Persuasion 200: Lady Russell and Anne Consult on Retrenchment by Maria Grace


The Elliots are in trouble and Lady Russell wants to help.

Why was she forever having these difficult discussions with Anne? A god mother should anticipate her duties, enjoy pleasant intimacies with her goddaughter. Recently those moments seemed fewer and farther between, over shadowed by difficult and challenging issues that should have been a mother’s realm.

But with no Lady Elliot, who else was there to manage such unpleasant burdens? Only for the love of her friend, her dear, dear friend and her only deserving daughter did she persist.

She rearranged the tea table one more time. Anne would be there soon and their conversation must not be overheard by servants, even trusted servants. Not that any of them would be surprised by the contents of their conversation, they had probably already discussed it among themselves and with the staff of Kellynch. To be sure, every merchant of the village knew and probably most of London—no secrets remained. Still, the impropriety of it all and respect for the Elliot family required discretion.

The butler opened the door and ushered Anne into the parlor.

“Lady Russell!” Anne rushed toward her, hands extended.

Dear girl, always so warm and enthusiastic away from the shrewish eyes of her father and sister. Her eyes were worn, colored with disillusionment beyond her years. How unfair, when Anne worked so hard to prevent it all.

“I am so happy to see you.” She took Anne’s hands and kissed her cheek. “Do sit down. I had cook prepare your favorite sandwiches.” It was unlikely that the cook at Kellynch even knew Anne’s favorites, much less prepared them.

“What have I done to deserve such favor?” Anne laughed and removed her bonnet. Her smile was weary, the way it usually was these days. The joy had gone out of it some time ago and never returned.

A pang of guilt twinge in Lady Russell’s side. How was she to have predicted Wentworth’s success much less the lack of another suitable suitor? Now was not the time to indulge self-recriminations.

“Simply coming to keep me company is sufficient.” Lady Russell took her seat. “Did you hear? The Bourne’s are all recovering nicely from their colds. They are fortunate that none of them has taken a turn for the worse.”

“I am glad to hear that. They have suffered too much in the last year.” Anne looked over the table. “Did those clear cakes come from Bond’s?”

“Yes, they did. My cook cannot make them properly. I would purchase them nowhere else.” She poured tea. “Have you been to Bond’s recently?”

Anne looked aside, color rising on her pale cheeks. “No, no I have not.”

“Miss Elliot procures her own marzipan now? However did you convince her?”

“I did not. She…she decided her figure was suffering for taking too much marzipan and now eschews it.” Anne’s decidedly false smile returned.

Lady Russell laid her hand on Anne’s. “You do not need to maintain your façade with me.”

The smile slid from Anne’s face and rest of the mask slowly followed. “Oh, Lady Russell, it was so humiliating! Elizabeth forced me to accompany her and I could do naught be stand there stupidly while she berated first Miss Bond, then her father. They have been nothing but kindness to me, but now…”

“I had heard tell of a bit of a to-do.” To-do was an understatement, but no need to increase Anne’s discomfiture.

Anne rose and took up station at the window. “Then you heard of it in the most polite possible way. I do not understand why my sister and my father find it such an affront that a shopkeep would desire to be paid for their wares. They seem to think the privilege of our patronage alone should be sufficient and they should be thanking us for being seen in their shops!”

“Has this happened—”

“More than once? Absolutely. In fact, it is happening so often lately that I dread going into town anymore. It has been weeks since I last showed my face. Little good it has done as my father’s creditors have now taken to visiting the house. The butler has strict instructions not to allow them in, so they have begun to plague Father’s agent.” Anne dropped her face in her hands.

Lady Russell moved to Anne’s side and embraced her gently.

“It is truly awful. Did you know there have been threats of debtor’s prison? Though he would admit it to no one, Father lives in fear of the magistrate coming to the door. Mr. Shepard does his best to maneuver the apostles, paying a little to each merchant to try to keep them at bay, but I do not know how much longer he can persist. The next quarter day is still six weeks away and the farm has nothing to take to market. The sovereigns will run out soon.”

“I am so sorry.” Lady Russell sighed. “I feared matters had progressed to this point.”

Anne gripped the curtain until her knuckles turned white. “What am I to do? Though Elizabeth is the eldest and has the running of the house in name, all the real work falls to me. I try to walk in my mother’s path and press for economy and moderation in our home, but I am over ruled at every turn.”

“It all falls to you?” The question was pointless, the answer was written in the lines on Anne’s face, still it was right to ask.

“You do not think Elizabeth sullies her hands with such mundane things as household accounts. She does not even truly understand that all her frippery has any cost attached.” Anne released the curtain and began a labored circuit around the room.

“So you are well aware of the expenses?”

“Painfully aware, painfully: new upholstery for the carriage, more new gowns for Elizabeth, a new suit for Father. Have you any idea how many suits he has? Have you any idea of the cost of the food for the last party he held?”

“Actually, I do.”

“He wants to host another next month! A baronet must be seen living as a baronet.” Anne threw her hands in the air.

Had Anne ever demonstrated such agitation? The poor dear had reached the end of herself.

Lady Russell returned to the table, Anne needed the freedom to express herself here since she found it nowhere else. “Since you have mentioned the matter, may I speak freely regarding your families troubles?”

“Certainly. You will be the lone voice of reason I have heard on the matter.”

“There is a great deal of talk about the situation of Sir Walter and of Kellynch in general.”

“It is to be expected.” Anne returned to the table, but did not sit. She gripped the back of the chair as though it might try to run from her.

“Have you considered advising your Father to … retrench?”

“I have considered advising my father of many things, but there seems to be little point in the exercise. If the idea does not come from Elizabeth, then it is not worth hearing. I am dismissed almost as soon as I open my mouth.”

“And you have tried—”

“Every approach I can think of. I have even written him a letter, which he tore up in front of my face, declaring it a disgrace that I should attempt to garner his attention in such a way.” Anne dropped into her chair. It creaked under the weight of her burdens.

“So there is no hope he would accept the notion of retrenching?”

“Truthfully, I do not know. I only know there is no hope of him listening to me.”

Lady Russell tapped steepled fingers to her lips. “Perhaps he might more readily accept it if presented with a choice? A more radical notion would be for your family to quite Kellynch all together and more to a less expensive local—Bath perhaps?”

“You know I hate Bath.”

“I know, but consider, it is still a better alternative than to allow things to remain as they are. And think, a few years in Bath might allow him to pay off his debtors and return to Kellynch. He might even learn moderation—”

Anne shot her a penetrating glare.

“Perhaps not. But still your family would be in a better situation.”

Even more appealing, Anne might encounter an appropriate suitor in the greater society of Bath and be away from her dreadful family all together. That alone would make Bath worthy of consideration.

“How much better? Do you really believe relocation could be the salvation of my family?”

“I do. If you like, we can get some paper and work it out specifically after tea. I think you might be surprised at how much more cheaply one may run a household there.”

“I would like that very much.” Anne massaged her temples. “But even if you are correct, how…”

“If you like, and think it would be useful, I would be happy to help you present the idea to your father.”

Anne’s look of surprise could hardly have been more endearing. “You would?”

“I know it would be very forward and intrusive of me, but the urgency of the matter supersedes all of that. If you think it would help, I would be willing.”

“Father respects your station. You have a better chance to garner his attention than anyone else I can think of.”

“Then let us have our tea, work our numbers, and plan how we shall approach your father.” It was high time that she should be able to offer Anne some relief. Hopefully, Sir Walter would be amenable to their plans.








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  1. Well, I like to hear about Lady Russell offering to help poor Anne. It’s high time her father listen to reason and since he does not listen to his middle daughter, then Lady Russell is the next best candidate to present the idea of retrenching to Bath. I hope they involve Shepherd as well to support this scheme as he is the man in charge of Sir Walter’s financial management. Thanks for sharing this well-written story, Maria.

    1. I think the idea coming from Lady Russell, since she is a ‘Lady’ has a little more weight than coming from ‘just Anne.’
      Thanks Luthien!

    • Deborah on July 2, 2014 at 5:56 am
    • Reply

    Thank you for this scene Maria. We now know how Lady Russell gets involved in a family matter that she really shouldn’t be involved in. I, too agree with Luthien84, that Shepherd needs to be involved. He will truly be the only one Sir Walter will listen to. Not lowly Anne or nosy Lady Russell (Sir Walter’s thoughts). I so feel for Anne. All falls on her shoulders and they don’t listen to her. The only one in that household with a head on her shoulders.

    I like how Lady Russel , again, feels “a twinge of guilt” over Wentworth & how she does notice Anne has no joy in her smile since then…about 8 yrs ago now? I also like how Lady arussel is only helping due to her love for her “dear, dear friend and only deserving daughter” (emphasis on only). Again, the only reason for her involvement.

    A wonderful look into Last Russel’s involvement and you have made us feel even more for Anne’s distress and dislike Sir Walter more. That merchants should be happy to serve him…not be paid…Anne is down to earth ans understands people need to be paid. I love how you get us so emotionally involved in the characters you write. Thank you. Well done.

    1. Thanks, Deborah. I’m really not sure about Mr. Shepard though. He is middle class, therefore, not likely to have much sway with a Baronet. There also hints that he’s rather a blackguard himself, considering the way he places his daughter to be Sir Walter’s mistress. I’m not thinking he’s going to be much help here…

      I’m glad you’re liking Lady Russell. I do feel rather sorry for her as her intentions are very good, but not correctly predicting Wentworth’s success leaves her rather a villain to most.

  2. Really enjoyed reading about Sir Walter’s calamitous disregard for the seriousness of their situations. I agree with Luthien and Deborah’s comments that Lady Russell’s a bit too inclined to run the life of others, but you can understand here that she does it out of concern. Poor Anne, what a heavy burden to shoulder.

    1. Thanks, Monica!

    • Deborah on July 2, 2014 at 7:27 am
    • Reply

    Monica, I fully agree she is entering this situation out of her concern for Anne. 🙂

    1. But bit meddlesome nonetheless! LOL 😉

    • Maggie Griscom on July 2, 2014 at 8:28 am
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    It’s about time Lady Russell did something constructive for Anne. But again…how things look and the impropriety of Sir Walter’s situation seem to have been the final impetus for Lady Russell. All for Anne but not always the best timing. Did Lady Russell not see this problem coming before it was to the threat of debtor’s prison? Still can’t like Lady Russell. Was a wonderful scene and really showed Anne’s quiet desperation and the concern for Anne that Lady Russell has. Thanks Maria.

    1. I think she saw the problem coming, but was hesitant to step into something that really wasn’t her business. Sir Walter is a pretty touchy fellow and dealing with him would require a great deal of wherewithal. Then there’s the rather upside down business of her advice about Wentworth…I think she wants to tread pretty carefully now.

      Thanks Maggie!

    • Barbara on July 2, 2014 at 12:08 pm
    • Reply

    Lady Russell seems blinded to the ways Anne is mistreated by her father and sisters. Seems Lady Russell should have tried helping Anne find happiness with Captain Wentworth instead of advising Anne differently.

    1. I know it is hard to forgive her for interfering, but I think, considering the period realities, she had good reasons for what she said and did. thanks, Barbara!

  3. This is a painful discussion! I really loved this, Grace, even though it’s a dreadful situation. I think it entirely appropriate for Lady Russell to force herself to act for Anne’s sake. I liked her brief ‘almost regret’ over Captain Wentworth too.

    Poor Anne, what an awful time it must have been. It is all touched upon so lightly in the novel, isn’t it, and this really brings home the reality (along with Diana’s post – they make a good companion piece for each other!) of just how dire the situation is.

    Every time I prepare to read a new scene for this story, I don’t think I can dislike Sir Walter and his unpleasant daughter any more than I do already – but I continue to be proven wrong!

    1. I confess I enjoyed getting to follow up Diana’s post. Thanks, Cassandra!

    • Sheila L. M. on July 2, 2014 at 1:30 pm
    • Reply

    It has all been stated by others. No surprises in this depiction but wouldn’t you have liked to have been a fly on the wall and witness the confrontation at Bond’s. (Except for seeing Anne’s embarrassment.) I am sure Elizabitch would not have been embarrassed! Well written and are we to address you as Maria, Grace or Maria Grace? I have noticed various titles.

    1. It would have really been interesting to hear that conversation, wouldn’t it?

      Since you asked, in real life, I go by Grace since Maria is my mother’s name. But I answer to about anything these days, including ‘hey you’ and mom. LO

      Thanks, Sheila!

    • Stephanie Carrico on July 2, 2014 at 7:39 pm
    • Reply

    Often wonder why it took so long for someone to approach Sir Walter, Anne had been trying her best, but those two took little notice of Anne an definitely didn’t want to hear her view on economy. But Lady Russell had been intimately involved since Lady Elliot “handled” Sir Walter, and should have stepped in sooner. As for Mr Sheppard, little chance Sir Walter paid him much heed anyway and have wondered if he was siphoning a little off the top for himself. SirWalter would never have noticed I sure.

    1. I think it is hard to meddle in the private affairs of your friends in any era. Thanks, Stephanie!

    • Kathy on July 2, 2014 at 10:47 pm
    • Reply

    Is “retrench” a particularly regency-era euphemism for “be thrifty?” I don’t remember if I recall reading that word in Persuasion (though I haven’t read it in a while). So frustrating for Anne – her life is really depressing, what with her careless family, and she still tries to be a good person. It is amazing she hadn’t given up on them, but I suppose she didn’t have very many options.

    1. Yes, ‘retrench’ is used a few times in Persuasion; I always felt it did mean some form of thriftiness by cutting back on expenses?

    • Beatrice on July 3, 2014 at 9:01 pm
    • Reply

    A very charming scene you have painted for us, Maria Grace. Thank you.
    I don’t want to seem sanctimonious, but this passage opened my eyes to something. Have those of you making negative comments on Sir Walter & Elizabeth thought about how human their failings are? Jane Austen’s characters are real to us because we know real people who are like that. I don’t happen to be knee-deep in unpaid bills & I don’t berate my relatives, but these are common enough faults. Austen could just as easily have given the Elliott my own weaknesses. Realizing that makes it hard for me to ask, “Why don’t they just stop buying things? Why don’t they see what a treasure Anne is?” Because I could just as easily ask myself, “Why did you buy a passion fruit bombe today after weighing yourself this morning & seeing your weight is up two pounds?”
    There but for the grace of God go I.

    1. I think that was one of the brilliant aspects of Jane Austen’s works. She created characters whose humanity and failings are truly timeless. Thanks Beatrice!

    • Beatrice on July 3, 2014 at 9:09 pm
    • Reply

    I am typing on/fighting this new tablet that keeps dropping letters or else auto-correcting my words. I see in my previous comment my email address is missing two letters.
    Anyway, I feel Lady Russell deserves to be forgiven for her error in judgment re Wentworth, no matter how much it blighted two lives. As Elizabeth Bennet tells us in P&P, “Remember the past only as it gives you pleasure.” [The first time I typed that, auto-correct changed it to “Dismember the act inky as it gives you pleasure..”]

    • junewilliams7 on July 4, 2014 at 2:46 am
    • Reply

    I was glad to see that Lady Russell had a twinge of regret for underestimating Wentworth. Do you think she might have considered matchmaking Anne with some widower in Bath?

    Thank you for the post, and for giving Anne someone to speak with!

    1. I hadn’t thought about her match making in Bath, but it is a really interesting idea! Thanks June!

    • Carole in Canada on July 6, 2014 at 8:12 pm
    • Reply

    I too am glad Lady Russell felt a twinge of guilt over Wentworth. As for her meddling into the Elliott’s retrenching, I think is appropriate as Anne is not listened to and she does care for her. Coming from a close friend and ‘Lady’, Sir Walter may listen (as we know he does). Thank you Maria!

  4. I can hardly imagine Lady Russell, as a good friend and mother figure not having a bit of regret over Wentworth, even if she believed and still believes her advice was sound. Thanks, Carole!

  1. […] Persuasion 200: Lady Russell and Anne Consult on Retrenchment by Maria Grace […]

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