Presenting the check to Jane Austen House Museum. Jane Odiwe, Monica Fairview, Martyn Dell, Abigail Reynolds, Susan Mason Milks, Leslie Diamond, Maria Grace
The high point of Jane Austen Regency Week was definitely getting to present the fundraising check from our group project: Pride and Prejudice 200: The Scenes Jane Austen Never Wrote to the Jane Austen House Museum. We’d been waiting for this day since the authors first agreed to donate all the royalties to JAHM! The charming Martyn Dell, chair of the Board of Trustees, was bowled over to discover the check was for over $9000, but it was our way of giving something back to Jane Austen’s legacy that has given us all so much. The check was given inside a lovely card with the names of the authors who contributed to the book. We wish we could have included all the readers who made the contribution possible by buying the book!
The original edition of book is out of print now, marking a bittersweet end to this phase of the project. But never fear we have plans to continue. A new version will be released later this year and we will continue in our goal of giving back to Jane Austen’s legacy. Stay tuned for more news about this new project!

Having tea in Jane Austen’s kitchen. Abigail Reynolds, Maria Grace, Susan Mason Milks, Monica Fairview

In the library at Jane Austen’s house, with our books. Leslie Diamond, Susan Mason Milks, Abigail Reynolds, Maria Grace, Jane Odiwe

Jane Austen Variations authors together at Jane Austen’s House! Monica Fairview, Jane Odiwe, Susan Mason-Milks, Leslie Diamond, Abigail Reynolds, Maria Grace
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Fabulous! I am so proud of all of you. You share your talents with us everyday, and then you support the legacy of the woman who made it all possible. Each and every one of you deserves a standing ovation and a big BRAVO!!! Looking forward to what the next surprise holds in store.
I wish to ditto Rae’s comments above! Awesome, absolutely awesome!!!!!!!!!!’
This was wonderful for the Austen authors to give back to Jane in such a meaningful way. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your adventures, and seeing the wonderful pictures. Thanks so much for sharing with us. I am looking forward to the new book very much as well as all the individual books. I also wanted to add how much I have enjoyed your series on the balls. I never realized just how exhausting that could be. I’m sure it was a lot of fun for everyone, but a lot of work went into the big event as well. It was just fascinating, and I learned a great deal from it. The pictures and videos were also amazing and fun to see. Thanks, Maria. We love our Austen authors. You have given us all more than we ever thought possible.
Thanks so much, Mari! I’m glad you enjoyed that series.
We have the most wonderful readers! Can’t imagine doing any of this without the amazing support and encouragement we get from all of you!
It was such an exciting day! It was a real thrill to feel as if we as authors were making a difference in preserving Jane Austen’s Chawton home.
I’m thrilled we were able to make this contribution to the JAHM! I’d also like to thank all the readers who bought a copy of the book which generated the royalties that made this donation possible. It was truly a memorable evening!
What a great gesture! Thank you, Austen Variations authors for doing that! I’m doubly pleased now that I bought a copy of the book!
How wonderful to have the opportunity to present the check in person. I am so glad I have the opportunity to see the pictures and am looking forward to seeing what you ladies are up to next.
It was pretty special to be there and see the look of Martyn Dell’s face. The check was a lot larger than he expected, by nearly 4 times!
4x more than he ecpected is wonderful!
So glad I have my copy of the first edition and am enjoying the new scenes. Great to hear how much your generosity added up to for a very good cause.