Advent Day Eight: Feeling the Love of Christmas

Much is often made of love and joy and peace during the Christmas season. Gifts abound, good deeds are thought of that would never come up at other times of the year, songs are sung, and we all dream of toasty evenings around the fire with a warm mug and our loved ones at hand. …

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Advent Day 7-A Chance Meeting pt 14

As a special treat for Austen Variation readers at Advent, I present the penultimate part of what is now published as “A Most Affectionate Mother.” Part 14 Mrs. Johnstone was waiting in the kitchen with a dry, warm blanket and a large cup of hot broth. Mr. Johnstone set her down in front of the …

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Advent Calendar Day 5: Mr. Darcy’s Enchanting Kisses

My new book Mr. Darcy’s Enchantment came out last week, and what a wild ride it’s been! The reader reactions and enthusiasm have stunned me. It’s every writer’s dream to write a book that totally wows its readers, and this is as close as I’ve ever come. Here are a couple of reader reactions : …

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Advent Calendar Day Four: A Christmas Letter from Lydia Wickham to Elizabeth Darcy (with Annotations by Mr George Wickham)

Merry Christmas! And what is the Christmas season without a kindly word from our nearest and dearest? Today, Catherine Curzon and I bring you a sweet missive from a young couple celebrating their first Christmas together. We hope it warms your heart (but don’t try to drink your tea while you read). -Nicole and Catherine …

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Advent Calendar Day 3: Mr. Collins’s Last Supper (conclusion)

Thank you for opening the third “window” on the Jane Austen Variations advent calendar! Today is the final chapter of my Pride and Prejudice based short story Mr. Collins’s Last Supper – the tongue-in-cheek tale of how that pompous clergyman learned (too late) why gluttony is considered one of the “seven deadly sins.” In case …

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Advent Calendar Day 2: Mr. Collins’s Last Supper (part 2)

Thank you for opening the second “window” on the Jane Austen Variations advent calendar! Today’s prize is part two (of three) of my Pride and Prejudice based short story Mr. Collins’s Last Supper – the tongue-in-cheek tale of how that pompous clergyman learned (too late) why gluttony is considered one of the “seven deadly sins.” …

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December Advent Calendar Begins!

Do you remember the days – before the internet and everything digital – when a simple Advent Calendar added joy and excitement to the weeks leading up to Christmas? Every day you would open up a new window to discover something special inside. Well, we’re doing our own version of that Advent Calendar here at …

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Looking for Mr Darcy’s Cambridge

Earlier this month, Diana Birchall took us with her on a lovely visit to Jane Austen’s school, then Maria Grace gave us detailed and thought-provoking insights into Mr Darcy’s education (you can find the posts by following the links). It’s fascinating and extremely poignant to imagine Mr Darcy’s early school years, and I’d like to …

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The Scandal of George III’s Court

Those of you who know me as the chronicler of Mr Wickham’s further adventures won’t be surprised to know that I love a good scandal, so I’m thrilled to announce that my new non-fiction book, The Scandal of George III’s Court, is available now. Even better, you can snap it up with £4 off by …

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A Chance Meeting pt 12, a book release and a giveaway!

I’m about to launch a book–A Most Affectionate Mother–and it’s your fault!  Ths was supposed to be just a little short story for September, just four shots and moving on. But in true “If you give a mouse a cookie” fashion, you gave and author a comment and it was enough to set a whirlwind …

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