Jane In January: Inspiration pt 4

Perhaps, just perhaps Darcy has been mistaken Thanks to all of your wonderful support and comments, my muse decided to run with this idea and it blossomed into a novella. Official release date is 2/26. I’ll have the preorder up soon! Part 4 Bingley had business in London just after the ball, so he left …

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Jane in January: Finding Inspiration in Random Places

Like most authors, inspiration comes to me anywhere, anytime, and from anything. Sometimes I’ll randomly think of a line and quickly jot it down, with the plans on using it someday. Sometimes a What If? kind of scenario enters my mind and the beginnings of what could be a book are formed. With my retellings, …

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The Cajun Cheesehead Ranks Jane Austen’s Villains

The Cajun Cheesehead Chronicles by Jack Caldwell Jane Austen’s Villains – A Ranking Greetings, everyone. Jack Caldwell here. Jane Austen created some wonderful heroes and heroines—Elizabeth & Darcy, Marianne & Brandon, Anne & Wentworth, among others—but to truly appreciate these characters, she also gifted the reader many memorable villains. Unfortunately, IMHO, the otherwise excellent teleplays …

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The Darcys and Lord Byron in Venice, Part 8

“I am beyond apologizing for my family,” Elizabeth sighed, as she and her husband entered their salon at the Palazzo Mocenigo and settled themselves on a richly tapestried sofa. The servants had been ordered to bring them a light meal, before they sought their beds, quite exhausted, for it was past midnight when they returned …

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Jane In January: Inspiration pt 3

He meets his muse in the ballroom, but is he satisfied with the result? Congratulations to Megan and Linda A, winners of my giveaway. The giveaway is now closed. Part 3 The ensuing fortnight sent Darcy—or rather his muse, into a frenzy. In the midst of it all, he frequently told himself he was in …

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Jane in January: Another New Beginning

Greetings! Are you enjoying our current Jane in January series, as we talk about story inspirations? Earlier this month, I shared how most stories sneak up on me as a single scene. Something I did not mention is that most of them take a long time to marinate (at least for me). Today I bring …

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Jane in January – Setting as Inspiration

We’re all talking about inspiration this month at Austen Variations.  Or anti-inspiration, as the case may be. The inspiration for my books is usually a vivid idea for an emotionally intense scene. My next book is the exception. It started with a setting, or rather an anti-setting. You’ve heard of invasive species. Well, I’ve been …

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Jane in January – My Inspiration

My Inspiration Many of us have been writing about where our inspiration comes from, and as I thought about it, I came up with 3 areas where many of my book ideas came from. Those are: 1) reading a scene from Jane Austen’s novel (Pride and Prejudice, for the most part) and asking, ‘what if …

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Jane In January: Inspiration pt 2

A muse’s favor comes, but at what price? Congratulations to Megan and Linda A, winners of my giveaway. The giveaway is now closed. Part 2 Nearly a month passed with Darcy scarcely leaving his guest chambers at Netherfield. Canvasses, finished, partially finished, and barely started littered every available space. His sketchbook lay open on the …

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Jane in January: Daydreams and a Prologue

Where does our inspiration come from? Such an intriguing theme to start the New Year with! I loved the previous posts and I’m looking forward to the ones to follow. I hope you’ll enjoy them all and thanks for joining me today to chat about the things, big and small, that inspire me in my …

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