take you so far. They will have to survive a courtship and offer for you. Tis a pity that once a gentleman becomes familiar with your personality, he always runs.”

Caroline spluttered in anger, but Charles was forced to concede the point to his brother-in-law. Every time a man showed the slightest interest in Caroline, she went giddy beyond all reason and became unbearable. How does one explain to a lady that hanging on a man’s arm and agreeing with everything he says is a deterrent rather than attractive? The fairer sex remained a mystery.

“What of Mr. Darcy, Charles?” Louisa asked. “He is a fine prospect. I do not believe he has come to call recently.”

“Darcy is occupied with other matters,” he replied, waving a hand dismissively. “Besides, I am not his friend so that he will marry my sister.”

Caroline came to stand beside his chair. “Of course, you are not!” she said testily. “But having his friendship gives you certain benefits. Access to the first circles, entrance into a club…and a suitor for your younger sister. Charles, surely you must see how important it is for me—and you—to make a good marriage! Louisa’s match has done our family much good! We cannot afford to sit upon our laurels.”

Her gown brushed across the tops of his boots, and Charles shifted away. “I am in no mood to consider marrying,” he grumbled. “I am barely two-and-twenty!” He wished to be done with the conversation so he could escape to his rooms. I ought to lease a flat somewhere, he thought. Then I might have my privacy. Caroline would likely follow him upstairs if he attempted to end the conversation now.

“And yet you hovered around Miss Amelia Brown all evening.” Caroline’s lips turned up into a sly smile. “She is a good match. Daughter of a baronet with a healthy dowry. You ought to pursue her.” She tapped her fan in her hand and raised a suggestive eyebrow.

Amelia Brown was a lovely girl. Charles had always admired blond ladies. Miss Brown had dark gold tresses, and a beautiful peaches and cream complexion. She was petite, however, and he preferred ladies closer to his height. “Miss Brown is being courted by Mr. Green from Shropshire,” he lied. Caroline will not bully me into courting a lady not of my choosing, he vowed. Even as he thought it, he knew his more forceful sister would do anything she could to see him wed to the woman of her choice.

“That is a shame,” Louisa tut-tutted. “She would have made you an excellent wife. Her connections are wonderful. Did you know her grandfather is an earl?” Louisa lifted her cup of tea and took a sip. “Perhaps she might be persuaded away from this Mr. Green. Hurst, do you know the gentleman?”

“I am from Surrey, Louisa, not Shropshire.” He sounded annoyed and took another drink from his tumbler of brandy. Already soused, he swayed where he sat next to his wife.

Louisa frowned. “I am aware you are from Surrey,” she snapped. “I merely wished to know if you had any acquaintance with the gentleman.”

“You assume because I have an estate that I know everyone,” Hurst growled. “What a load of tosh.”

The couple began to quarrel quietly, and the desire to flee became more pronounced. Sighing, he stood. “Caroline, I am very tired. If I promise to invite my friends to dine twice a week, will you leave off?” Best escape before Hurst and Louisa’s argument became louder.

Her expression blossomed into false gratitude. “Thank you, Charles!” She kissed his cheek and stepped back. “You are the best brother!” The sentiment fell rather flat, given the ambitious gleam in her eyes. He left the room without another word. The things we do for our loved ones.His sister was insufferable, but she was family, and he would do what he could for her.


Read all the scenes in Prelude to Pemberley here!


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    • Almira on February 26, 2025 at 1:10 am
    • Reply

    Miss Bingley has to really look in a mirror to realize why she isn’t getting suitors. I pity her siblings.

  1. Hah! Poor Bingley! And yet, if he knew what Darcy was about to go through on behalf of his sister, he might feel his troubles with Caroline are not quite so bad, right? 🙂 Thanks for this scene, MJ!

    • Glynis on February 26, 2025 at 8:09 am
    • Reply

    Bingley really ought to tell her that no matter how many of his friends came to dinner she would frighten them off with her constant fawning and air of superiority? Only trouble being that she either won’t listen or simply won’t believe him! Maybe if all three repeated it twice a day every day???? 🤔😳😳

    • Quillshade on February 26, 2025 at 10:59 pm
    • Reply

    OMG. I loved this scene….. It made me dislike Caroline even more and like Charles even more!!!!!!!

    • Kelley on February 28, 2025 at 3:39 pm
    • Reply

    Too bad Bingley and Hurst cannot frankly tell her what turns them off personally about women and hope she’d change her ways.

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