Twenty Things To Know About Jane Austen

  As many of you are probably aware, Austen Variations has been joining The Book Rat for a month-long celebration of all things Austen. As August begins to draw to a close, I thought it might be fun to get to know Jane Austen a little better with some facts about the author’s life. Are …

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Austen in August: The Night Sky Over Pemberley

  One thing that always strikes me when I read Jane Austen’s works is how limited the opportunities for amusement really were. After all, our world is one of constant amusement— we can travel nearly anywhere, watch almost anything, read millions of books, play a game with someone we’ve never met. Endless possibilities! Compare that …

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Games Jane Austen Might Have Played: Battledore

Welcome Austen in August Readers! Austen Variations is joining The Book Rat for a month-long celebration of all things Austen!  Join me a looking at one of the less examined aspects of Austen’s life, how might she have had fun? What did the gentlemen and ladies of the Regency Era do for fun? With the …

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The Journey Home To Pemberley ~ Part Three

Hello again! This is the third post I’m sharing this fine August, here and at the 10th Annual Austen in August hosted by Hope you’re enjoying the Austen in August celebration of our favourite author and the world of her novels.   Thanks for reading the first two excerpts from my upcoming book, THE …

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A Matter of Honor, Chapter 3

Thanks to all of you who have been following this story! And now the moment you’ve been waiting for – Darcy arrives in Scotland! If you’ve missed them, here are Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. The book will be released Sept 5, and you can pre-order the ebook at Amazon. One of the fun things …

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Writing Then and Now

As part of The Book Rat’s Austen in August, I thought I would look back at how Jane Austen wrote her stories compared with how we write now. We recently obtained a new desk-top computer in our household, and I must admit it’s very nice. It has a large screen that will easily accommodate 2 …

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A Matter of Honor, Chapter 2

Good news – my new book A Matter of Honor is now available for pre-order! The release is scheduled for September 5. And I hope you like the cover! That’s Eilean Donan Castle in the Scottish Highlands in the background, with my daughter in the foreground. 😉 I’ll be posting a chapter a week until …

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Austen in August: Jane Austen’s Devotion

Welcome Austen-in-August Readers! Austen Variations is joining The Book Rat for a month-long celebration of all things Austen!  Today, we’re looking at the spiritual side of the famous authoress. I have always been curious about Jane Austen’s spiritual side. She lived in a very different time and culture, but was her experience of faith similar nonetheless? …

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Games Jane Austen Might Have Played: Pall Mall

Welcome Austen in August Readers! Austen Variations is joining The Book Rat for a month-long celebration of all things Austen!  Join me a looking at one of the less examined aspects of Austen’s life, how might she have had fun? What did the gentlemen and ladies of the Regency Era do for fun? With the …

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The Journey Home To Pemberley ~ Part Two

Good morning! This is the second post I’m sharing this month, here and at the 10th Annual Austen in August hosted by Hope you’re having fun at this great celebration of a special lady who has given us so much joy for over 200 years.   Thanks for stopping by last Friday to read …

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