This is the most Ukrainian of our Ukrainian wedding photos. I call it The Valentine’s Card One.
Most of you know I am an honorary Ukrainian. I lived in Ukraine, worked in Ukraine, and got married in a big, fat, Ukrainian wedding. (It was super fun – that’s another post.)
Ukrainians celebrate New Year twice. The first time is Dec. 31st and Jan 1st, only it is more like Christmas. It is a New Year Tree and you give and receive New Year Gifts. (I got a hydroponic garden for New Year – squee!)
The second time is Jan 13th and Jan 14th, New Year in the Julian Calendar – fondly called Old New Year.
In the southern and eastern parts of Ukraine, this is celebrated in a low key way, with an emphasis on good food (I’m making borscht and homemade bread) and reminiscing. We sit around the table and talk about the last year – who we lost, what we gained, goals we achieved and stupid mistakes we made. It is sad and sweet and poignant and funny. There is plenty of toasting and eating and drinking (of course). We toast the family members who aren’t with us and raise a glass to the memories.

Bye bye, huge house with the gorgeous kitchen.

Hello, 120-year-old New Project!f
For my family, 2020 was an interesting year – even without a quarantine. At the end of February, we moved from Nashville, TN to Baltimore, MD.
My Ukrainian (aka The Man) got a new job up here and moved in August of 2019. I stayed behind in Nashville with the kids to sell the house and wrap everything up. It was the cherry on top of an already super hectic year. I looked forward to 2020 – learning a new place, meeting new people, decorating a new house – and I was so glad to see the back of 2019…
Clearly, fate had other things in store.
With The Man working from home and three kids doing virtual school, it’s been hectic and we’ve had to get creative in a lot of ways. But a lot has been achieved in the last 12 months despite the setbacks and general craziness.
My mostly epistolary modern novel, Ship to Shore, was released last January. I started it in 2012 and set it down for a long time, so it was a BIG relief to get it off my mind and my hard drive. It’s also where you will find the short story I posted here last winter, Swap Meet.
Over the summer, Green Card, my first modern book and my baby, was recorded in audio by the fabulous Elizabeth Grace. It is hands down the best audio book performance I have EVER heard. It’s like a one-woman show and I promise her voice goes so low you’ll think she’s a man. It psyched me out more than once.
After that wonderful experience, Grace recorded Ship to Shore as well. TWO audio books in one summer!
THEN, Thanksgiving weekend, I released my regency novel Sons of Pemberley. It’s a family saga that explores the Darcy family in depth, and I am a little bit in love with it. AND Elizabeth Grace has just finished narrating the audio book! Expect it later this winter.
Overall, though it has not been without its drama and chaos, 2020 was a pretty productive year. Here’s to 2021! May the Muse be with us and the books be plentiful! Snovom Godom!
Sons of Pemberley Description:
What if Lady Anne Darcy was alive to meet Elizabeth Bennet?
A sweeping tale of tragedy, devotion, and betrayal—spanning over 25 years and two generations—this family saga explores the life Fitzwilliam Darcy would have had if his mother had not died young.
An up-close view of the Darcys’ marriage and Fitzwilliam’s childhood … a retelling of the circumstances that shaped the man we have come to love … a reimagining of the friendships and relationships that formed each iconic character … a tale of love, loss, heartbreak, and triumph—this is Sons of Pemberley.
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Elizabeth, I loved Green Card, Ship to Shore and Sons of Pemberly!!! You are my newest favoritest writer!
Haha! That’s wonderful! I’m very glad to hear it!
I love all your books (although I think Green Card would be my favourite, Valhalla and all that 😉)
I’m amazed you managed to get all that done and deal with the virus!
Love your wedding photo, love your old kitchen 😳. Love your house and hope you manage to get it how you want it sooner rather than later.
Good luck for this year. Take care and stay safe 😘
Thank you, Glynis! It was one of those years where I felt like I wasn’t really getting anything done, but when I look back, I did a lot more than I thought. 🙂
And I’m glad Green Card is your favorite. It’s mine, too! Who doesn’t want to go to Valhalla?!?!
I have to laugh at what you call your husband, because that’s what I call mine! That’s how I have him listed in my phone, even!
Congratulations on surviving a hectic year in style!
Haha! Great minds think alike!
Congrats and sympathy on the move. We have lived in the same house for over 20 years now, and I cannot imagine having to start sifting through everything we have accumulated. I planned to pretend we’re moving so that I can reduce the clutter when my work situation changed in March 2020, but then, well, you know. It’s tough to haul stuff away, sell it, donate it, etc. Oh well, at least there is a lot of great JAFF to read. Happy New Year (both times)!
I know the feeling! We had only lived in our old house 3 and 1/2 years, but cleaning it all out and getting ready for the move was such a drudgery. And don’t get me started on the move itself! 😬😳
This house is coming along, but the other house was bigger with larger scale rooms, so I feel like all my furniture is too big. *sigh*
“Hello, 120-year-old New Project!” – but look at that awesome porch!
The porch is one of my favorite things about this house. It needs to be repainted, as does the entire exterior, but I have to choose a color first!
What a fun and lovely photo! Yes, that old kitchen is gorgeous but I do so love a project, so moving into that adorable ‘old’ house may be challenging but rewarding. I just received my January book order and ‘Sons of Pemberley’ is one of them. I will not be bored this winter! Have fun and thank you for the fun zooming this past weekend. I lost connection at the end so missed the final 1.5-2 hours. Stay safe!
Thank you! I hop you like Sons of Pemberley! It has quickly taken its place as my favorite regency. I feel like it’s rather different in focus from my other books.
Sounds like you missed the game on Sunday. That’s too bad! We had a lot of fun. We’ll be playing another game in February, I think.
Congratulations on all your accomplishments. Super achiever! Loved your latest release. I also enjoyed the audio version of Green Card, which remains an all-time favourite in both versions (audio and book). That kitchen though! 😍. I undertook a major renovation to my beach home in 2017. The end result was well worth all the work. All the best in 2021!
Thanks! I’m so glad you liked Sons of Pemberley! And Green Card will always be one of my favorites – I just love those characters so much.
Are we connected on Facebook? I’d love to see your beach house renovations!
Bless your heart. That is a lot for 2019 and 2020. That was some kitchen you left behind. However, what a beautiful house in MD. I hope when you said ‘project’ that there isn’t a whole lot to do to remodel. At least you all were together and you weren’t stranded in Nashville during the pandemic with your husband in MD. Man, that would have been bad. Blessings on all your hard work and I look forward to reading Sons of Pemberley [on my wish-list]. Stay safe and healthy.
Yes, I am glad we are all together now. Though to be fair, our house in TN was HUGE and perfect for a quarantine, so it would not have been the worst thing in the world for him to work remotely from there. Though TN is in really bad shape sickness-wise.
Did I hear a “To be continued” on the end of the audiobook for Ship to Shore?
(I HOPE SO!) Green Card is my absolute favorite audiobook.
You did! I am working on the sequel right now! I’m thrilled you loved Green Card. The audio is superb on that one.
Green Card is a favorite of mine. Love the porch on the new house. Loved the big, spacious kitchen in your old house. You got a lot accomplished. I enjoyed hearing you talk in the JAFF in January.
Thanks! Those events are so fun to do. I’m glad you enjoyed it! And the porch. 🙂
Happy New Year!
Welcome to the Baltimore area! Guess that makes us neighbors. I’m in Harford Co.
Oh that’s not far at all! I’m on the west side of Baltimore county. There are a few other Janeites in this area. We should all get together for tea or something when it’s safe. 🙂
I have read, I believe, all your stories except Ship to Shore. I have enjoyed them. The photos are lovely. Best wishes for happiness in your new home.