Excerpt from His Perfect Gift

We’re getting closer and closer to Christmas day, so I thought I’d share the Christmas chapter from His Perfect Gift today. It’s one of my favorite chapters and I hope you enjoy it! If you haven’t read His Perfect Gift, make sure you check it out on Kindle, KU, Paperback, and audiobook. Chapter 11 The …

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Jane Austen’s Birthday: Did She Enjoy it? by Diana Birchall

Today, Jane Austen’s birthday (her 246th to be exact), it is tempting to reflect on how she spent her birthdays and what she thought of them. This simple question is surprisingly difficult to answer, first because she made little mention of birthdays in either the surviving letters or in her novels; and also because birthdays …

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Your Own Holiday Adventure

It’s the holiday season, dear readers, and what a wonderful time it is. Everyone seems to be a little kinder, a little more patient and more willing to forgive and forget. The lights are brighter, the music is jollier and the books…are more apt to feature a cabin in the woods with snow. How I …

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Dangerous Magic Book 2: Threads of Magic Cover Reveal and Giveaway

Today I’m thrilled to share the cover of my latest book, Threads of Magic. This is Book 2 of Dangerous Magic: A Pride and Prejudice Variation.  It’s been a long time coming, but I can now finally reveal that it will available for pre-order on December 25th! That should be an easy date to remember …

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“Comfort and Joy” Excerpt

With only one week until the release of my holiday novella, “Comfort and Joy,” I wanted to share an excerpt with you to ‘make [your] spirits bright!’ This scene takes place instantly after the last I shared on October 25th. Elizabeth, her young cousins and their friend have finally found shelter in stables they came …

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A little bit more magic, please!

Here’s another sneak peek at my upcoming magical variation on Pride & Prejudice. This scene also takes place while Elizabeth is at Netherfield, and comes just after the last excerpt I posted, but I think you can read it on its own, too. I hope you enjoy it! ~~~ Elizabeth tiptoed out of Jane’s sickroom …

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A little bit of Austenesque Fun!

How about a bit of fun? If you’re like me, this is a crazy time of year, fun but hectic! And being that I like a good crossword puzzle now and then, I thought it might be fun to create one about our dear Jane. Hope you enjoy! With good luck I have done this …

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The Turnspit Dragon

In which the author does a thing. I’ve been doing a retrospective at my site, Random Bits of Fascination on backlist this month and realized I had 29 books to features, but there were 30 days in the month. Well, I could skip Thanksgiving as it’s a holiday and all. But that was too easy, …

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A (Fairly) Comfortable Coze

Hello again! As a small pressie before the holidays, here’s something I prepared earlier 🙂 * * * * * * * * * * * * * “Shall we have our brandy in the library, Mr Bennet?” Darcy asked and his father-in-law readily agreed, their voices ringing almost too loudly, once the boisterous contingent …

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Deck the Shelves Book Sale – Coming Soon!

Greetings, everyone! Now that things are starting to get back to normal (we hope), we at Jane Austen Variations are shaking things up! The annual Deck the Shelves Book Sale, usually at the end of November, has been moved. CHECK US OUT BEGINNING CHRISTMAS DAY! SALES RUNS TO JANUARY 1 — NEW YEAR’S DAY! Stay …

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