Part Two in this three-part series of stories about Lydia and Wickham’s wicked elopement. Let us join this young pair, whom Jane Austen said were only brought together because their passions were stronger than their virtue.

“Look here, Lydia,” said Wickham, getting out of bed and standing by the window, watching red coated troops march by on their way to the Downs. “I have got to leave town.”
Lydia sat up, clutching a bed-sheet to her bare shoulders. Her hair was towsled, her face flushed, her eyes bright.
“Darling Wickham! But why? What about your duty to your regiment?”
“Pish.” He dismissed it with a contemptuous gesture. “It’s nothing but the militia. I have no formal ties, they won’t come after me.”
“But Colonel Forster will be so disappointed, and all your friends. And you look so handsome in your uniform. Brighton is so gay, why must we go?”
“We?” He came and sat down beside her. “You aren’t going anywhere. You go back to the Forsters’ lodgings and go home with them to your mama and papa. But I’ve made the town too hot to hold me.”
“What does that mean? And wherever you go, I’m coming with you, of course!”
“It means, my expensive little girl, that all this,” he waved round the room at Lydia’s brand new gowns and bandboxes strewn everywhere – “costs money. I’ve got into debt and the creditors won’t stand it anymore. They’ll come after me, and I’ve got to clear out before morning.”
“Oh! You mean you don’t have any money?”
“Curse it, that’s just what I mean. Only enough left to get up to town and see if I have any friends there – or go to the money-lenders.”
Lydia climbed out of bed and began scrabbling for the chemise and stays she had hurriedly thrown off the night before and flung to the floor. “I can be ready in ten minutes. Hand me those stockings, will you, my dearest Wickham?”
“But – you can’t go, Lydia! It would be folly. I can’t take care of you.”
“You don’t want to go alone, do you? All you have to do is get money from somewhere – perhaps my father would let you have some – and we can take coach to Scotland and go to Gretna Green and be married!”
In spite of his haste to leave, Wickham stopped to laugh. “Oh, is that all? Go to Scotland, is it? As easy as go to breakfast. Well, well, I doubt we get that far. Do you still want to come?”
“I’m coming,” she nodded. “What, leave you to traipse all over the country alone?”
“I don’t mind if you want to come, it’s as good having a girl as not,” he answered, “but you must know I can’t promise you any thing. I can’t afford to marry, and your family may raise the roof.”
“Oh never mind them,” she replied, busily stuffing her hats into their boxes. “I’m sure we shall be married some time. Come now, make haste. The coach leaves at seven, does not it? Just time to snatch a bun.”
“If you wish it,” said Wickham with a shrug. “Let’s go then.”
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No thought at all, no expression of love on his part; Lydia just sees the fun. Well let’s see what transpires.
Hang on to your seat belt for the wedding, Hollis…
Oh Diana. What a great love match!!! He’s had what he wanted so doesn’t care either way and she is too young and careless. Having had her own way all her life she has no idea what she is getting into.
That’s true, Glynis, she’s got a lot of misery ahead of her and no clue. It’s sad really…because she hasn’t got the character to learn from her mistakes.
Thoughtless girl! She truly has no familial love or even loyalty, does she? It’s all about herself, all the time. Perhaps that’s merely the “curse” of being the youngest in a large family, especially in a family in which every whim is coddled by a weak-minded mother and a distant, apathetic father.
Sigh. Poor girl.
Thanks for this glimpse into their lives, even as Wickham actually tells the truth for once…. 😉
Susanne 🙂
So glad you’re enjoying the story, Susanne, and you put your finger on the problem. Weak-minded mother, distant, apathetic father. Lydia has no chance.
These two are such a mess. He has no love for her, and she’s too stupid to realize he really doesn’t want her. She lives in a bubble never seeing what’s before her. Everything for her is some folly she’s involved in.
Mess is the word, Carol – and this is as messy a situation as can be imagined. Poor Lydia!
Yes, completely indulged by her mother has lead to life being all about her in her mind! Consequences? What’s that?
Thoughtless selfish Lydia. Never thinks of anyone else. She lives in a fantasy world to boot. What chaos they create.
So, he’s got her so besotted with him that she thinks it’s her idea to elope with him. She has absolutely no idea that he has no feelings for her whatsoever and his basically planning on selling her into prostitution. She has no qualms about skipping town with none of those clothes and hats being paid for. She also rhinks her father woill probably let them have some money.
Personally, I think they deserve each other!
Oops, sorry about the typos!
It reminds me of scenes in Andrew Davies’s film where we see Lydia and Wickham in bed together talking, she jumps out and they talk again, he placating her.
Thanks, Ellen! Yes, I remember that scene – loved it, too.
As has been said…not a moment of thought given to the act or its consequence. As for Wickham – he is just as happy as not to have a bed-warmer he can abandon when there is no money and pursuit is hot. Thanks for this scene.