Dear readers, I am not a writer. I am George Wickham; soldier, husband, occasional rogue, perhaps, but certainly not a man of letters, poetry or words. Today, however, in honour of the estimable Miss Austen, it is my pleasure to be able to offer you the opportunity to win a book, free without charge, in return for a moment of your time. Simply leave a comment sharing your favourite scandal from history (fact or fiction) to win a copy of The Crown Spire, a tale of highwaymen, intrigue and 18th century Edinburgh!
As you may already be aware, my estimable editor, Catherine Curzon, is compiling my memoirs and papers and sharing them here with you. Below she has transcribed a letter to an unknown recipient concerning a little racing intrigue that I recalled after making a most fortunate bet of my own.
Letter to an Unknown Friend
Newmarket, 18th August 1820
Dear fellow
Let us raise a glass to victory, to horses and jockeys and convenient falls in the final turn! Where would we be without them? Naturally, thanks to the coin in my pocket as a result of that unexpected turn on the track, some will be pointing the finger and saying, ‘Ah, that George Wickham, he sups with a jockey and that same jockey pulls up in the last’, but let them make such accusations to my face, and see if I don’t laugh at the very idea of such intrigues!
Can a man not enjoy a glass or three of brandy with a rider without being accused of bribery and criminality? I would be offended were it not so ludicrous; my good character speaks for me, after all.
As an innocent bystander who just happened to have secured some excellent odds, one is reminded of the tale of Chifney when I was naught but an infant in my mother’s arms, do you recall that sorry story?
Riding for the Prince of Wales, thundering at a gallop and bringing Escape out as favourite to dominate Newmarket and what happened? Last! Last, and a favourite to boot?
Well, we all know what became of Chifney, poor fellow, but let us hope that our own jockey shall face a happier fate. I know that I shall, for tomorrow Mrs Wickham and I depart for London to spend my honestly gotten winnings at the racetrack.
Perhaps we shall be fortunate enough to see you there. I owe you a debt for the nod on that horse, after all. After all, how else would I have known that brandy was such a boon to some horsemen?
My thanks to you once more!
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I am a HUGE fan of anything Tudor, and my favorite is Henry VIII and his six wives. So I would have to say that my favourite scandal in history is when Anne Boleyn was beheaded for being unfaithful to the King. I don’t think she did any of the things they accused her of, but what happened to her affected not only her family (including her cousin Katherine Howard), but also the ability of Henry to find new wives (as in one telling him “I would if I had 2 heads”). Besides that scandal I would say my other favourite scandal is the Marie Antoinette diamond necklace scandal. She was a very interesting queen to me as well. In my opinion what Wickham did was nothing compared to being beheaded for things that most likely didn’t even happen. But thanks, love Wickham as a character
Happily, I still have my head; I think I look all the better for it!
Mr. Wickham, Methinks you doth protest too much! You know you could put some of that money aside in the 3 percents…
As for scandals, I’m sure you are aware of the many indiscretions of the Prince Regent. Mrs. Fitzherbert comes prominently to mind!
Of course, I am far too gentlemanly to comment on such matters as Mrs Fitzherbert and her many, many, MANY contemporaries.
Madam, it is my pleasure to inform you that you have won an ebook copy of The Crown Spire by my esteemed editor, Mrs Catherine Curzon. Do contact her via her Facebook page at to arrange safe delivery!
My favorite scandal is the love affair between Lord Bryan and Lord Melbourne’s wife Lady Caroline.
Ah, such a wonderful tale!
I must agree with Erika. Tudors! So much scandal there. Thank you Wickham for the giveaway, although we all know giveaway goes against your very nature. Fortunate for us, you have generous people around you. I look forward to reading.
Indeed, one is lucky to have such generous friends, as my dear Mrs Wickham’s bonnet collection will attest!
Have I found herein my soulmate? Ahhhh I think mayhap I have! Thanks Becky!
A happy ending!
I also would choose Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. I have always been interested in them and have read multiple books, both nonfiction and fiction, watched many of the movies and am a fan of the show The Tudors.
A classic scandal, brava!
As we are about 24 hours away from a new president of the United States, I’m reminded of a political scandal of the highest order…Watergate. Break ins, cover ups, deep cover witnesses, and the fall of an American President. A horse race is one thing George, but the fall of a world leader is scandal indeed!
Indeed; a scandal that shaped a nation!
How about scandals from the world of sports?
I give you:
Shoeless Joe Jackson
Tonya Harding!
Not people George would know, but someone who was bribed to lose and
someone determined to win no matter what!
Shoeless, you say? A charity case indeed!
At the moment, I cannot think of any scandals that have not already been mentioned. Mayhap a glass of brandy would help me remember…
How about Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson?
A glass of brandy can help in most matters, I find!
The Papal Schism is my favorite, if that counts as scandal. Three popes is an awful lot of popes.
It is indeed a most generous helping of popes.
I have oftened wondered if Edward VIII regretted giving up the throne “for the woman he loved”. I think he did but had no choice because Wallis was just too powerful of an influence over him. Even your scandal with Lydia Bennett, George, could not top this one! Thank you for the giveaway.
My scandal was relatively minor in comparison, I suspect!
My favorites are mostly financial or medical. Sadly, those affected lost much with no certainty of recovery. Surely Bernie Madoff and his non-investment of investor funds, some of whic were invested by charities, was entirely reprehensible. I don’t recall the name of the pharmacist who diluted cancer treatments so he could charge for full treatments while selling percentages. Sadly many of the innocents here actually died.
That is an outrage indeed.
Hmm, Mr. Wickham, I wonder. Was that glass or three of brandy you partook of with the jockey just as innocent as a certrain trip to Ramsgate the year before you acquired your leg shackle?
As to other scandals, I too am fascinated by the abdication of Edward VIII, so that he could marry Wallis Simpson, especially have seen these events surrounding it depicted in The King’s Speech and more recently The Crown. One wonders how he would have been seen by history if he’d remained King, especially during the trials we suffered during WWII, when his brother, as George VI, and his Queen Consort were seen as a source of inspiration for the general populace. If he hadn’t abdicated and not been allowed to marry “the woman he loved”, would he have married someone else? If he HAD been allowed to marry Wallis AND remain as King, our current Queen would still have become Queen eventually, assuming that no heir was born (the Duke and Duchess of Windsor remained childless). It would just have happened twenty years later.
P.S. I already have a copy of Cetherine’s book, so please don’t put my name in the hat for the giveaway.
Ah, The Crown! I understand that a thespian gentleman whose name is often associated with my own might be making an appearance in a future instalment.
If that’s the gentleman I think you mean, I shall be attending an event in which he features very soon and which I’m very much looking forward too.. I shall certainly be looking for his prescence in The Crown when next it appears on television (are you aware what that is, Mr. W?) and am very curious as to who he will be portraying.
Television is a mystery to me, I must confess; I believe he is portraying a naval gent, though my esteemed editor would likely be able to tell you far more than I!
My favorite scandal,is fiction from the middle ages. That of Sir Lancelot and Kung Arthur’s Gueneviere which ultimately caused the ruin of the round table and the death of Kung Arthur.
A classical scandal to be sure!
Oh, there are too many scandals in this world to name even half of the worst, so I’ll just answer that almost anything political contains some scandal! Not that our current President of The United States of America was my first choice, but since he was fairly and legally elected, I consider the rubbish that continues happening around the White House, and the way some people are trying to tear this Nation apart, rather than allow peace and progression is extremely scandalous! As well as rude, selfish, and very dangerous!
Politicians are a font of scandal, it’s true; they make even the most rakish fellow look like a gentleman!
My hearty congratulations to Carole in Canada, whose name I plucked from my well-filled saddlebag. You have won an ebook copy of The Crown Spire by my esteemed editor, Mrs Catherine Curzon, who asked that you contact her via her Facebook page at to arrange safe delivery!