When We Were Young – Eliza and Col. Brandon

Although I don’t think anybody’s used it yet, the optional theme for this month is “When We Were Young.” So today I have an excerpt of a young Eliza and Colonel Brandon, taken from Colonel Brandon in His Own Words. In Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen gives us just a teaser about their relationship, so …

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Choose Your Own Adventure

Happy Monday, dear Janeites! I was contemplating upcoming decisions in my life and what I believe would be to the chagrin of my younger self, things have NOT gotten easier since becoming an adult. Luckily, I have our dear Jane to help me escape. I believe we all need a little escape, and often want …

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When Darcy Met Bingley…

When We Were Young? Twenty-six years ago today, when I was a sophomore in college, I went on a date. It was…meh. Not a disaster; I mean, we had ice cream, and we laughed a little, so that’s good, right? But it wasn’t a miracle, you know? This was definitely not love at first date. …

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New Release!

I have a new book out! A Curative Touch is available in Kindle and Kindle Unlimited, paperback coming soon. It’s a short novel of about 210 pages. This is my first book told completely in first person, and it was super fun to write. It starts with Elizabeth’s point of view, but once the Netherfield …

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Interview with Jack Caldwell

Hello everyone! I’m here today with the second in our author interview series, the first being when Christina and I sat down for a chat via Google Docs (it worked for us!). More recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down via Zoom with Jack Caldwell.   Jack published his twelfth book Brother of the …

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Snowbound Reselase Day – Giveaway Winners and New Excerpt

  Good morning, and thank you all ever so much for your amazing support and encouragement over the last couple of weeks! Your wonderful comments kept me going! So, my latest Pride & Prejudice variation is out at last. The Kindle version of Snowbound is already live on Amazon. The paperback version has also been …

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Written in herown hand–Pennamanship in Austen’s Day

Today, when pennmanship is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, and we type notes into our phones rather than write them by hand, we give little thought to handwriting, much less the different ways in which letters might be formed. That was not the case during the days of writing with quill and ink.

An Announcement and an Excerpt from An Endeavour to be Worthy

If you have yet to hear the buzz, Deborah Balm has agreed to narrate An Endeavour to be Worthy! I am excited and hope to have that released by the end of February or the beginning of March depending upon ACX’s turnover time for reviewing the files, so look out for the release post. In …

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Excerpt from A Short Period of Exquisite Felicity–the Thaw!

The theme of the month is The Thaw and it recalled me back to one of my older books, A Short Period of Exquisite Felicity. February of 1814 there was a Frost Fair in London and Darcy and Elizabeth meet there (in my book) and the thaw begins, even if the temperatures were sub-zero! Hope …

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The Truth About Family Audiobook Announcement

I am delighted to announce that the audiobook for The Truth About Family is now available! The wonderful Stevie Zimmerman narrated it, so you know it sounds amazing. You can find it at Audible. To celebrate, I thought I’d share a scene that is not in the book. I have a fair bit of material …

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