JAFF Bonanza-Free Books!!!


Hello, Janeites!

June 28th, 2024 is a date that will go down in the history of JAFF readers!



Our very own Elizabeth Adams, Nicole Clarkston, Amy D’ Orazio, L.L. Diamond, Monica Fairview, Maria

Grace, Alix James, Lucy Marin, Abigail Reynolds, and Anngela Schroeder have teamed up with numerous

additional authors to to bring you a Jane Austen Fan Fiction Bonanza!

Use the link below or the QR code to download 60 FREE books to feed your Kindle!

Make Haste!  This event is only good today, June 28th!

Happy reading!




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    • Luisa on June 28, 2024 at 9:58 am
    • Reply

    Thank you to all the authors who have so generously contributed to this AMAZING event! Enjoy the summer—I will be immersed in your wonderful books.

    • Satu on June 28, 2024 at 1:19 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you to all you wonderful authors!!! I already owned most of the books (yes, talk about addiction to JAFF) and downloaded the ones I didn’t have. Unfortunately, there was one (Hunter Quinn The Predisposition of Miss Elizabeth Bennet) that I couldn’t download as the UK site, which had it for free, guided me to the US Amazon site where the Kindle version was not free but cost $6.59. With the rest of those I didn’t already have, everything worked perfectly. Thank you again, I’ll spend my vacation reading.

    • TC on June 28, 2024 at 5:34 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you all so much for your generosity! I owned some of these but have read a lot more on KU, and I was very excited to get to own them to re-read. I also found a few new books to try. You are wonderful!

    • Melanie Rice on June 28, 2024 at 10:56 pm
    • Reply

    I am not getting a place to download the books… can you please help me? Thank you ! <3

    • PatriciaH on June 30, 2024 at 10:24 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you !!

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