A Matter of Honor is coming, and here’s Chapter 1!

Yes, my new book is coming out at last! I know I’ve kept you waiting a long time, but A Matter of Honor, a Pride & Prejudice variation set primarily in Scotland, will be released on September 5. For the next few weeks, I’ll be posting the opening chapters here for your reading pleasure. Here’s …

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Tempted: Chapter One

Greetings, Janeites! I have been deep underground this summer, mostly because I have been spending a LOT of time camping! Our kids just keep getting older, so my husband put his foot down and decreed that we would take advantage of every weekend we could this summer, to just go do something with them before …

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Coming Soon ~ The Journey Home To Pemberley

Good morning! I hope you’re having a lovely and relaxing summer, and that you’re ready to party at the 10th Annual Austen in August, hosted by www.thebookrat.com. I’m delighted to say that this post (along with the other ones that I’ll share with you later this month) is part of the Austen in August celebration of …

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On Writing

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about writing and what it means to be a writer. I’m in the process of drafting my second Pride and Prejudice variation, and to be honest, it’s been a challenge. Unlike many authors, I didn’t always want to write. I never dreamed about seeing my name on the New …

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It’s Release Day for A Lady’s Reputation!

 Hi everyone! I am super excited to announce that today is the big day–big for me anyway! A Lady’s Reputation is now available at Amazon, on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited. Paperbacks and audiobook are coming soon! If you haven’t had a chance to read them, the first three chapters can be found here: chapter one, …

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It’s Always Been Us Release Celebration!

It’s release day!  I’m hurriedly working on the next Wedding Planners instalment, which I’m hoping to release for the holidays this year. We’ll see if the muse cooperates! In the meantime, if you haven’t read It’s Always Been You, then check it out on Amazon, Nook, Oyster, iBooks, or wherever you prefer to read your …

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Vacation Regency Style–A House Party

Vacation Regency style: the good, the bad and the expensive.

Now You Can Hear Jane Austen’s Dragons!

Pemberley: Mr. Darcy’s dragon is now available in Audio! (Click HERE to find it! ) He’s a sneak peak at the awesome work my narrator Benjamin Fife has done. To celebrate the amazing work he’s done, I’ve got some copies to give away! To enter to win, leave me a comment below with a caption …

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An Inspiring Trip to the Lake

“Austen at the Beach” is the July theme here at the blog. The weather is getting hot, and aren’t we all thinking about how refreshing it would be to spend some time on or near water? But the only “beachy” scenes I’ve written for my books are ones I’ve already shared here at Austen Variations: …

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The Cajun Cheesehead Critic picnics with 1940’s Pride and Prejudice

A Picnic Instead of a Ball – 1940’s Pride and Prejudice (with a giveaway), by Jack Caldwell Greetings, everyone. Jack Caldwell here. Well, we’ve run through three Pride and Prejudice adaptations—1980, 1995, and 2005. So, it’s time to tackle that strange beast known as P&P0: Robert Z. Leonard’s 1940 film Pride and Prejudice. The screenplay …

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